时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读
[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[FName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[LName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Table1] VALUES (1,‘Jhon‘,‘Doe‘), (2,‘Harry‘,‘Hoe‘), (3, ‘Carla‘,‘Coe‘), (4,‘Jackie‘,‘Joe‘);
SELECT * from [dbo].[Table1]
Now let‘s follow the steps below to Import the rows in Table1 to the HDInsight Cluster.
Note: Please verify the path for the Sqoop bin folder in your environment. It may slightly vary from version to version.
sqoop.cmd import –-connect "jdbc:sqlserver://<SQLDatabaseServerName>.database.windows.net:1433;username=<SQLDatabasUsername>@<SQLDatabaseServerName>;password=<SQLDatabasePassword>;database=<SQLDatabaseDatabaseName>" --table Table1 --target-dir /user/hdp/SqoopImportTable1
Once the command is executed successfully you should see something similar as below in Hadoop Command Line window.
Now let‘s export the same rows back to the SQL server from HDInsight cluster. Please use a different table with the same schema as ‘Table1‘. Otherwise you would get a Primary Key violation error since the rows already exist in ‘Table1‘.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table2](
[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[FName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[LName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
sqoop.cmd export --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://<SQLDatabaseServerName>.database.windows.net:1433;username=<SQLDatabasUsername>@<SQLDatabaseServerName>;password=<SQLDatabasePassword>;database=<SQLDatabaseDatabaseName>" --table Table2 --export-dir /user/hdp/SqoopImportTable1 --input-fields-terminated-by ","
Import from a SQL server on Window Azure VM:
sqoop.cmd import --connect "jdbc:sqlserver:// <WindowsAzureVMServerName>.cloudapp.net:1433; username=<SQLServerUserName>; password=<SQLServerPassword>; database=<SQLServerDatabaseName>" --table Table_1 --target-dir /user/hdp/SqoopImportTable
Export to a SQL server on Window Azure VM:
sqoop.cmd export --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://<WindowsAzureVMServerName>.cloudapp.net:1433; username=<SQLServerUserName>; password=<SQLServerPassword>; database=<SQLServerDatabaseName>" --table Table_2 --export-dir /user/hdp/SqoopImportTable2 --input-fields-terminated-by ","
Importing to HIVE from Windows Azure SQL Database:
C:\apps\dist\sqoop-1.4.2\bin>sqoop.cmd import –connect "jdbc:sqlserver://<WindowsAzureVMServerName>.cloudapp.net:1433; username=<SQLServerUserName>; password=<SQLServerPassword>; database=<SQLServerDatabaseName>" --table Table1 --hive-import
Note: This will store the files under hive/warehouse/TableName folder in HDFS (For example hive/warehouse/table1/part-m-00000 )
To use HDInsight PowerShell tools you need to install Windows Azure PowerShell tools first and then install HDInsight PowerShell tools. Then you need to prepare your workstation to use the HDInsight SDK. Please follow the detail steps in this earlier blog post to install the tools and prepare your work station to use the HDInsight SDK.
Once you have installed and configured Windows Azure PowerShell tools and HDInsight SDK running a Sqoop job is very easy. Please follow the steps below to import all the rows of table "Table2" from Windows Azure SQL Database "mfarooqSQLDB" to HDInsight Cluster.
Note: You can also use Windows Powershell ISE to type the code and run all at once. Powershell ISE makes edits easy and you can open the tool from "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell_ise.exe".
$subscriptionName = "<WindowsAzureSubscriptionName>"
$clusterName = "<HDInsightClusterName>"
Select-AzureSubscription $subscriptionName
Use-AzureHDInsightCluster $clusterName -Subscription $subscriptionName
$sqoop = New-AzureHDInsightSqoopJobDefinition -Command "import --connect jdbc:sqlserver://<SQLDatabaseServerName>.database.windows.net:1433;username=<SQLDatabasUsername>@<SQLDatabaseServerName>; password=<SQLDatabasePassword>; database=<SQLDatabaseDatabaseName> --table Table2 --target-dir /user/hdp/SqoopImportTable8"
$sqoopJob = Start-AzureHDInsightJob -Subscription $subscriptionName -Cluster $clusterName -JobDefinition $sqoop
Wait-AzureHDInsightJob -Subscription $subscriptionName -WaitTimeoutInSeconds 3600 -Job $sqoopJob
Get-AzureHDInsightJobOutput -Cluster $clusterName -Subscription $subscriptionName -StandardError -JobId $sqoopJob.JobId
If the Sqoop job completes successfully you should see something similar as below in your Windows Azure PowerShell command line window.