时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:9人阅读
create tablespace new_taspace
size 200M --文件初始大小
autoextend on next 20MB MAXSIZE 400MB; --文件大小可自动扩展,每次扩展20MB,最大400MB
--创建表空间 create tablespace new_taspace1 --表空间关联的数据文件和位置 DATAFILE ‘D:\NEWTABLESPACE1.DBF‘ --文件初始大小 SIZE 200M
extent management local
segment space management auto; --以分号结束
drop tablespace new_taspace including contents and datafiles
create user orders
identified by 123456
default tablespace new_taspace; --给用户创建默认表空间
grant connect,resource to orders
grant dba from orders
revoke dba from orders
grant select on tep to orders
create table book(
id number(11) primary key,
bookname varchar2(50) not null,
price number(11,2) not null,
storage number(11) not null