当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > 《sql必知必会》


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:7人阅读

  • 按多个列排序:
    SELECT prod_id,prod_price,prod_name
    FROM Products
    ORDER BY prod_price, prod_name;
  • 指定排序方向:
    SELECT prod_id, prod_price, prod_name
    FROM Products
    ORDER BY prod_price DESC;
  • 拼接字段:

    mysql> select concat ( vend_name, ‘(‘, vend_country, ‘)‘) as vend_title

      -> from Vendors

      -> order by vend_name;


      |             vend_title             |


      | Bear Emporium(USA)      |

      | Bears R Us(USA)            |

      | Doll House Inc.(USA)      |

      | Fun and Games(England) |

      | Furball Inc.(USA)            |

      | Jouets et ours(France)      |


      6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  • 执行算术运算
    mysql> select prod_id, quantity, item_price, quantity*item_price as expanded_price

      -> from OrderItems

      -> where order_num = 20008;


      | prod_id | quantity | item_price | expanded_price |


      | RGAN01  |        5 |       4.99 |          24.95 |

      | BR03    |        5 |      11.99 |          59.95 |

      | BNBG01  |       10 |       3.49 |          34.90 |

      | BNBG02  |       10 |       3.49 |          34.90 |

      | BNBG03  |       10 |       3.49 |          34.90 |


      5 rows in set (0.02 sec)

  • 与SQL语句不一样,SQL函数是不可移植的。
  • 聚集函数(aggregate function)  运行在行组上(行,或者记录)上,计算和返回单个值的函数。

    函数 说明
    AVG() 返回某列的平均值
    COUNT() 返回某列的行数
    MAX() 返回某列的最大值
    MIN() 返回某列的最小值
    SUM() 返回某列值之和
    mysql> SELECT prod_price

      -> FROM Products;


      | prod_price |


      |       5.99 |

      |       8.99 |

      |      11.99 |

      |       3.49 |

      |       3.49 |

      |       3.49 |

      |       4.99 |

      |       9.49 |

      |       9.49 |


      9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

      mysql> select avg(prod_price) as avg_price

      -> from Products;


      | avg_price |


      |  6.823333 |


      1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql> SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS avg_price

      -> from Products

      -> where vend_id = ‘DLL01‘;


      | avg_price |


      |  3.865000 |


      1 row in set (0.00 sec)

      mysql> SELECT COUNT(*)

      -> FROM Products;


      | COUNT(*) |


      |        9 |


      1 row in set (0.00 sec)


      mysql> SELECT COUNT(cust_email) AS num_cus

      -> FROM Customers;


      | num_cus |


      |       3 |


      1 row in set (0.02 sec)

      mysql> SELECT MAX(prod_price) AS max_price

      -> FROM Products;


      | max_price |


      |     11.99 |


      1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> SELECT prod_name, MAX(prod_price) AS price

      -> FROM Products;


      | prod_name         | price |


      | 8 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |


      1 row in set (0.00 sec)


      mysql> SELECT prod_name, prod_price

      -> FROM Products;


      | prod_name           | prod_price |


      | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 |

      | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 |

      | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 |

      | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 |

      | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 |

      | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 |

      | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 |

      | King doll           |       9.49 |

      | Queen doll          |       9.49 |


      9 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    mysql> select vend_id, count(*) as num_prods

        -> from Products; +---------+-----------+ | vend_id | num_prods | +---------+-----------+ | BRS01   |         9 | +---------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select vend_id     -> from Products; +---------+ | vend_id | +---------+ | BRS01   | | BRS01   | | BRS01   | | DLL01   | | DLL01   | | DLL01   | | DLL01   | | FNG01   | | FNG01   | +---------+ 9 rows in set (0.00 sec) 接上注又注:但是结果集同为一行的聚集函数作为查询则不会出错(即组合不同的聚集函数)

    mysql> SELECT prod_name, prod_price

        -> FROM Products

        -> WHERE prod_price = MAX(prod_price);

    ERROR 1111 (HY000): Invalid use of group function

    mysql> SELECT prod_name, prod_price

        -> FROM Products

        -> WHERE MAX(prod_price);

    ERROR 1111 (HY000): Invalid use of group function



  • 聚集不同值:
  • 分组:

    mysql> SELECT cust_id, COUNT(cust_name) AS COUNT     -> FROM Customers     -> Where cust_name = ‘Fun4All‘; +------------+-------+ | cust_id    | COUNT | +------------+-------+ | 1000000003 |     2 | +------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) mysql> SELECT cust_id, COUNT(cust_name) AS count     -> FROM Customers     -> WHERE cust_name = ‘Fun4All‘     -> GROUP BY cust_id; +------------+-------+ | cust_id    | count | +------------+-------+ | 1000000003 |     1 | | 1000000004 |     1 | +------------+-------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec) (注:GROUP BY对COUNT函数起到很重要的作用,COUNT根据GOUP BY的分组来计算)


  • GROUP BY 子句指示DBMS分组数据,然后对每个组而不是整个结果集进行聚集。
  • 过滤分组
    WHERE 过滤行,而HAVING过滤分组
    HAVING与WHERE非常类似,如果不指定GROUP BY,则大多数DBMS将把它们作为相同的东西对待。应该仅在GROUP BY 子句结合才使用HAVING,而WHERE子句用于标准的行级过滤。
  • SELECT 子句顺序
    子句 说明 是否必须使用
    SELECT 要返回的列或表达式
    FROM 从中检索数据的表 仅在从表选择数据时使用
    WHERE 行级过滤
    GROUP BY 分组说明 仅在按组计算聚集时使用
    HAVING 组级过滤
    ORDER BY 输出排序顺序
    1. (SELECT COUNT(*)
  • 作为计算字段使用子查询
    SELECT cust_name,
                     FROM Orders
                     WHERE Orders.cust_id = Customers.cust_id) AS
    FROM Customers
    ORDER BY cust_name;
    cust_name                           cust_state                   orders
    ------------------------------       ---------------                -----------
    Fun4All                               IN                               1
    Fun4All                               AZ                              1
    Kids Place                           OH                             0
    The Toy Store                     IL                               1
    Village Toys                        MI                              2
  • 笛卡儿积(cartesian product)由没有联结条件的表关系返回的结果为笛卡儿积。检索出的行的数目将是第一个表中的行数乘以第二个表中的行数。
    mysql> SELECT vend_name     -> FROM Vendors; +-----------------+ | vend_name       | +-----------------+ | Bears R Us      | | Bear Emporium   | | Doll House Inc. | | Furball Inc.    | | Fun and Games   | | Jouets et ours  | +-----------------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT prod_name     -> FROM Products; +---------------------+ | prod_name           | +---------------------+ | 8 inch teddy bear   | | 12 inch teddy bear  | | 18 inch teddy bear  | | Fish bean bag toy   | | Bird bean bag toy   | | Rabbit bean bag toy | | Raggedy Ann         | | King doll           | | Queen doll          | +---------------------+ 9 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql> SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price     -> FROM Vendors, Products; +-----------------+---------------------+------------+ | vend_name       | prod_name           | prod_price | +-----------------+---------------------+------------+ | Bears R Us      | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 | | Bear Emporium   | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 | | Doll House Inc. | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 | | Furball Inc.    | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 | | Fun and Games   | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 | | Jouets et ours  | 8 inch teddy bear   |       5.99 | | Bears R Us      | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 | | Bear Emporium   | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 | | Doll House Inc. | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 | | Furball Inc.    | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 | | Fun and Games   | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 | | Jouets et ours  | 12 inch teddy bear  |       8.99 | | Bears R Us      | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 | | Bear Emporium   | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 | | Doll House Inc. | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 | | Furball Inc.    | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 | | Fun and Games   | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 | | Jouets et ours  | 18 inch teddy bear  |      11.99 | | Bears R Us      | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Bear Emporium   | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Doll House Inc. | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Furball Inc.    | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Fun and Games   | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Jouets et ours  | Fish bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Bears R Us      | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Bear Emporium   | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Doll House Inc. | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Furball Inc.    | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Fun and Games   | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Jouets et ours  | Bird bean bag toy   |       3.49 | | Bears R Us      | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 | | Bear Emporium   | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 | | Doll House Inc. | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 | | Furball Inc.    | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 | | Fun and Games   | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 | | Jouets et ours  | Rabbit bean bag toy |       3.49 | | Bears R Us      | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 | | Bear Emporium   | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 | | Doll House Inc. | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 | | Furball Inc.    | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 | | Fun and Games   | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 | | Jouets et ours  | Raggedy Ann         |       4.99 | | Bears R Us      | King doll           |       9.49 | | Bear Emporium   | King doll           |       9.49 | | Doll House Inc. | King doll           |       9.49 | | Furball Inc.    | King doll           |       9.49 | | Fun and Games   | King doll           |       9.49 | | Jouets et ours  | King doll           |       9.49 | | Bears R Us      | Queen doll          |       9.49 | | Bear Emporium   | Queen doll          |       9.49 | | Doll House Inc. | Queen doll          |       9.49 | | Furball Inc.    | Queen doll          |       9.49 | | Fun and Games   | Queen doll          |       9.49 | | Jouets et ours  | Queen doll          |       9.49 | +-----------------+---------------------+------------+ 54 rows in set (0.01 sec)     mysql> SELECT vend_name, Vendors.vend_id, Products.vend_id, prod_name     -> FROM Vendors, Products     -> WHERE Vendors.vend_id = Products.vend_id; +-----------------+---------+---------+---------------------+ | vend_name       | vend_id | vend_id | prod_name           | +-----------------+---------+---------+---------------------+ | Bears R Us      | BRS01   | BRS01   | 8 inch teddy bear   | | Bears R Us      | BRS01   | BRS01   | 12 inch teddy bear  | | Bears R Us      | BRS01   | BRS01   | 18 inch teddy bear  | | Doll House Inc. | DLL01   | DLL01   | Fish bean bag toy   | | Doll House Inc. | DLL01   | DLL01   | Bird bean bag toy   | | Doll House Inc. | DLL01   | DLL01   | Rabbit bean bag toy | | Doll House Inc. | DLL01   | DLL01   | Raggedy Ann         | | Fun and Games   | FNG01   | FNG01   | King doll           | | Fun and Games   | FNG01   | FNG01   | Queen doll          | +-----------------+---------+---------+---------------------+ 9 rows in set (0.00 sec)   mysql> SELECT cust_id, cust_name, cust_contact     -> FROM Customers; +------------+---------------+--------------------+ | cust_id    | cust_name     | cust_contact       | +------------+---------------+--------------------+ | 1000000001 | Village Toys  | John Smith         | | 1000000002 | Kids Place    | Michelle Green     | | 1000000003 | Fun4All       | Jim Jones          | | 1000000004 | Fun4All       | Denise L. Stephens | | 1000000005 | The Toy Store | Kim Howard         | +------------+---------------+--------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.01 sec)
  • 联结多个表
  • 自联结
    说明:这个例子找到cust_contact为‘Jim Jones’的客户的cust_name。妙在cust_name是可以重名的,即两个客户可以叫同一个名字。这个例子就是在查询某个cust_name的信息,而cust_name是从cust_contact处得来。如果不用自联结,where cust_contact = ‘Jim Jones‘得到的结果集是完全不一样的。
    mysql> SELECT cust_name, cust_contact, cust_email     -> FROM Customers     -> WHERE cust_state IN(‘IL‘, ‘IN‘,‘MI‘)     -> UNION     -> SELECT cust_name, cust_contact, cust_email     -> FROM Customers     -> WHERE cust_name = ‘Fun4All‘; +---------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | cust_name     | cust_contact       | cust_email            | +---------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | Village Toys  | John Smith         | sales@villagetoys.com | | Fun4All       | Jim Jones          | jjones@fun4all.com    | | The Toy Store | Kim Howard         | NULL                  | | Fun4All       | Denise L. Stephens | dstephens@fun4all.com | +---------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.01 sec) UNION中的每个查询必须包含相同的列、表达式或聚集函数(不过各个列不需要以相同的次序列出)
  • 插入更新删除
    mysql> INSERT INTO Customers(cust_id,     -> cust_name,     -> cust_address,     -> cust_city,     -> cust_state,     -> cust_zip,     -> cust_country,     -> cust_contact,     -> cust_email)     -> VALUES(‘1000000006‘,‘Toy Land‘,‘123 Any Street‘,     -> ‘New York‘,     -> ‘NY‘,     -> ‘11111‘,     -> ‘USA‘,     -> NULL,     -> NULL); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)     mysql> UPDATE Customers     -> SET cust_email = ‘kim@thetoystore.com‘     -> WHERE cust_id = ‘1000000005‘; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0     mysql> DELETE FROM Customers     -> WHERE cust_id = ‘1000000006‘; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)   mysql> SELECT *     -> FROM Customers     -> WHERE cust_id = ‘1000000006‘; Empty set (0.00 sec)



















