时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:7人阅读
例子:一个名为person的表,字段分别有name, age ,city,school,card,id
1.select : select name from person 查询出person表的所有name字段
select * from person 查询person表的所有数据
select distinct name from person 查询person表的所有数据,但是和上麦年不一样的是查询出的name是不会重复的
select * from person where name=‘lisi‘查询名字是lisi的人。注意:条件查询的条件值要用单引号,但是如果是数值就不要使用引号
select * from person where name="ll" and age=21
select * fron person where ( name="dd" or age=34) and city=‘cn‘
order by 用于对制定的列对结果进行排序
select name,age from person order by name desc;查询结果按逆排序 asc按顺排序
2.insert :insert into person (name, age)values ("",20)
3.update:update person set name="ws",age=10 where age=21;
4.delete: delete from person where name=""
5.like :select name from person where name like ‘%h‘ 查找以h结尾的名字 ‘g%‘以g开头的名字 ‘%k%‘包含k的名字