时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:24人阅读
if OBJECT_ID(N'tf_Data_TimeRange',N'FN') is not null drop function tf_Data_TimeRange go create function tf_Data_TimeRange( @startDate varchar(20), --开始日期 @endDate varchar(20), --结束日期 @dataType int --数据类型 1:小时 2:日 ) returns @temp table(orderby int,MonitorTime varchar(20)) as /******************************** --function:递归生成时间段 --author:zhujt --create date:2015-5-28 17:07:11 *********************************/ begin if @dataType=1 begin with temp(orderby,vdate) as (select 1 orderby,convert(varchar(20),@startDate,120) union all select orderby+1, convert(varchar(20),dateadd(HOUR,1,vdate),120) from temp where vdate < @endDate ) insert into @temp(orderby,MonitorTime) select orderby,vdate from temp OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) --排除限值 end else if @dataType=2 begin set @endDate=convert(varchar(10),@endDate,120); with temp(orderby,vdate) as (select 1 orderby,convert(varchar(10),@startDate,120) union all select orderby+1, convert(varchar(10),dateadd(DD,1,vdate),120) from temp where vdate < @endDate ) insert into @temp(orderby,MonitorTime) select orderby,vdate from temp OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) --排除限值 end return; end
标签:sql server