当前位置:Gxlcms > mysql > 倒排索引构建算法BSBI和SPIMI


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:37人阅读

算法介绍 在信息搜索领域,构建索引一直是是一种非常有效的方式,但是当搜索引擎面对的是海量数据的时候,你如果要从茫茫人海的数据中去找出数据,显然这不是一个很好的办法。于是倒排索引这个概念就被提了出来。再说倒排索引概念之前,先要理解一下,一般的





Doc1:Mike spoken English Frequently at home.And he can write English every day.

Doc2::Mike plays football very well.


Doc1:Mike spoken English home.write English.

Doc2:Mike play football.

下面进行索引的倒排构建,因为Mike出现在文档1和文档2 中,所以Mike:{1, 2}后面的词的构造同样的道理。最后的关系就会构成词对应于索引位置的映射关系。理解了这个过程之后呢,可以介绍一下本文主要要说的BSBI(基于磁盘的外部排序构建索引)和SPIMI(内存单遍扫描构建索引)算法了,一般来说,后者比前者常用。



















Mike studyed English hardly yesterday
He got the 100 at the last exam
He thinks English is very interesting


Mike studyed English hardly yesterday
He got the 100 at the last exam
He thinks English is very interesting

package InvertedIndex;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * 文档预处理工具类
 * @author lyq
public class PreTreatTool {
	// 一些无具体意义的过滤词
	public static String[] FILTER_WORDS = new String[] { "at", "At", "The",
			"the", "is", "very" };

	// 批量文档的文件地址
	private ArrayList docFilePaths;
输出的有效词的存放路径 private ArrayList effectWordPaths; public PreTreatTool(ArrayList docFilePaths) { this.docFilePaths = docFilePaths; } /** * 获取文档有效词文件路径 * * @return */ public ArrayList getEFWPaths() { return this.effectWordPaths; } /** * 从文件中读取数据 * * @param filePath * 单个文件 */ private ArrayList readDataFile(String filePath) { File file = new File(filePath); ArrayList dataArray = new ArrayList(); ArrayList words = new ArrayList<>(); try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String str; String[] tempArray; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { tempArray = str.split(" "); dataArray.add(tempArray); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.getStackTrace(); } // 将每行词做拆分加入到总列表容器中 for (String[] array : dataArray) { for (String word : array) { words.add(word); } } return words; } /** * 对文档内容词汇进行预处理 */ public void preTreatWords() { String baseOutputPath = ""; int endPos = 0; ArrayList tempWords = null; effectWordPaths = new ArrayList<>(); for (String filePath : docFilePaths) { tempWords = readDataFile(filePath); filterWords(tempWords, true); // 重新组装出新的输出路径 endPos = filePath.lastIndexOf("."); baseOutputPath = filePath.substring(0, endPos); writeOutOperation(tempWords, baseOutputPath + "-efword.txt"); effectWordPaths.add(baseOutputPath + "-efword.txt"); } } /** * * 对文档中的词语进行过滤操作 * * @param words * 待处理文档词语 * @param canRepeated * 有效词是否可以重复 */ private void filterWords(ArrayList words, boolean canRepeated) { boolean isFilterWord; // 做形容词匹配 Pattern adjPattern; // 做动词时态的匹配 Pattern formerPattern; // 数字匹配 Pattern numberPattern; Matcher adjMatcher; Matcher formerMatcher; Matcher numberMatcher; ArrayList deleteWords = new ArrayList<>(); adjPattern = Pattern.compile(".*(ly$|ful$|ing$)"); formerPattern = Pattern.compile(".*ed$"); numberPattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?"); String w; for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { w = words.get(i); isFilterWord = false; for (String fw : FILTER_WORDS) { if (fw.equals(w)) { deleteWords.add(w); isFilterWord = true; break; } } if (isFilterWord) { continue; } adjMatcher = adjPattern.matcher(w); formerMatcher = formerPattern.matcher(w); numberMatcher = numberPattern.matcher(w); // 将词语统一小写字母化 w = w.toLowerCase(); // 如果是形容词,副词形式的或是纯数字的词,则进行过滤 if (adjMatcher.matches() || numberMatcher.matches()) { deleteWords.add(w); } else if (formerMatcher.matches()) { // 如果是ed结尾表明是动词的在时态方面的变化,进行变化,转为原有动词的形式,截去最末尾2个额外添加的后缀词 w = w.substring(0, w.length() - 2); } words.set(i, w); } // 进行无效词的过滤 words.removeAll(deleteWords); deleteWords.clear(); String s1; String s2; // 进行词语的去重 for (int i = 0; i < words.size() - 1; i++) { s1 = words.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < words.size(); j++) { s2 = words.get(j); // 找到存在相同的词了,就挑出循环 if (s1.equals(s2)) { deleteWords.add(s1); break; } } } // 删除多余重复的词语 words.removeAll(deleteWords); words.addAll(deleteWords); } /** * 将数据写出到磁盘文件操作,如果文件已经存在,则在文件尾部进行内容追加 * * @param buffer * 当前写缓冲中的数据 * @param filePath * 输出地址 */ private void writeOutOperation(ArrayList buffer, String filePath) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // 将缓冲中的数据组成字符写入到文件中 for (String word : buffer) { strBuilder.append(word); strBuilder.append("\n"); } try { File file = new File(filePath); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); ps.print(strBuilder.toString());// 往文件里写入字符串 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } 文档类Document.java:

package InvertedIndex;

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * 文档类
 * @author lyq
public class Document {
	int docId;
	String filePath;
	ArrayList effectWords;
	public Document(ArrayList effectWords, String filePath){
		this.effectWords = effectWords;
		this.filePath = filePath;
	public Document(ArrayList effectWords, String filePath, int docId){
		this(effectWords, filePath);
		this.docId = docId;

package InvertedIndex;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * BSBI基于磁盘的外部排序算法
 * @author lyq
public class BSBITool {
	// 文档唯一标识ID
	public static int DOC_ID = 0;

	// 读缓冲区的大小
	private int readBufferSize;
	// 写缓冲区的大小
	private int writeBufferSize;
	// 读入的文档的有效词文件地址
	private ArrayList effectiveWordFiles;
	// 倒排索引
输出文件地址 private String outputFilePath; // 读缓冲 1 private String[][] readBuffer1; // 读缓冲2 private String[][] readBuffer2; // 写缓冲区 private String[][] writeBuffer; // 有效词与hashcode的映射 private Map code2word; public BSBITool(ArrayList effectiveWordFiles, int readBufferSize, int writeBufferSize) { this.effectiveWordFiles = effectiveWordFiles; this.readBufferSize = readBufferSize; this.writeBufferSize = writeBufferSize; initBuffers(); } /** * 初始化缓冲区的设置 */ private void initBuffers() { readBuffer1 = new String[readBufferSize][2]; readBuffer2 = new String[readBufferSize][2]; writeBuffer = new String[writeBufferSize][2]; } /** * 从文件中读取有效词并进行编码替换 * * @param filePath * 返回文档 */ private Document readEffectWords(String filePath) { long hashcode = 0; String w; Document document; code2word = new HashMap(); ArrayList words; words = readDataFile(filePath); for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { w = words.get(i); hashcode = BKDRHash(w); hashcode = hashcode % 10000; // 将有效词的hashcode取模值作为对应的代表 code2word.put(hashcode + "", w); w = hashcode + ""; words.set(i, w); } document = new Document(words, filePath, DOC_ID); DOC_ID++; return document; } /** * 将字符做哈希值的转换 * * @param str * 待转换字符 * @return */ private long BKDRHash(String str) { int seed = 31; /* 31 131 1313 13131 131313 etc.. */ long hash = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { hash = (hash * seed) + (str.charAt(i)); } return hash; } /** * 根据输入的有效词输出倒排索引文件 */ public void outputInvertedFiles() { int index = 0; String baseFilePath = ""; outputFilePath = ""; Document doc; ArrayList tempPaths; ArrayList invertedData1; ArrayList invertedData2; tempPaths = new ArrayList<>(); for (String filePath : effectiveWordFiles) { doc = readEffectWords(filePath); writeOutFile(doc); index = doc.filePath.lastIndexOf("."); baseFilePath = doc.filePath.substring(0, index); writeOutOperation(writeBuffer, baseFilePath + "-temp.txt"); tempPaths.add(baseFilePath + "-temp.txt"); } outputFilePath = baseFilePath + "-bsbi-inverted.txt"; // 将中间产生的倒排索引数据进行总的合并并输出到一个文件中 for (int i = 1; i < tempPaths.size(); i++) { if (i == 1) { invertedData1 = readInvertedFile(tempPaths.get(0)); } else { invertedData1 = readInvertedFile(outputFilePath); } invertedData2 = readInvertedFile(tempPaths.get(i)); mergeInvertedData(invertedData1, invertedData2, false, outputFilePath); writeOutOperation(writeBuffer, outputFilePath, false); } } /** * 将文档的最终的倒排索引结果写出到文件 * * @param doc * 待处理文档 */ private void writeOutFile(Document doc) { // 在读缓冲区中是否需要再排序 boolean ifSort = true; int index = 0; String baseFilePath; String[] temp; ArrayList tempWords = (ArrayList) doc.effectWords .clone(); ArrayList invertedData1; ArrayList invertedData2; invertedData1 = new ArrayList<>(); invertedData2 = new ArrayList<>(); // 将文档的数据平均拆分成2份,用于读入后面的2个缓冲区中 for (int i = 0; i < tempWords.size() / 2; i++) { temp = new String[2]; temp[0] = tempWords.get(i); temp[1] = doc.docId + ""; invertedData1.add(temp); temp = new String[2]; temp[0] = tempWords.get(i + tempWords.size() / 2); temp[1] = doc.docId + ""; invertedData2.add(temp); } // 如果是奇数个,则将最后一个补入 if (tempWords.size() % 2 == 1) { temp = new String[2]; temp[0] = tempWords.get(tempWords.size() - 1); temp[1] = doc.docId + ""; invertedData2.add(temp); } index = doc.filePath.lastIndexOf("."); baseFilePath = doc.filePath.substring(0, index); mergeInvertedData(invertedData1, invertedData2, ifSort, baseFilePath + "-temp.txt"); } /** * 合并读缓冲区数据写到写缓冲区中,用到了归并排序算法 * * @param outputPath * 写缓冲区的写出的路径 */ private void mergeWordBuffers(String outputPath) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; // 写缓冲区下标 int writeIndex = 0; while (readBuffer1[i][0] != null && readBuffer2[j][0] != null) { num1 = Integer.parseInt(readBuffer1[i][0]); num2 = Integer.parseInt(readBuffer2[j][0]); // 如果缓冲1小,则优先存缓冲1到写缓冲区中 if (num1 < num2) { writeBuffer[writeIndex][0] = num1 + ""; writeBuffer[writeIndex][1] = readBuffer1[i][1]; i++; } else if (num2 < num1) { writeBuffer[writeIndex][0] = num2 + ""; writeBuffer[writeIndex][1] = readBuffer1[j][1]; j++; } else if (num1 == num2) { // 如果两个缓冲区中的数字一样,说明是同个有效词,先进行合并再写入 writeBuffer[writeIndex][0] = num1 + ""; writeBuffer[writeIndex][1] = readBuffer1[i][1] + ":" + readBuffer2[j][1]; i++; j++; } // 写的指针往后挪一位 writeIndex++; // 如果写满写缓冲区时,进行写出到文件操作 if (writeIndex >= writeBufferSize) { writeOutOperation(writeBuffer, outputPath); writeIndex = 0; } } if (readBuffer1[i][0] == null) { writeRemainReadBuffer(readBuffer2, j, outputPath); } if (readBuffer2[j][0] == null) { writeRemainReadBuffer(readBuffer1, j, outputPath); } } /** * 将数据写出到磁盘文件操作,如果文件已经存在,则在文件尾部进行内容追加 * * @param buffer * 当前写缓冲中的数据 * @param filePath * 输出地址 */ private void writeOutOperation(String[][] buffer, String filePath) { String word; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // 将缓冲中的数据组成字符写入到文件中 for (String[] array : buffer) { if (array[0] == null) { continue; } word = array[0]; strBuilder.append(word); strBuilder.append(" "); strBuilder.append(array[1]); strBuilder.append("\n"); } try { File file = new File(filePath); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); ps.print(strBuilder.toString());// 往文件里写入字符串 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 将数据写出到磁盘文件操作,如果文件已经存在,则在文件尾部进行内容追加 * * @param buffer * 当前写缓冲中的数据 * @param filePath * 输出地址 * @param isCoded * 是否以编码的方式输出 */ private void writeOutOperation(String[][] buffer, String filePath, boolean isCoded) { String word; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // 将缓冲中的数据组成字符写入到文件中 for (String[] array : buffer) { if (array[0] == null) { continue; } if(!isCoded){ word = code2word.get(array[0]); }else{ word = array[0]; } strBuilder.append(word); strBuilder.append(" "); strBuilder.append(array[1]); strBuilder.append("\n"); } try { File file = new File(filePath); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); ps.print(strBuilder.toString());// 往文件里写入字符串 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 将剩余的读缓冲区中的数据读入写缓冲区中 * * @param remainBuffer * 读缓冲区的剩余缓冲 * @param currentReadPos * 当前的读取位置 * @param outputPath * 写缓冲区的写出文件路径 */ private void writeRemainReadBuffer(String[][] remainBuffer, int currentReadPos, String outputPath) { while (remainBuffer[currentReadPos][0] != null && currentReadPos < readBufferSize) { removeRBToWB(remainBuffer[currentReadPos]); currentReadPos++; // 如果写满写缓冲区时,进行写出到文件操作 if (writeBuffer[writeBufferSize - 1][0] != null) { writeOutOperation(writeBuffer, outputPath); } } } /** * 将剩余读缓冲区中的数据通过插入排序的方式插入写缓冲区 * * @param record */ private void removeRBToWB(String[] record) { int insertIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; long num1; long num2; long code = Long.parseLong(record[0]); // 如果写缓冲区目前为空,则直接加入 if (writeBuffer[0][0] == null) { writeBuffer[0] = record; return; } // 寻找待插入的位置 for (int i = 0; i < writeBufferSize - 1; i++) { if (writeBuffer[i][0] == null) { endIndex = i; break; } num1 = Long.parseLong(writeBuffer[i][0]); if (writeBuffer[i + 1][0] == null) { if (code > num1) { endIndex = i + 1; insertIndex = i + 1; } } else { num2 = Long.parseLong(writeBuffer[i + 1][0]); if (code > num1 && code < num2) { insertIndex = i + 1; } } } // 进行插入操作,相关数据进行位置迁移 for (int i = endIndex; i > insertIndex; i--) { writeBuffer[i] = writeBuffer[i - 1]; } writeBuffer[insertIndex] = record; } /** * 将磁盘中的2个倒排索引数据进行合并 * * @param invertedData1 * 倒排索引为文件数据1 * @param invertedData2 * 倒排索引文件数据2 * @param isSort * 是否需要对缓冲区中的数据进行排序 * @param outputPath * 倒排索引输出文件地址 */ private void mergeInvertedData(ArrayList invertedData1, ArrayList invertedData2, boolean ifSort, String outputPath) { int rIndex1 = 0; int rIndex2 = 0; // 重新初始化缓冲区 initBuffers(); while (invertedData1.size() > 0 && invertedData2.size() > 0) { readBuffer1[rIndex1][0] = invertedData1.get(0)[0]; readBuffer1[rIndex1][1] = invertedData1.get(0)[1]; readBuffer2[rIndex2][0] = invertedData2.get(0)[0]; readBuffer2[rIndex2][1] = invertedData2.get(0)[1]; invertedData1.remove(0); invertedData2.remove(0); rIndex1++; rIndex2++; if (rIndex1 == readBufferSize) { if (ifSort) { wordBufferSort(readBuffer1); wordBufferSort(readBuffer2); } mergeWordBuffers(outputPath); initBuffers(); } } if (ifSort) { wordBufferSort(readBuffer1); wordBufferSort(readBuffer2); } mergeWordBuffers(outputPath); readBuffer1 = new String[readBufferSize][2]; readBuffer2 = new String[readBufferSize][2]; if (invertedData1.size() == 0 && invertedData2.size() > 0) { readRemainDataToRB(invertedData2, outputPath); } else if (invertedData1.size() > 0 && invertedData2.size() == 0) { readRemainDataToRB(invertedData1, outputPath); } } /** * 剩余的有效词数据读入读缓冲区 * * @param remainData * 剩余数据 * @param outputPath * 输出文件路径 */ private void readRemainDataToRB(ArrayList remainData, String outputPath) { int rIndex = 0; while (remainData.size() > 0) { readBuffer1[rIndex][0] = remainData.get(0)[0]; readBuffer1[rIndex][1] = remainData.get(0)[1]; remainData.remove(0); rIndex++; // 读缓冲 区写满,进行写入到写缓冲区中 if (readBuffer1[readBufferSize - 1][0] != null) { wordBufferSort(readBuffer1); writeRemainReadBuffer(readBuffer1, 0, outputPath); initBuffers(); } } wordBufferSort(readBuffer1); writeRemainReadBuffer(readBuffer1, 0, outputPath); } /** * 缓冲区数据进行排序 * * @param buffer * 缓冲空间 */ 【本文来自鸿网互联 (http://www.68idc.cn)】 private void wordBufferSort(String[][] buffer) { String[] temp; int k = 0; long num1 = 0; long num2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length - 1; i++) { // 缓冲区可能没填满 if (buffer[i][0] == null) { continue; } k = i; for (int j = i + 1; j < buffer.length; j++) { // 缓冲区可能没填满 if (buffer[j][0] == null) { continue; } // 获取2个缓冲区小块的起始编号值 num1 = Long.parseLong(buffer[k][0]); num2 = Long.parseLong(buffer[j][0]); if (num2 < num1) { k = j; } } if (k != i) { temp = buffer[k]; buffer[k] = buffer[i]; buffer[i] = temp; } } } /** * 从文件中读取倒排索引数据 * * @param filePath * 单个文件 */ private ArrayList readInvertedFile(String filePath) { File file = new File(filePath); ArrayList dataArray = new ArrayList(); try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String str; String[] tempArray; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { tempArray = str.split(" "); dataArray.add(tempArray); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.getStackTrace(); } return dataArray; } /** * 从文件中读取数据 * * @param filePath * 单个文件 */ private ArrayList readDataFile(String filePath) { File file = new File(filePath); ArrayList dataArray = new ArrayList(); ArrayList words = new ArrayList<>(); try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String str; String[] tempArray; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { tempArray = str.split(" "); dataArray.add(tempArray); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.getStackTrace(); } // 将每行词做拆分加入到总列表容器中 for (String[] array : dataArray) { for (String word : array) { if (!word.equals("")) { words.add(word); } } } return words; } } SPIMI算法工具类SPIMITool.java:

package InvertedIndex;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * SPIMI内存式单边扫描构建算法
 * @author lyq
public class SPIMITool {
输出文件地址 private String outputFilePath; // 读入的文档的有效词文件地址 private ArrayList effectiveWordFiles; // 内存缓冲区,不够还能够在增加空间 private ArrayList buffers; public SPIMITool(ArrayList effectiveWordFiles){ this.effectiveWordFiles = effectiveWordFiles; } /** * 从文件中读取数据 * * @param filePath * 单个文件 */ private ArrayList readDataFile(String filePath) { File file = new File(filePath); ArrayList dataArray = new ArrayList(); ArrayList words = new ArrayList<>(); try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String str; String[] tempArray; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { tempArray = str.split(" "); dataArray.add(tempArray); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.getStackTrace(); } // 将每行词做拆分加入到总列表容器中 for (String[] array : dataArray) { for (String word : array) { words.add(word); } } return words; } /** * 根据已有的文档数据进行倒排索引文件的构建 * @param docs * 文档集合 */ private void writeInvertedIndex(ArrayList docs){ ArrayList datas; String[] recordData; buffers = new ArrayList<>(); for(Document tempDoc: docs){ datas = tempDoc.effectWords; for(String word: datas){ recordData = new String[2]; recordData[0] = word; recordData[1] = tempDoc.docId + ""; addRecordToBuffer(recordData); } } //最后将数据写出到磁盘中 writeOutOperation(buffers, outputFilePath); } /** * 将新读入的数据记录读入到内存缓冲中,如果存在则加入到倒排记录表中 * @param insertedData * 待插入的数据 */ private void addRecordToBuffer(String[] insertedData){ boolean isContained = false; String wordName; wordName = insertedData[0]; for(String[] array: buffers){ if(array[0].equals(wordName)){ isContained = true; //添加倒排索引记录,以:隔开 array[1] += ":" + insertedData[1]; break; } } //如果没有包含,则说明是新的数据,直接添加 if(!isContained){ buffers.add(insertedData); } } /** * 将数据写出到磁盘文件操作,如果文件已经存在,则在文件尾部进行内容追加 * @param buffer * 当前写缓冲中的数据 * @param filePath * 输出地址 */ private void writeOutOperation(ArrayList buffer, String filePath) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); //将缓冲中的数据组成字符写入到文件中 for(String[] array: buffer){ strBuilder.append(array[0]); strBuilder.append(" "); strBuilder.append(array[1]); strBuilder.append("\n"); } try { File file = new File(filePath); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); ps.println(strBuilder.toString());// 往文件里写入字符串 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 构造倒排索引文件 */ public void createInvertedIndexFile(){ int docId = 1; String baseFilePath; String fileName; String p; int index1 = 0; int index2 = 0; Document tempDoc; ArrayList words; ArrayList docs; outputFilePath = "spimi"; docs = new ArrayList<>(); p = effectiveWordFiles.get(0); //提取文件名称 index1 = p.lastIndexOf("\\"); baseFilePath = p.substring(0, index1+1); outputFilePath = baseFilePath + "spimi"; for(String path: effectiveWordFiles){ //获取文档有效词 words = readDataFile(path); tempDoc = new Document(words, path, docId); docId++; docs.add(tempDoc); //提取文件名称 index1 = path.lastIndexOf("\\"); index2 = path.lastIndexOf("."); fileName = path.substring(index1+1, index2); outputFilePath += "-" + fileName; } outputFilePath += ".txt"; //根据文档数据进行倒排索引文件的创建 writeInvertedIndex(docs); } } 算法测试类Client.java:

package InvertedIndex;

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * 倒排索引测试类
 * @author lyq
public class Client {
	public static void main(String[] args){
		int readBufferSize;
		int writeBufferSize;
		String baseFilePath;
		PreTreatTool preTool;
		BSBITool bTool;
		SPIMITool sTool;
		ArrayList efwFilePaths;
		ArrayList docFilePaths;
		readBufferSize = 10;
		writeBufferSize = 20;
		baseFilePath = "C:\\Users\\lyq\\Desktop\\icon\\";
		docFilePaths = new ArrayList<>();
		docFilePaths.add(baseFilePath + "doc1.txt");
		docFilePaths.add(baseFilePath + "doc2.txt");
		preTool = new PreTreatTool(docFilePaths);
		efwFilePaths = preTool.getEFWPaths();
		bTool = new BSBITool(efwFilePaths, readBufferSize, writeBufferSize);
		sTool = new SPIMITool(efwFilePaths);





1426 0
1542 0
2540 0
3056 0
3325 0
4326 0
4897 0
6329 0
7327 0

1426 1
1542 1
2540 1
3056 1
3325 1
4326 1
4897 1
6329 1
7327 1

yesterday 0:1
mike 0:1
got 0:1
english 0:1
he 0:1
last 0:1
thinks 0:1
study 0:1
exam 0:1

mike 1:2
study 1:2
yesterday 1:2
got 1:2
last 1:2
exam 1:2
thinks 1:2
english 1:2
he 1:2


