时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:4人阅读
<pre name="code" class="sql">有朋友留言,需要监控指定时间内如早上9定到18点的TPS,写了一个10秒内TPS的方法. #!/bin/bash export black='\033[0m' export boldblack='\033[1;0m' export red='\033[31m' export boldred='\033[1;31m' export green='\033[32m' export boldgreen='\033[1;32m' export yellow='\033[33m' export boldyellow='\033[1;33m' export blue='\033[34m' export boldblue='\033[1;34m' export magenta='\033[35m' export boldmagenta='\033[1;35m' export cyan='\033[36m' export boldcyan='\033[1;36m' export white='\033[37m' export boldwhite='\033[1;37m' cecho () ## -- Function to easliy print colored text -- ## # Color-echo. # 参数 $1 = message # 参数 $2 = color { local default_msg="No message passed." message=${1:-$default_msg} # 如果$1没有输入则为默认值default_msg. color=${2:-black} # 如果$1没有输入则为默认值black. case $color in black) printf "$black" ;; boldblack) printf "$boldblack" ;; red) printf "$red" ;; boldred) printf "$boldred" ;; green) printf "$green" ;; boldgreen) printf "$boldgreen" ;; yellow) printf "$yellow" ;; boldyellow) printf "$boldyellow" ;; blue) printf "$blue" ;; boldblue) printf "$boldblue" ;; magenta) printf "$magenta" ;; boldmagenta) printf "$boldmagenta" ;; cyan) printf "$cyan" ;; boldcyan) printf "$boldcyan" ;; white) printf "$white" ;; boldwhite) printf "$boldwhite" ;; esac printf "%s\n" "$message" tput sgr0 # tput sgr0即恢复默认值 printf "$black" return } cechon () # Color-echo. # 参数1 $1 = message # 参数2 $2 = color { local default_msg="No message passed." # Doesn't really need to be a local variable. message=${1:-$default_msg} # 如果$1没有输入则为默认值default_msg. color=${2:-black} # 如果$1没有输入则为默认值black. case $color in black) printf "$black" ;; boldblack) printf "$boldblack" ;; red) printf "$red" ;; boldred) printf "$boldred" ;; green) printf "$green" ;; boldgreen) printf "$boldgreen" ;; yellow) printf "$yellow" ;; boldyellow) printf "$boldyellow" ;; blue) printf "$blue" ;; boldblue) printf "$boldblue" ;; magenta) printf "$magenta" ;; boldmagenta) printf "$boldmagenta" ;; cyan) printf "$cyan" ;; boldcyan) printf "$boldcyan" ;; white) printf "$white" ;; boldwhite) printf "$boldwhite" ;; esac printf "%s" "$message" tput sgr0 # tput sgr0即恢复默认值 printf "$black" return } #set mysql evn MYSQL_USER=root #mysql的用户名 MYSQL_PASS='123' #mysql的登录用户密码 MYSQL_HOST=localhost #TPS01(间隔时间内事务量) ####TPS = (Com_commit + Com_rollback) / seconds #### ####mysql > show global status like 'Com_insert'; #### ####mysql > show global status like 'Com_update'; #### ####mysql > show global status like 'Com_delete'; #### sleep_time=10 tps_01="show global status where Variable_name in('Com_insert'); " tps_02="show global status where Variable_name in('Com_update'); " tps_03="show global status where Variable_name in('Com_delete'); " tps_re01="tpsre01.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.txt" tps_re02="tpsre02.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.txt" tps_re03="tpsre03.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.txt" mysql -h${MYSQL_HOST} -u${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PASS} -e"${tps_01}" |grep -v Variable_name |cut -f 2 >${tps_re01} mysql -h${MYSQL_HOST} -u${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PASS} -e"${tps_02}" |grep -v Variable_name |cut -f 2 >${tps_re02} mysql -h${MYSQL_HOST} -u${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PASS} -e"${tps_03}" |grep -v Variable_name |cut -f 2 >${tps_re03} tps_01_re=`cat ${tps_re01}` tps_02_re=`cat ${tps_re02}` tps_03_re=`cat ${tps_re03}` tps_sum_now=`awk 'BEGIN{print '${tps_01_re}' + '${tps_02_re}' + '${tps_03_re}'}' ` #shell默认不支持浮点运算 rm -rf ${tps_re01} rm -rf ${tps_re02} rm -rf ${tps_re03} echo "正在获取TPS值:" sleep ${sleep_time} tps_021="show global status where Variable_name in('Com_insert'); " tps_022="show global status where Variable_name in('Com_update'); " tps_023="show global status where Variable_name in('Com_delete'); " tps_re021="tpsre021.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.txt" tps_re022="tpsre022.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.txt" tps_re023="tpsre023.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.txt" mysql -h${MYSQL_HOST} -u${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PASS} -e"${tps_021}" |grep -v Variable_name |cut -f 2 >${tps_re021} mysql -h${MYSQL_HOST} -u${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PASS} -e"${tps_022}" |grep -v Variable_name |cut -f 2 >${tps_re022} mysql -h${MYSQL_HOST} -u${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PASS} -e"${tps_023}" |grep -v Variable_name |cut -f 2 >${tps_re023} tps_021_re=`cat ${tps_re021}` tps_022_re=`cat ${tps_re022}` tps_023_re=`cat ${tps_re023}` tps_sum_new=`awk 'BEGIN{print '${tps_021_re}' + '${tps_022_re}' + '${tps_023_re}' }'` tps_sum_diff=`awk 'BEGIN{print '${tps_sum_new}' - '${tps_sum_now}' }' ` tps_avg=`awk 'BEGIN{print '${tps_sum_diff}' / '${sleep_time}'}'` #shell默认不支持浮点运算 cechon "Within the last $sleep_time seconds,TPS is: ${tps_avg} " red echo " " echo " " rm -rf ${tps_re021} rm -rf ${tps_re022} rm -rf ${tps_re023} ############运行结果 正在获取TPS值: Within the last 10 seconds,TPS is: 0.9
标签:tps mysql tps