时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:9人阅读
下面是neo4j graph db 中,Property数据存储对应的文件:
neo4j 中, Property 的存储是由 PropertyStore, ArrayPropertyStore, StringPropertyStore 和PropertyKeyTokenStore 4种类型的Store配合来完成的.
类PropertyStore对应的存储文件是neostore.propertystore.db, 相应的用来存储 string/array 类型属性值的文件分别是neostore.propertystore.db.strings (StringPropertyStore) 和 neostore.propertystore.db.arrays(ArrayPropertyStore). 其存储模型示意图如下:
其中PropertyStore是Property最主要的存储结构,当Property的Key-Value对的Value 是字符串或数组类型并且要求的存储空间比较大,在PropertyStore中保存不了,则会存在StringPropertyStore/ ArrayPropertyStore这样的DynamicStore 中。如果长度超过一个block ,则分block存储,并将其在StringPropertyStore/ ArrayPropertyStore中的第1个block 的 block_id 保存到 PropertyStore类型文件相应record 的PropertyBlock字段中。
PropertyKeyTokenStore和StringPropertyStore 配合用来存储Propery的Key部分。Propery的Key是编码的,key 的 id 保存在 PropertyKeyTokenStore (即 neostore.propertystore.db.index),key 的字符串名保存在对应的StringPropertyStore类型文件neostore.propertystore.db.index.keys 中。
ArrayPropertyStore的存储格式见< 3.3.2 DynamicStore 类型>,下面分别介绍一下PropertyStore和PropertyKeyTokenStore(PropertyKeyTokenStore)的文件存储格式。
neostore.propertystore.db文件存储格式示意图如下,整个文件是有一个 RECORD_SIZE=41 Bytes 的定长数组和一个字符串描述符“PropertyStore v0.A.2”(文件类型描述TYPE_DESCRIPTOR和 neo4j 的 ALL_STORES_VERSION构成)。访问时,可以通过 prop_id 作为数组的下标进行访问。
下面介绍一下 property record 中每个字段的含义:
* [pppp,nnnn] previous, next high bits
byte modifiers = buffer.get();
下面的代码片段展示了neo4j 中,比较长的 String 类型属性值的保存处理过程,其是如何分成多个 DynamicBlock 来存储的。
encodeValue 函数是 PropertySTore.java 的成员函数, 它实现了不同类型的属性值的编码.
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public void encodeValue( PropertyBlock block, int keyId, Object value )
if ( value instanceof String )
{ // Try short string first, i.e. inlined in the property block
String string = (String) value;
if ( LongerShortString.encode( keyId, string, block, PropertyType.getPayloadSize() ) )
return ;
// Fall back to dynamic string store
byte[] encodedString = encodeString( string );
Collection valueRecords = allocateStringRecords( encodedString );
setSingleBlockValue( block, keyId, PropertyType.STRING, first( valueRecords ).getId() );
for ( DynamicRecord valueRecord : valueRecords )
valueRecord.setType( PropertyType.STRING.intValue() );
block.addValueRecord( valueRecord );
else if ( value instanceof Integer )
setSingleBlockValue( block, keyId, PropertyType. INT , ((Integer) value).longValue() );
else if ( value instanceof Boolean )
setSingleBlockValue( block, keyId, PropertyType. BOOL , ((Boolean) value ? 1L : 0L) );
else if ( value instanceof Float )
setSingleBlockValue( block, keyId, PropertyType. FLOAT , Float.floatToRawIntBits( (Float) value ) );
else if ( value instanceof Long )
long keyAndType = keyId | ((( long ) PropertyType. LONG .intValue()) << 24);
if ( ShortArray. LONG .getRequiredBits( (Long) value ) <= 35 )
{ // We only need one block for this value, special layout compared to, say, an integer
block.setSingleBlock( keyAndType | (1L << 28) | ((Long) value << 29) );
{ // We need two blocks for this value
block.setValueBlocks( new long []{keyAndType, (Long) value} );
else if ( value instanceof Double )
block.setValueBlocks( new long []{
keyId | ((( long ) PropertyType.DOUBLE.intValue()) << 24),
Double.doubleToRawLongBits( (Double) value )} );
else if ( value instanceof Byte )
setSingleBlockValue( block, keyId, PropertyType. BYTE , ((Byte) value).longValue() );
else if ( value instanceof Character )
setSingleBlockValue( block, keyId, PropertyType. CHAR , (Character) value );
else if ( value instanceof Short )
setSingleBlockValue( block, keyId, PropertyType. SHORT , ((Short) value).longValue() );
else if ( value.getClass().isArray() )
{ // Try short array first, i.e. inlined in the property block
if ( ShortArray.encode( keyId, value, block, PropertyType.getPayloadSize() ) )
return ;
// Fall back to dynamic array store
Collection arrayRecords = allocateArrayRecords( value );
setSingleBlockValue( block, keyId, PropertyType.ARRAY, first( arrayRecords ).getId() );
for ( DynamicRecord valueRecord : arrayRecords )
valueRecord.setType( PropertyType.ARRAY.intValue() );
block.addValueRecord( valueRecord );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown property type on: " + value + ", " + value.getClass() );
allocateStringRecords 函数是 PropertySTore.java 的成员函数.
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private Collection allocateStringRecords( byte[] chars )
return stringPropertyStore.allocateRecordsFromBytes( chars );
allocateRecordsFromBytes 函数是 AbstractDynamicStore .java 的成员函数.
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protected Collection allocateRecordsFromBytes( byte src[] )
return allocateRecordsFromBytes( src, Collections.emptyList().iterator(),
recordAllocator );
allocateRecordsFromBytes 函数是 AbstractDynamicStore .java 的成员函数.
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public static Collection allocateRecordsFromBytes(
byte src[], Iterator recordsToUseFirst,
DynamicRecordAllocator dynamicRecordAllocator )
assert src != null : "Null src argument" ;
List recordList = new LinkedList<>();
DynamicRecord nextRecord = dynamicRecordAllocator.nextUsedRecordOrNew( recordsToUseFirst );
int srcOffset = 0;
int dataSize = dynamicRecordAllocator.dataSize();
DynamicRecord record = nextRecord;
record.setStartRecord( srcOffset == 0 );
if ( src.length - srcOffset > dataSize )
byte data[] = new byte[dataSize];
System.arraycopy( src, srcOffset, data, 0, dataSize );
record.setData( data );
nextRecord = dynamicRecordAllocator.nextUsedRecordOrNew( recordsToUseFirst );
record.setNextBlock( nextRecord.getId() );
srcOffset += dataSize;
byte data[] = new byte[src.length - srcOffset];
System.arraycopy( src, srcOffset, data, 0, data.length );
record.setData( data );
nextRecord = null;
record.setNextBlock( Record.NO_NEXT_BLOCK.intValue() );
recordList.add( record );
assert !record.isLight();
assert record.getData() != null;
while ( nextRecord != null );
return recordList;
ShortArray.encode( keyId, value, block, PropertyType.getPayloadSize() ), 它是在 kernel/impl/nioneo/store/ShortArray.java 中实现的,下面是其代码片段。
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public static boolean encode( int keyId, Object array, PropertyBlock target, int payloadSizeInBytes )
* If the array is huge, we don‘t have to check anything else.
* So do the length check first.
int arrayLength = Array.getLength( array );
if ( arrayLength > 63 ) /*because we only use 6 bits for length*/
return false ;
ShortArray type = typeOf( array );
if ( type == null )
return false ;
int requiredBits = type.calculateRequiredBitsForArray( array, arrayLength );
if ( !willFit( requiredBits, arrayLength, payloadSizeInBytes ) )
// Too big array
return false ;
final int numberOfBytes = calculateNumberOfBlocksUsed( arrayLength, requiredBits ) * 8;
if ( Bits.requiredLongs( numberOfBytes ) > PropertyType.getPayloadSizeLongs() )
return false ;
Bits result = Bits.bits( numberOfBytes );
// [][][ ,bbbb][bbll,llll][yyyy,tttt][kkkk,kkkk][kkkk,kkkk][kkkk,kkkk]
writeHeader( keyId, type, arrayLength, requiredBits, result );
type.writeAll( array, arrayLength, requiredBits, result );
target.setValueBlocks( result.getLongs() );
return true ;
private static void writeHeader( int keyId, ShortArray type, int arrayLength, int requiredBits, Bits result )
result.put( keyId, 24 );
result.put( PropertyType.SHORT_ARRAY.intValue(), 4 );
result.put( type.type.intValue(), 4 );
result.put( arrayLength, 6 );
result.put( requiredBits, 6 );
类PropertyTypeTokenStore对应的存储文件名是neostore.propertystore.db.index,其对应的存储格式如上图所示: 是一个长度为 RECORD_SIZE=9Bytes 的 record 数组和和一个字符串“PropertyIndexStore v0.A.2”(文件类型描述TYPE_DESCRIPTOR和 neo4j 的 ALL_STORES_VERSION构成)。访问时,可以通过 token_id 作为数组的下标进行访问。
record 是由 in_use(1 Byte) ,prop_count(4 Bytes), name_id(4 Bytes)构成。
Graph database_neo4j 底层存储结构分析(5)