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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:24人阅读

 * CentOS-6.4-minimal版中安装MongoDB-x86_64-3.0.2
 * @see --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @see 安装MongoDB
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 ~]$ cd /app/software/
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 software]$ tar zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.0.2.tgz
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 software]$ mv mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.0.2 /app/mongodb-3.0.2
 * @see [root@CentOS64 ~]# vi /etc/profile
 * @see                       #Set MongoDB Environment Variable
 * @see                       MONGODB_HOME=/app/mongodb-3.0.2
 * @see                       PATH=$PATH:$MONGODB_HOME/bin
 * @see                       export MONGODB_HOME PATH
 * @see [root@CentOS64 ~]# source /etc/profile
 * @see [root@CentOS64 ~]# mongod -version
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 ~]$ mongod -version
 * @see --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @see 配置MongoDB
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 ~]$ cd /app/mongodb-3.0.2/
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 mongodb-3.0.2]$ mkdir data             #创建MongoDB存放数据文件的目录
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 mongodb-3.0.2]$ mkdir logs             #创建MongoDB存放日志文件的目录
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 mongodb-3.0.2]$ touch logs/mongodb.log #创建一个空的日志文件
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 mongodb-3.0.2]$ cd bin
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ vi startup.sh
 * @see mongod --dbpath /app/mongodb-3.0.2/data --logpath /app/mongodb-3.0.2/logs/mongodb.log --logappend --fork --rest --httpinterface
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ chmod 755 startup.sh
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ vi shutdown.sh
 * @see mongod --dbpath /app/mongodb-3.0.2/data --shutdown
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ chmod 755 shutdown.sh
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ vi client.sh
 * @see mongo
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ chmod 755 client.sh
 * @see --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @create 2015-6-3 下午8:05:59
 * @author 玄玉<http://blog.csdn.net/jadyer>
 * @see --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 启动MongoDB
 * @see 启动时,执行上面编写的startup.sh就可以了
 * @see 但启动之前,有4点需要注意
 * @see 1.用root启动时会有警告提示,可以为mongo单独创建一个用户来启动,以下简称"mongo用户"
 * @see 2.mongo用户的[ulimit -n]和[ulimit -u]要相同,否则也会有警告提示
 * @see 3.先要用root用户执行下面两个命令,否则启动后,客户端连接时会有警告提示
 * @see   [root@CentOS64 Jadyer]# echo "never" > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
 * @see   [root@CentOS64 Jadyer]# echo "never" > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag
 * @see 4.使用wiredTiger引擎时,需要加上directoryperdb参数,让数据库分文件夹,不然小文件太多了
 * @see   比如:numactl --interleave=all /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --fork --httpinterface --noauth --bind_ip= --port=27017 --storageEngine=wiredTiger --directoryperdb --dbpath=/data/mongodata/data/db1 --logpath=/data/mongodata/logs/mongodb.log --logappend
 * @see --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @see 管理MongoDB
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 ~]$ cd /app/mongodb-3.0.2/bin/
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ ./startup.sh
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ ./client.sh
 * @see MongoDB shell version: 3.0.2
 * @see connecting to:
 * @see > show dbs
 * @see local  0.078GB                       #此时是看不见admin的,但mongodb3.0中有一个能管理用户的userAdminAnyDatabase
 * @see > db.createUser({user:"xuanyu",pwd:"222222",roles:[{role:"userAdminAnyDatabase",db:"admin"}]})
 * @see > show users                         #查看刚才创建的用户
 * @see > db.system.users.find()             #该命令也能查看创建的用户,而且信息更详细
 * @see > db.shutdownServer()                #关闭数据库(也可用上面编写的shutdown.sh)
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ vi startup.sh #加入[--auth]参数
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ ./startup.sh
 * @see [Jadyer@CentOS64 bin]$ ./client.sh
 * @see MongoDB shell version: 3.0.2
 * @see connecting to:
 * @see > show dbs                           #此时会报告not authorized on admin to execute command { listDatabases: 1.0 }
 * @see > db.auth("xuanyu", "222222")        #返回1表示认证通过
 * @see 1
 * @see > show dbs
 * @see admin  0.078GB
 * @see local  0.078GB
 * @see > show collections                   #这时也会报错not authorized on admin...(因为"xuanyu"用户只有用户管理的权限)
 * @see > cls                                #清屏
 * @see > use jishu
 * @see switched to db jishu
 * @see > db.createUser({user:"xuanyudev", pwd:"222222", roles:[{role:"readWrite",db:"jishu"},{role:"read",db:"jishu22"}]})
 * @see > show users                         #查看刚才创建的用户
 * @see > use admin
 * @see switched to db admin
 * @see > db.system.users.find()             #查看数据库中的所有用户
 * @see > use jishu
 * @see switched to db jishu
 * @see > show collections                   #这时还会报告not authorized on admin...(因为没权限,先赋权)
 * @see > db.auth("xuanyudev", "222222")
 * @see 1
 * @see > show collections                   #如此便可以了
 * @see --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @see 一些文章
 * @see MongoDB的真正性能-实战百万用户一-一亿的道具
 * @see http://www.cnblogs.com/crazylights/archive/2013/05/08/3068098.html
 * @see MONGODB中OBJECTID的误区,以及引起的一系列问题
 * @see http://www.cnphp6.com/archives/64392
 * @see --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @create 2015-6-3 下午8:11:34
 * @author 玄玉<http://blog.csdn.net/jadyer>


标签:linux   centos   nosql   mongodb   安装   
