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SQL Server 2014 SP1 通过补丁KB3058865提供更新,SP1一文便知

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:12人阅读


Microsoft® SQL Server® Backup to Windows® Azure® Tool

    Microsoft SQL Server Backup to Windows Azure Tool 支持备份到 Windows Azure Blob 存储,加密和压缩本地存储或在云中存储的 SQL Server 备份
Microsoft® SQL Server® 云适配器
    SQL Server 云适配器是与 SQL Server 实例运行在同一计算机上的服务,用于帮助发现并配置这些实例。
      文件名:x64 软件包 (SqlCloudAdapter.msi)
Microsoft® Kerberos Configuration Manager for Microsoft SQL Server®
    Kerberos 身份验证为网络上客户端和服务器实体(安全主体)身份验证提供了一种高度安全的方法。
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 语义语言统计
    语义语言统计信息数据库是 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 中统计语义搜索功能的必需组件。您可以从此页面下载该数据库,将其附加到您的 SQL Server 2014 实例,并进行注册以使用新的语义搜索功能
Microsoft® SQL Server® 数据层应用程序框架
    SQL Server 数据层应用程序 (DAC) 框架是一个基于 .NET Framework 的组件,为数据库开发和管理提供应用程序生命周期服务。应用程序生命周期服务包括通过 SQL Server Data Tools 和 SQL Server Management Studio 在 SQL Azure、SQL Server 2014、SQL Server 2012、SQL Server 2008 R2、SQL Server 2008 和 SQL Server 2005 中提取、构建、部署、升级、导入和导出数据层应用程序。
    注:Microsoft SQL Server 2014 数据层应用程序框架需要 Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types 和 Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL ScriptDom,二者均可从本页面获取。
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 Transact-SQL 语言服务
    SQL Server Transact-SQL 语言服务是一个基于 .NET Framework 的组件,为 SQL Server 2014、SQL Server 2012、SQL Server 2008 R2、SQL Server 2008 和 SQL Server 2005 提供 Transact-SQL 解析验证和 IntelliSense 服务。
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (tsqllanguageservice.msi)
Microsoft® Windows PowerShell Extensions for Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 SP1
    Microsoft Windows PowerShell Extensions for SQL Server 2014 SP1 包括一个提供程序和一组 cmdlet,使管理员和开发人员能够构建 PowerShell 脚本,用于管理 SQL Server 实例。SQL Server PowerShell 提供程序提供一个简单的机制,以便于查找类似于文件系统路径的 SQL Server 实例。然后,PowerShell 脚本可以使用 SQL Server 管理对象管理实例。SQL Server cmdlet 支持诸如执行 Transact-SQL 脚本或评估 SQL Server 策略的操作。

    注:Windows PowerShell Extensions for SQL Server 2014 SP1 需要 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 共享管理对象,这也可从本页面获取。此组件还需要 Windows PowerShell 2.0;请在 Windows Server 2003 网站上下载相关说明。
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (PowerShellTools.msi)
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP1 共享管理对象
    SQL Server 管理对象 (SMO) 是支持软件开发人员创建客户端应用程序以管理 SQL Server 对象和服务的 .NET Framework 对象模型。此对象模型将与 SQL Server 2005、SQL Server 2008、SQL Server 2008 R2、SQL Server 2012 和 SQL Server 2014 配合使用。

    注: Microsoft SQL Server 管理对象需要 - Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types,这可从本页面获取。
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SharedManagementObjects.msi)
Microsoft® Command Line Utilities 11 for Microsoft SQL Server®
    SQLCMD 实用工具可以让用户连接到 SQL Server 实例,从中发送 Transact-SQL 批处理以及从中输出行集信息。bcp 实用工具批量复制 Microsoft SQL Server 的实例和采用用户指定格式的数据文件之间的数据。bcp 实用程序可以用于将大量的新行导入到 SQL Server 表格或将表格中的数据导出到数据文件。
Microsoft® ODBC Driver 11 for Microsoft SQL Server® - Windows
    Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server 提供从 Windows 到 Microsoft SQL Server 和 Windows Azure SQL 数据库的本机连接。
Microsoft® JDBC Driver 4.0 for Microsoft SQL Server®
    我们在不断努力地提高互操作性,为此 Microsoft 发布了新的 Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 驱动程序。所有 SQL Server 用户都可以免费下载 Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server,并可从任何 Java 应用程序、应用服务器或支持 Java 的小程序访问 SQL Server 2012 和其他版本。这是一个 Type 4 JDBC 驱动程序,通过 Java Platform Enterprise Edition 5 和 6 中可用的标准 JDBC 应用程序接口 (API) 提供数据库连接。 JDBC 驱动程序的这一发行版与 JDBC 4.0 兼容,并在 Java 开发工具包 (JDK) 版本 5.0 或 6.0 上运行。它已经针对主要的应用服务器(包括 IBM WebSphere 和 SAP NetWeaver)进行了测试。
Microsoft® Drivers 3.0 for PHP for Microsoft® SQL Server®
    Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server 是 PHP 5 扩展,允许用户从 PHP 脚本内读取和编写 SQL Server 数据。SQLSRV 扩展提供过程化接口,而 PDO_SQLSRV 扩展实现 PDO,以便在 SQL Server 2005 及后续的所有版本中访问数据。
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP1 Transact-SQL ScriptDom
    Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL ScriptDom 是一个 .NET Framework API,用于为 Transact-SQL 提供解析和脚本服务。此 API 支持 SQL Server 2005、SQL Server 2008、SQL Server 2008 R2、SQL Server 2012 和 SQL Server 2014 版本。
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SQLDOM.MSI)
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP1 Transact-SQL 编译器服务
    Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL 编译器服务是一套组件,用于为 Transact-SQL 提供编译和验证服务。此组件只能通过 Microsoft SQL Server 数据层应用程序框架生成 API 使用。
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SQLLS.MSI)
Microsoft® System CLR Types for Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 SP1
    SQL Server System CLR Types 程序包包含用于在 SQL Server 2014 SP1 中实施几何、地理和层次结构 id 类型的组件。此组件可单独从服务器安装,以允许客户端应用程序从服务器以外使用这些类型。

    注:此组件还需要 Windows Installer 4.5
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SQLSysClrTypes.msi)
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP1 远程 Blob 存储
    SQL Server 远程 Blob 存储是一种存储方法,用于将非结构化 blob 数据批量存储在外部内容寻址数据存储中。该组件包括链接到用户应用程序的客户端 DLL 和安装在 SQL Server 上的一组存储程序。运行自解压下载包以创建安装文件夹。
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (RBS.msi)

      SQL RBS codeplex 示例页

      SQL Server 远程 Blob 存储博客

Microsoft® SQL Server® Service Broker External Activator for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1
    Microsoft SQL Server Service Broker External Activator 是 SQL Server 2014 SP1 中的内部激活功能的扩展,可以让您将接收和处理 Service Broker 消息的逻辑从数据库引擎服务移到运行在 SQL Server 之外的应用程序可执行文件。这样,CPU 密集型或长时间任务可以在 SQL Server 外部卸载到可执行的应用程序(或许位于另一台计算机中)。可执行的应用程序还可以在数据引擎处理过程中的不同 Windows 帐户下运行。这为管理员提供了对应用程序可以访问的资源的更多控制权。单独的安装程序将在 x86 和 x64 计算机上安装该服务。
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SSBEAS.msi)


    Microsoft® OData Source for Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 SP1
      Microsoft OData Source for SQL Server 2014 SP1 是一个 SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 源组件,用于从开放数据协议 (OData) 连接并使用数据。SSIS 组件设计为与 SQL Server Integration Services 一起使用。要安装该组件,请分别运行适用于 x86 和 x64 的平台专用安装程序。
        文件名(X86 软件包)(ODataSourceForSQLServer2014-x86.msi)
        文件名(X64 软件包)(ODataSourceForSQLServer2014-amd64.msi)

    Microsoft® Balanced Data Distributor for Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 SP1
      Microsoft SSIS Balanced Data Distributor (BDD) 是一种 SSIS 转换。此转换采用单个输入,并通过多线程将传入行均匀分布到一个或多个输出。
        文件名(X86 软件包)(BalancedDataDistributor-x86.msi)
        文件名(X64 软件包)(BalancedDataDistributor-amd64.msi)

    Microsoft® Change Data Capture Designer and Service for Oracle by Attunity for Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 SP1
      Microsoft Change Data Capture Designer and Service for Oracle by Attunity 使用户能够不断地将数据从 Oracle 复制到 SQL Server。这在迁移和数据仓库情形中都非常有用,因为它允许用户执行以下两个操作:通过将 Oracle 表中所做的更改复制到 SQL Server 2014 SP1 表以在整个迁移时间范围内同步关键表,以及捕获 Oracle 数据库中的更改并将其发送至 SQL Server 2014 SP1 数据库以保持数据仓库同步。
        文件名(X86 和 X64 软件包)(AttunityOraleCdcService.msi)
        文件名(X86 和 X64 软件包)(AttunityOraleCdcDesigner.msi)
    Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP1 Master Data Service Add-in for Microsoft Excel®
      Master Data Services Add-in for Excel 允许多名用户使用熟悉的工具更新主数据,而不会损害 MDS 中数据的完整性。从此加载项中,用户通过单击按钮即可将数据发布到 MDS 数据库。管理员可以使用此加载项创建新的模型对象和加载数据,而无需启用任何管理工具,有助于加快部署。通过 Master Data Services Add-in for Excel,所有主数据仍然在 MDS 中集中管理,而向需要的用户分发读取或更新数据的权限。

      Master Data Services (MDS) Add-in for Microsoft Excel 是一个数据管理工具,提供了许多轻松和高效的主数据管理功能。在您已经熟悉和喜爱的 Microsoft Excel 界面中管理 MDS 数据。利用现有 Excel 功能与他人共享您的托管列表,因为您已知晓可以通过 Master Data Services 提供的所有功能保护并监视这些列表。

    Microsoft® SQL Server® StreamInsight
      Microsoft® StreamInsight 是 Microsoft 的复杂事件处理技术,帮助企业创建事件驱动的应用程序,并通过几乎零延迟的速度关联来自多个源的事件流来获得更好的洞察力。
        文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (StreamInsight.msi)
        文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (StreamInsightClient.msi)

    Microsoft® Connector for SAP BW for Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 SP1
      Microsoft Connector for SAP BW 是一组管理组件,用于与 SAP NetWeaver BW 7.0 系统的版本传输数据。此组件设计为与 SQL Server 2014 SP1 Integration Services 一起使用。要安装该组件,请分别运行适用于 x86 或 x64 的平台专用安装程序。有关详细信息,请参阅自述文件和“帮助”文件中的安装主题。
        文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SAPBI.msi)

    Microsoft® SQL Server® Migration Assistant
      SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) 是一系列产品,用于降低从 Oracle、Sybase、MySQL 和 Microsoft Access 数据库迁移到 SQL Server 或 SQL Azure 的成本和风险。SSMA 自动执行迁移的所有方面,包括迁移评估分析、架构和 SQL 语句转换、数据迁移以及迁移测试。
        1. Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access
        2. Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL
        3. Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle
        4. Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Sybase

    Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 Upgrade Advisor
      Microsoft Upgrade Advisor 分析 SQL Server 2005、SQL Server 2008、SQL Server 2008 R2、SQL Server 2012 的实例,以便为升级到 SQL Server 2014 做好准备。Upgrade Advisor 标识可能影响升级的功能和配置更改,并提供指向相关文档的链接,这些文档会介绍所发现的每个问题及其解决方法。
        文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SQLUA.msi)
      注:Upgrade Advisor 工具按原样提供,且 Microsoft Support Services 不支持此工具。有关此工具的其他帮助信息,请使用 SQL Server 安装&升级论坛

    Microsoft® OLEDB Provider for DB2 v5.0 for Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 SP1
      Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 v5.0 提供一套技术和工具,用于将存储在 IBM DB2 数据库中的重要数据与新解决方案进行集成。SQL Server 开发人员和管理员可以结合使用该数据提供程序与集成服务、分析服务、复制、Reporting Services 和分布式查询处理器。请阅读产品文档的“安装数据提供程序”一节,可通过联机或下载获取本内容。
        文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (DB2OLEDB5_x86.msi and DB2OLEDB5_x64.msi)


Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 PowerPivot® for Microsoft SharePoint 2013

    Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 扩展了 SharePoint Server 2013 的功能,通过 SharePoint 的高级数据模型为 PowerPivot 工作簿和 Excel 工作簿添加了服务器端数据刷新处理、协作和管理支持。此软件包仅提供 64 位版本。
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP1 ADOMD.NET
    ADOMD.NET 是 Microsoft .NET Framework 对象模型,其可支持软件开发人员创建客户端应用程序以浏览 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 Analysis Services 中存储的元数据和查询数据。ADOMD.NET 是 Microsoft ADO.NET 提供程序,该提供程序加强了联机分析处理 (OLAP) 和数据挖掘技术。

    :英语版的 ADOMD.NET 安装包将为所有 SQL Server 2014 语言安装支持。
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SQL_AS_ADOMD.msi)
Microsoft® Analysis Services OLE DB Provider for Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 SP1
    Analysis Services OLE DB 提供程序是 COM 组件,软件开发人员可用其创建客户端应用程序以浏览 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 Analysis Services 中存储的元数据和查询数据。此提供程序实施 OLE DB 规范和联机分析处理 (OLAP) 和数据挖掘的规范扩展。

    注:Microsoft Analysis Services OLE DB 提供程序需要 Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SQL_AS_OLEDB.msi)
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP1 分析管理对象
    分析管理对象 (AMO) 是一个 .NET Framework 对象模型,其支持软件开发人员创建客户端应用程序以管理分析服务对象。
      文件名:X86 和 x64 软件包 (SQL_AS_AMO.msi)
Microsoft® SQL Server® Report Builder for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1
    报表生成器为 IT 专业人员和高级用户提供高效的报表创作环境。它支持 SQL Server 2014 SP1 Reporting Services 的所有操作报告功能。该下载提供报表生成器的独立安装程序。
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP1 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint®Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint 可以将您的报告环境与 SharePoint 集成,以体验使用 SharePoint 所提供的协作环境的诸多好处。


VSTS bug numberKB article numberDescription
22759293044954FIX: Access violation occurs on the I/O Completion routine when you enable AutoClose in SQL Server 2014
23646362969781FIX: Error when you add a custom connection manager in SSIS 2014 Designer
25806312963404FIX: Rollback causes database to go to suspect mode in SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2014
25807502806979FIX: Poor performance when you run a query against a table in an RCSI-enabled database in SQL Server 2012 or 2014
25806282965035SSAS 2012 logging feature improvement in SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2
25810152963412New DMF sys.dm_fts_index_keywords_position_by_document in SQL Server 2012 SP2 and SQL Server 2014 SP1
25810192966520FIX: New log files are not created when you restart the Reporting Services Windows Service in SSRS on January 1
25810253051521FIX: "Database ‘model‘ cannot be opened" error when you restart SQL Server after tail-log backup for model database
25812252964762FIX: Event ID 22 or error 0xC1000016 will be logged when you use the Discover command in SSAS 2012
25811682966522FIX: File Share subscription doesn‘t populate the description column in SSRS 2012 or SSRS 2014
25812592966523FIX: The "Name" drop-down list is empty when a report is specified in SSRS 2012 or SSRS 2014
25813172963382FIX: Can‘t connect to the server when you run a cube creation MDX query in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
25813232963384FIX: SQL Server crashes when the log file of tempdb database is full in SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2014
25813602927741FIX: Image is not displayed correctly in the webpage when you use DrillThrough action on an SSRS 2012 or 2014 report
25813712963383FIX: Text truncated when you use HPB renderer to view a report in SSRS 2012 or in SSRS 2014
27001553044958FIX: Rollback recovery on a snapshot fails when you run DBCC CHECKDB and then SQL Server shuts down unexpectedly
38608193030619FIX: Incorrect data returned when you use DATE data type as a qualifier in a query in SQL Server 2014
38796853020112FIX: Non-yielding error occurs when you execute DML statements in SQL Server 2014
39197133027860Error 17066 or 17310 during SQL Server startup
39333463044953FIX: Non-yielding scheduler issue when you write pages to buffer pool extension file in SQL Server 2014
40117503029977FIX: OS error 665 when you execute DBCC CHECKDB command for database that contains columnstore index in SQL Server 2014
40334403021757FIX: Duplicate sequence value is generated when you run sp_sequence_get_range in parallel with NEXT VALUE FOR function
40348133029825FIX: DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC CHECKTABLE take longer to run when SQL CLR UDTs are involved in SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2014
40501093026082FIX: SOS_CACHESTORE spinlock contention on system table rowset cache causes high CPU usage in SQL Server 2012 or 2014
40754903034679FIX: AlwaysOn availability groups are reported as NOT SYNCHRONIZING
40935583035165FIX: Error 8646 when you run DML statements on a table with clustered columnstore index in SQL Server 2014
3534419, 3534439, 2512250, 1456033, 22746363044952FIX: Issues when you enable the buffer pool extension feature in SQL Server 2014
3731772, 37317763044519FIX: Query performance issues when new cardinality estimator is enabled in SQL Server 2014
25813122904152FIX: Consuming reports on a remote farm does not work in SharePoint Integrated for a published SSRS 2014 Service application

Additional resolutions

Resolutions to the following issues are also included in SQL Server 2014 SP1.

VSTS bug numberDescription
1957464RESTORE HEADERONLY for an Encrypted Backup file of the Database does not show whether the backup is encrypted or not.
After you apply SP1, the output of RESTORE HEADONLY will include three additional columns: KeyAlgorithm, EncryptorThumbprint and EncryptorType that can give additional details about the encrypted backup. For more information, see RESTORE HEADERONLY topic in SQL Server Books Online.
2366022SQL Server setup required the .NET Framework 3.5 when you install SQL Server 2014 Express Edition (with Database Engine only) on Windows 8. It is now skipped when you install this kind of media.
2535853/qs option requires user input when you install Express packages of SQL Server 2014 RTM.
2580641Invalid query syntax in stored procedure when you drop an article that is published in
more than one publication.
2580651Peer-to-peer (P2P) conflict messages require additional details.

Note After you apply SP2 for 2012 or SP1 for 2014, the error message 22815 will have the information on Table Name, Primary Key (s), Current Version, Pre Version and Post Version. Apart from Table Name and Primary Key(s), Post Version exists for all three types of conflict (delete, update and insert). Current Version is not applicable for delete conflict type and PreVersion is not applicable for exist for insert conflict type.
2580686Update-Update conflicts in P2P replication when updates are made to text column by using UPDATE or WRITE.
2580693Incorrect results when you work with block mode unary operators.
2580746DPM’s full backup on the server with AlwaysOn secondary will be converted to copy_only backup
2581191Merge Replication logging improvement:
To help troubleshoot merge replication performance issues, add the output of TraceFlag 101 when the output verbose level for the merge agent is set to 4.
2581192Transaction Replication logging improvement:
To help troubleshoot transaction replication performance issues, add verbose message to the stats in history tables and more detailed messages in the agent logs.
2581222SSMS Crashes during Movement of Maintenance Plan tasks if the Maintenance Plan name the first SUB_PLAN name are the same.
2581197The end SCOPE statement does not match the opening SCOPE statement.
2581377"ACTIONABLE_HEAP_CORRUPTION" when SSRS configuration file is parsed by using an invalid InstanceId.
2581382Provides platform information in the log of SSRS 2014
2733205"Action <name> was not found" message when selecting Facets option from the context menu of a Report Server instance in object explorer
2841734Exception occurs when you execute the SQL Server 2014 cumulative update package (for example SQLServer2014-KB2967546-x64.exe) with the command-line switch /?
3143194LOB reads are shown as zero when "SET STATISTICS IO" is on during executing a query with clustered columnstore index.
3506361Some shared components could not be patched for later servicing when SSDT BI version 12.0.2299.1 and SQL Server 2014 are installed side by side.
3731350When you use features that rely on log pool cache (for example, Always On) on systems with multiple sockets, you may notice high values for "log write waits" counter. Before SP1, you have to enable trace flag T9024 to activate the fix for this issue in SQL Server 2014. Starting SP1, you do not have to manually add the trace flag, as the fix is already included. For more information, see FIX: High "log write waits" counter value on an instance of SQL Server 2012.
3732057When your instance of SQL Server is handling thousands of connection resets because of connection pooling, performance problems occur when database lock activity increases in SQL Server. The issue is fixed in CU1 for SQL Server 2014, and you have to add a trace flag T1236 to start parameters to activate the fix. Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2014 includes this fix by default and you do not have to add any trace flags to activate the fix. For more information, see FIX: Performance problems occur when database lock activity increases in SQL Server.
3909490Error 4819 occurs for some combination of database schema and data when the fast load context (TF610) for bulk load and TF4199 are enabled.
3938420Cannot upgrade a SQL Server instance to SQL Server 2014 because SQL Server Agent JOBS directory is missing, and the system is in an incomplete state.

Fixes for Connect Items

The following fixes for Connect Items were submitted by the community and are also included in SQL Server 2014 SP1.

Connect Bug IDDescription
714689Evaluation results are written to output xml file multiple times when you implement Enterprise Management Framework against multiple servers and an error occurs against one of the servers in the list.
735543Database goes into a restore mode when its backup is restored as a different database on the same instance.
736509You cannot debug a stored procedure that calls sp_executesql in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). When F11 is pressed, you receive an ‘Object reference not set to an instance of object‘ error message.
740181SSMS does not fully manage Full-Text in SQL Server Express.
745566SQL Server SMO ignores default constraint in SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2014.
764197SSMS handles Numbered Stored procedures inconsistently.
769121"Column ‘<column name>‘ does not belong to table summary. (System.Data)" error message when replicating tables have the same names but are located in different schemas.
773710After reverting to a database snapshot that contains full-text indexes, you cannot create any ft_catalogs until you either restart SQL Server, detach and then attach the database, or take the database offline and then set the database online.
774317SSMS occasionally crashes on close, which then causes it to automatically restart
785064"Value of ‘null‘ is not valid for ‘stream‘ " error message when you work with customer pipeline components in Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS).
785151When you execute queries with Show Actual Query Plan turned on, the result of Null is returned, and you receive the following error message:
Error: Msg 50000, Level 16, State 10, Procedure test, Line 34 String or binary data would be truncated.
791929"A system assertion check has failed" error message when you insert data into a partitioned view that has triggers.
797967Create script duplicates the statements when scripting column level permissions in SSMS.
799430SSMS may crash when you try to refresh the SSMS window icon on the task bar.
804901Deploying new versions of large projects encounters a time-out during deployment into SSIS Catalog database (SSISDB). Additionally, you receive the following error messages:
Failed to deploy project. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier ’219′. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 27203) Failed to deploy the project. Fix the problems and try again later.:Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The statement has been terminated.
805659"Some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply. Rewrite the query or break it up into smaller queries" error message when you parse or execute stored procedure.

Select the correct file to download and install

The SQL Server 2014 SP1 download page contains the system requirements for installing SQL Server 2014 SP1 and basic installation instructions. For additional documentation about how to upgrade installed 2014 SP1 components with a SQL Server 2014 servicing update, see "install SQL Server 2014 Servicing Updates".

Use the following table to identify the location and name of the file to download based on your currently installed version. The download pages provide system requirements and basic installation instructions.

Version you currently have installedAction you want to takeFile to download and install
A 32-bit version of any edition of SQL Server 2014Upgrade to the 32-bit version of SQL Server 2014 SP1SQLServer2014SP1-KB3018269-x86-ENU.exe from here
A 32-bit version of SQL Server 2014 RTM ExpressUpgrade to the 32-bit version of SQL Server 2014 Express SP1SQLServer2014SP1-KB3018269-x86-ENU.exe from here
A 32-bit version of only the client and manageability tools for SQL Server 2014 (including SQL Server 2014 Management Studio)Upgrade the client and manageability tools to the 32-bit version of SQL Server 2014 SP1SQLManagementStudio_x86_ENU.exe from here
A 32-bit version of SQL Server 2014 Management Studio ExpressUpgrade to the 32-bit version of SQL Server 2014 SP1 Management Studio ExpressSQLManagementStudio_x86_ENU.exe from here
A 32-bit version of any edition of SQL Server 2014 and a 32-bit version of the client and manageability tools (including SQL Server 2014 RTM Management Studio)Upgrade all products to the 32-bit version of SQL Server 2014 SP1SQLServer2014SP1-KB3018269-x86-ENU.exe from here
A 32-bit version of one or more tools from the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 RTM Feature PackUpgrade the tools to the 32-bit version of Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 Feature PackOne or more files from Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 Feature Pack
No 32-bit installation of SQL Server 2014Install 32-bit Server 2014 including SP1 (New instance with SP1 pre-installed)SQLServer2014SP1-FullSlipstream-x86-ENU.exe and SQLServer2014SP1-FullSlipstream-x86-ENU.box from here
No 32-bit installation of SQL Server 2014 Management StudioInstall 32-bit SQL Server 2014 Management Studio including SP1SQLManagementStudio_x86_ENU.exe from here
No 32-bit version of SQL Server 2014 RTM ExpressInstall 32-bit SQL Server 2014 Express including SP1SQLEXPR32_x86_ENU.exe from here
A 64-bit version of any edition of SQL Server 2014Upgrade to the 64-bit version of SQL Server 2014 SP1SQLServer2014SP1-KB3018269-x64-ENU.exe from here
A 64-bit version of SQL Server 2014 RTM ExpressUpgrade to the 64-bit version of SQL Server 2014 SP1SQLServer2014SP1-KB3018269-x64-ENU.exe from here
A 64-bit version of only the client and manageability tools for SQL Server 2014 (including SQL Server 2014 Management Studio)Upgrade the client and manageability tools to the 64-bit version of SQL Server 2014 SP1SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe from here
A 64-bit version of SQL Server 2014 Management Studio ExpressUpgrade to the 64-bit version of SQL Server 2014 SP1 Management Studio ExpressSQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe from here
A 64-bit version of any edition of SQL Server 2014 and a 64-bit version of the client and manageability tools (including SQL Server 2014 RTM Management Studio)Upgrade all products to the 64-bit version of SQL Server 2014 SP1SQLServer2014SP1-KB3018269-x64-ENU.exe from here
A 64-bit version of one or more tools from the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 RTM Feature PackUpgrade the tools to the 64-bit version of Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 Feature PackOne or more files from Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 Feature Pack
No 64-bit installation of SQL Server 2014Install 64-bit Server 2014 including SP1 (New instance with SP1 pre-installed)SQLServer2014SP1-FullSlipstream-x64-ENU.exe and SQLServer2014SP1-FullSlipstream-x64-ENU.box from here
No 64-bit installation of SQL Server 2014 Management StudioInstall 64-bit SQL Server 2014 Management Studio including SP1SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe from here
No 64-bit version of SQL Server 2014 RTM ExpressInstall 64-bit SQL Server 2014 Express including SP1SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe from here
A 32-bit installation of one of the following:
  • SQL Server 2012
  • SQL Server 2008 R2
  • SQL Server 2008
  • SQL Server 2005
In place upgrade to 32-bit SQL Server 2014 including SP1SQLServer2014SP1-FullSlipstream-x86-ENU.exe and SQLServer2014SP1-FullSlipstream-x86-ENU.box from here
A 64-bit installation of one of the following:
  • SQL Server 2012
  • SQL Server 2008 R2
  • SQL Server 2008
  • SQL Server 2005
In-place upgrade to 64-bit SQL Server 2014 including SP1SQLServer2014SP1-FullSlipstream-x64-ENU.exe and SQLServer2014SP1-FullSlipstream-x64-ENU.box from here
For more information about how to upgrade your SQL Server installation to SQL Server 2014 SP1, see Supported Version and Edition Upgrades.

Note If you have version 12.0.4050.0 of SQL Server 2014 Service SP1 (KB3018269) installed, you must uninstall that update from all installation instances before you install this update. To do this, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. For more information, see KB 3018269. Notice that you may have KB3018269 installed for any of the following reasons: 
  • You applied the update to an existing instance of SQL Server 2014
  • You installed a new instance of SQL Server 2014 SP1 by using the KB3018269 “Slipstream Package” (for example, SQLServer2014SP1-FullSlipstream-x64-ENU)
  • You installed any of the SQL Server 2014 SP1 Express Edition packages

SQL Server 2014 SP1 通过补丁KB3058865提供更新,SP1一文便知

