时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:4人阅读
1create Database Show
2 on
3 primary 4 ( 5 name= Show_data , 6 filename= ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\Show.mdf‘ , 7 size=10MB, 8 maxsize=UNLIMITED, 9 filegrowth=10% 10 11 ) 12 log on 13 ( 14 name=Show_log, 15 filename=‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\Show_log .ldf‘ , 16 size=10MB, 17 maxsize=UNLIMITED, 18 filegrowth=10% 19 )
1 drop database Show; --删除数据库 2 3 drop table T_user; 4 drop table T_proMain; 5 drop table T_proType; 6 drop table T_proImg; --删除表 7 8 alter table T_proMain drop constraint fk_typeID 9 alter table T_proMain drop constraint fk_UID 10 alter table T_proImg drop constraint fk_proID --删除外键约束 11 12 drop proc proc_getPic --删除存储过程删除数据库、表、外键、存储过程
1 create proc proc_getproM ( 2 @Index int, 3 @Size int 4 ) 5 as 6 begin 7 declare @ta table 8 ( 9 [proID] [int] 10 ) 11 insert into @ta(proID) select proID from (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over ( order by CTR desc) as id ,* from T_proMain )a where id between @Index and @Size 12 declare @a int , @b varchar(100) 13 declare @tc table 14 ( 15 [proID] int, 16 [proExp] varchar(200), 17 [UName] varchar(20), 18 [UrlName] varchar(max) 19 ) 20 21 while exists(select [proID] from @ta) 22 begin 23 -- select * from @ta; 24 select top 1 @a=[proID] from @ta; 25 declare @c int 26 select @c =proID from T_proMain where proID=@a ; --proID 27 28 declare @e varchar(200) 29 select @e=proExp from T_proMain where proID=@a ; --proExp 第一张的 项目名 30 31 32 declare @d varchar(20),@l int; 33 select @l=UID from T_proMain where proID=@a ; 34 select @d=UName from T_user where UID=@l; --UName 也就是作者名 35 declare @tb table 36 ( 37 [imgURL] varchar(100) 38 ) 39 40 insert into @tb (imgURL) select imgURL from T_proImg where proID=@a; 41 -- select * from @tb 42 declare @g varchar(max); 43 set @g=‘‘; 44 while exists(select [imgURL] from @tb) 45 begin 46 select top 1 @b=[imgURL] from @tb; 47 declare @f varchar(100) 48 49 select @f=imgURL from T_proImg where imgURL=@b ; --imgURL 第一张的图片地址 50 set @g+=@f; 51 set @g+=‘#‘; 52 print @f; 53 declare @h varchar(200) 54 select @h=imgName from T_proImg where imgURL=@b ; --imgName 第一张的图片地址 55 print @h; 56 declare @o bit 57 select @o=ISDefault from T_proImg where imgURL=@b ; 58 set @g+=@h; 59 set @g+=‘#‘; 60 declare @n bit,@p varchar(2) 61 set @n=1; 62 if @o=@n 63 begin 64 set @p=‘1‘ 65 end 66 else 67 begin 68 set @p=‘0‘ 69 end 70 set @g+=@p; 71 set @g+=‘*‘; 72 print @g; 73 delete from @tb where [imgURL] = @b; 74 end 75 76 insert into @tc values(@c,@e,@d,@g); 77 delete from @tb; 78 delete from @ta where [proID]=@a; 79 end 80 select * from @tc; 81 end建存储过程:动态取出另一张ID连续等于第几条到第几条,在这张表的数据
1 create proc proc_getPic ( 2 @Index int, 3 @Size int 4 ) 5 as 6 begin 7 declare @ta table 8 ( 9 [ID] [int] 10 ) 11 insert into @ta(ID) select ID from (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over ( order by ID desc) as id from T_Pic )aa where ID between @Index and @Size 12 declare @a int , @b varchar(100) 13 declare @tc table 14 ( 15 [ID] int, 16 [Pic] varchar(50), 17 [PicName] varchar(20), 18 [PicAuthor] varchar(20) 19 ) 20 21 while exists(select [ID] from @ta) 22 begin 23 -- select * from @ta; 24 select top 1 @a=[ID] from @ta; 25 declare @c int 26 select @c =ID from T_Pic where ID=@a ; --proID 27 28 declare @e varchar(50) 29 select @e=Pic from T_Pic where ID=@a ; --proExp 第一张的 项目名 30 31 32 declare @d varchar(20),@l varchar(20); 33 select @l=PicName from T_Pic where ID=@a ; 34 select @d=PicAuthor from T_Pic where ID=@a; --UName 也就是作者名 35 36 insert into @tc values(@c,@e,@l,@d); 37 38 delete from @ta where [ID]=@a; 39 end 40 select * from @tc; 41 end 42 exec proc_getPic 1,10动态取出表的连续的第几条到第几条数据