时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读
--oracle看到用户的所有表名、表睐、字段名称、现场的目光、是空的、字段类型 select distinct TABLE_COLUMN.*, TABLE_NALLABLE.DATA_TYPE, TABLE_NALLABLE.NULLABLE from (select distinct utc.table_name table_name, utc.comments table_comments, ucc.column_name column_name, ucc.comments column_comments from user_tab_comments utc, user_col_comments ucc where utc.table_name = ucc.table_name and utc.table_name not like '%_B' and utc.table_name not like '%_Z' and utc.table_name not like '%1%') TABLE_COLUMN, (select distinct table_name, column_name, nullable, DATA_TYPE from user_tab_cols where table_name not like '%_B' and table_name not like '%_Z' and table_name not like '%1%') TABLE_NALLABLE where TABLE_COLUMN.column_name = TABLE_NALLABLE.column_name and TABLE_COLUMN.TABLE_NAME = TABLE_NALLABLE.table_name --and TABLE_COLUMN.column_comments like '%分类名称%' and TABLE_COLUMN.table_comments like '%词典%'; --笛卡尔反复删除