当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > Oracle数据整理


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:5人阅读

x1 as (select userid,startdate,coalesce(min(case when type=-1 then add_months(startdate,-1) else startdate end) over(partition by userid order by vid rows between 1 following and unbouded following),startdate+1) as minsdate, enddate as orgenddate, case when enddate is null and (lead(type) over(partition by userid order by vid))=-1 then add_months((lead(startdate) over(partition by userid order by vid)),-1) else enddate end as enddate,type,vid, max(vid) over(partition by userid) as max_id from test, x2 as (select userid,startdate,minsdate,enddate,type,vid,max_id, case when (lag(enddate) over(partition by userid order by vid))<add_months(startdate,-1) then 1 when (lag(type) over(partition by userid order by vid))=1 then null else 1 end as so from x1), x3 as (select userid,vid,max_id,type,sum(so) over(partition by userid order by vid) as so, startdate,minsdate, case when minsdate<enddate and minsdate>=startdate then minsdate else enddate end as enddate from x2 where type=1 and startdate<=minsdate), x4 as (select userid,max_id,max(vid) as max_id2,sum(type) as type, min(startdate) keep(dense_rank first order by vid) as startdate, max(enddate) keep(dense_rank last order by vid) as enddate from x3) select userid,to_char(startdate,yyyymm)||--||coalesce(to_char(enddate,yyyymm),NULL) as rangeSpace from x4 where (max_id=max_id2 or startdate<=enddate) and type>-1;


