当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > 数据库基本查询与高级查询


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读

* from Fruit --查所有 select Name,Source from Fruit --查特定列 select Ids ‘代号‘,Name ‘名称‘,Price ‘价格‘,Source ‘产地‘ from Fruit -- 修改列名 select * from Fruit where Ids=K006 select * from Fruit where Price=2.4 and Source=‘烟台‘ -- 查指定行按条件查 select * from Fruit where Price between 2.0 and 4.0 --查指定行按范围查 select * from Fruit where Numbers in (90,80,70)--查指定行,离散查 select distinct Numbers from Fruit --去重查询 select * from News select * from News where title like %户口 --模糊查询,查以户口结尾的 select * from News where title like 路飞% --模糊查询,查以路飞开头的 select * from News where title like %路飞% --模糊查询,查以包含路飞的 select * from News where title like %外币货_--模糊查询,查外币货之后只有一个字符的 select * from Fruit order by Numbers asc --按照Numbers列升序排,如果不加asc默认以升序排 select * from Fruit order by Numbers desc --按照Numbers列降序排 select * from Fruit order by Numbers,Price --先按照Numbers排,然后再按照Price排 select COUNT(*) from Fruit --返回Fruit表里面有多少条数据 select AVG(Numbers)from Fruit --返回某一列的平均值 select SUM(Numbers) from Fruit --返回某一列的所有数据和 select MAX(Numbers) from Fruit --返回某一列中的最大值 select MIN(Numbers) from Fruit --返回某一列中的最小值 select *,(Price*0.8) as ‘折后价格‘ from Fruit --加一列数据库中没有的列,这里是加了8折后的价格列 select Numbers, COUNT(*) from Fruit group by Numbers --根据某一列分组,求出该组内成员的个数 select Numbers, COUNT(*) from Fruit group by Numbers having COUNT(*)>1--根据某一列分组,求出该组内成员的个数,返回成员个数大于1的


select * from Info,Nation -- 形成笛卡尔积
select * from Info,Nation where Nation.Code=Info.Nation  

--join on 内连接
select * from Info join Nation on Info.Nation = Nation.Code

select student.sname,course.cname,score.degree from student join score on score.sno=student.sno join course on course.cno = score.cno

select * from Info right join Nation on Info.Nation=Nation.Code
select * from Info left join Nation on Info.Nation=Nation.Code
select * from Info full join Nation on Info.Nation=Nation.Code

select Code,Name from Info
select InfoCode,Name from Family

select * from Info
select * from Info where year(Birthday)=(
select YEAR(Birthday) from info where Code=p005)

select * from teacher
select * from teacher t1 where depart=计算机系 and not exists(
select * from teacher t2 where depart=电子工程系 and t1.prof = t2.prof)
select * from teacher t1 where depart=电子工程系
and not exists(
select * from teacher t2 where depart=计算机系 and t1.prof = t2.prof

select * from score

select * from score where degree not in(select MAX(degree) from score group by cno)--错误

select * from score s1 where degree not in(
select MAX(degree) from score s2 group by cno having s1.cno = s2.cno

--select * from score where degree not in(86,75)

select * from Car

select top 5 * from Car -- 前5条数据,第一页
select top 5 * from Car where Code not in(
select top 5 Code from Car
) -- 第二页的数据

select top 5 * from Car where Code not in(
select top 10 Code from Car
) --第三页的数据

select top 5 * from Car where Code not in(
select top (5*2) Code from Car

select ceiling(COUNT(*)/5) from Car --求总页数

select * from Car where 条件 limit 跳过几条数据,取几条数据 --mysql里面的分页



