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Understanding postgresql.conf : log*

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读

:21:50 depesz@blob ~ =$ pg_ctl -D data start server starting 14:21:54 depesz@blob ~ =$ LOG: database system was shut down at 2011-04-30 14:21:35 CEST LOG: database system is ready to accept connections LOG: autovacuum launcher started

(the lines with timestamp and ‘depesz@blob‘ are my prompt).

As you can see I got 2nd prompt, and then I got 3 LOG lines. If I‘ll connect to this Pg instance, from another console, and run something which will generate error:

=$ psql -d postgres -c select 1/0
ERROR:  division by zero

On the first console I will get additional lines saying:

ERROR:  division by zero
STATEMENT:  select 1/0

This is the basic mode for PostgreSQL. Just spit everything to STDERR, and don‘t bother doing anything about it.

Pg_ctl has support for redirecting the logs, thanks to its -l option:

14:25:08 depesz@blob ~
=$ pg_ctl -D data -l server.log start
server starting
14:25:16 depesz@blob ~
=$ psql -d postgres -c select 1/0
ERROR:  division by zero
14:25:32 depesz@blob ~
=$ cat server.log 
LOG:  database system was shut down at 2011-04-30 14:25:07 CEST
LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
ERROR:  division by zero
STATEMENT:  select 1/0

(yes, I stopped Pg first, before starting it again).

As you can see now the log is not outputted to STDERR (aside form “server starting" message, which we will discuss later).

This is done in the simplest possible way: before actually running postgres it opens the log for writing, and redirects STDOUT and STDERR there. So, it‘s virtually the same as:

=$ pg_ctl -D data start >> server.log 2>&1

Now, that we know what happens by default we can dig deeper into configuration, to see what‘s really happening.

First option that we need to know/understand is log_destination. It has 3 different possible values:

  • stderr – default, logs go STDERR, unmodified
  • syslog – logs go to syslog (system logging daemon – every Unix has one, as far as I know)
  • csvlog – logs are saved to .csv files, but that‘s a bit more complex, will come to it later

What does stderr we already know. What about syslog? Well. When using syslog, start of PostgreSQL, and all other messages are sent to the syslog daemon, which can then be configured to do something with them.

Generally, what‘s important – when logging to syslog there are 2 additional parameters:

  • syslog_facility
  • syslog_ident

Syslog_facility can be assumed to be “category of source". Some syslogd configurations choose different logfile based on facility, so it‘s pretty common to use it for directing logs to different files. Unfortunately list of possible facilities is closed, and not really big: LOCAL0, LOCAL1, LOCAL2, LOCAL3, LOCAL4, LOCAL5, LOCAL6, LOCAL7 (there are also other facilities, but PostgreSQL can‘t log with them).

Syslog_ident is free text description of what program logged given line.

My setup of syslogd, logs messages to files named like facility, so I have every facility separately. With default settings, start of PostgreSQL, and 1/0 division logged to local0.log file:

=# cat local0.log 
Apr 30 14:34:19 blob postgres[29901]: [1-1] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2011-04-30 14:26:55 CEST
Apr 30 14:34:19 blob postgres[29900]: [1-1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
Apr 30 14:34:19 blob postgres[29904]: [1-1] LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
Apr 30 14:35:03 blob postgres[30116]: [2-1] ERROR:  division by zero
Apr 30 14:35:03 blob postgres[30116]: [2-2] STATEMENT:  select 1/0

If i‘ll change syslog_facility to LOCAL6, and syslog_ident to whatever, the same test (pg start + 1/0 division), will change the logfile, and logged content will look like:

=# cat local6.log 
Apr 30 14:41:42 blob whatever[30547]: [1-1] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2011-04-30 14:41:18 CEST
Apr 30 14:41:42 blob whatever[30546]: [1-1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
Apr 30 14:41:42 blob whatever[30550]: [1-1] LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
Apr 30 14:41:45 blob whatever[30553]: [2-1] ERROR:  division by zero
Apr 30 14:41:45 blob whatever[30553]: [2-2] STATEMENT:  select 1/0

As you can see instead of “postgres" I now have “whatever" – which is pretty cool, if you‘re into using syslog, and you have more than one PostgreSQL instance on single server.

Syslog has many cool features (like sending logs to external machine, over TCP or UDP), but I‘m not really liking it. Reasons:

  • It‘s overhead. Instead of just doing write() to file, the data has to be sent to another process, which applies some rules to find where to log it, and then finally do the write.
  • I don‘t like syslog log format

But, if you need stuff like sending logs to remote machine – syslog is the best option (well, without writing your own software).

Now, let‘s come back to csvlog. To use it, as comments in postgresql.conf say, we have to enable “logging_collector".

So, let‘s revert log_destination to stderr, and enable logging_collector.

Quick Pg stop/start, and 1/0 division, and we see … so, what do we see?

First of all, we see that there is another child process for postmaster:

=$ ps f -C postgres
31255 pts/0    S      0:00 /opt/pgsql-9.0.4/bin/postgres -D data
<b>31256 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: logger process             </b>
31258 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: writer process             
31259 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: wal writer process         
31260 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: autovacuum launcher process   
31261 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: stats collector process

Starting Pg still shows “server started" line, but that‘s all. And logs are now handled fully by PostgreSQL itself.

With default configuration, they are stored in $PGDATA/pg_log directory, and log file name is based on when Pg was started. So now it is:

=$ cat data/pg_log/postgresql-2011-04-30_145020.log 
LOG:  database system was shut down at 2011-04-30 14:50:19 CEST
LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
ERROR:  division by zero
STATEMENT:  select 1/0

Of course name of the file can be changed, but that‘s not the point for now. This is STDERR logging, with turned on logging_collector. And since we have logging_collector, we can also test csvlog. So, pg_ctl stop, s/stderr/csvlog, start, 1/0 division later we see:

14:54:36 depesz@blob ~
=$ ls -l data/pg_log/
total 4
-rw------- 1 depesz depesz 630 2011-04-30 14:54 postgresql-2011-04-30_145436.csv
-rw------- 1 depesz depesz   0 2011-04-30 14:54 postgresql-2011-04-30_145436.log
14:54:39 depesz@blob ~
=$ cat data/pg_log/postgresql-2011-04-30_145436.csv
2011-04-30 14:54:36.296 CEST,,,31579,,4dbffb0c.7b5b,1,,2011-04-30 14:54:36 CEST,,0,LOG,00000,&quot;database system was shut down at 2011-04-30 14:54:34 CEST&quot;,,,,,,,,,&quot;&quot;
2011-04-30 14:54:36.339 CEST,,,31577,,4dbffb0b.7b59,1,,2011-04-30 14:54:35 CEST,,0,LOG,00000,&quot;database system is ready to accept connections&quot;,,,,,,,,,&quot;&quot;
2011-04-30 14:54:36.339 CEST,,,31582,,4dbffb0c.7b5e,1,,2011-04-30 14:54:36 CEST,,0,LOG,00000,&quot;autovacuum launcher started&quot;,,,,,,,,,&quot;&quot;
2011-04-30 14:54:36.957 CEST,&quot;depesz&quot;,&quot;postgres&quot;,31586,&quot;[local]&quot;,4dbffb0c.7b62,1,&quot;SELECT&quot;,2011-04-30 14:54:36 CEST,2/3,0,ERROR,22012,&quot;division by zero&quot;,,,,,,&quot;select 1/0&quot;,,,&quot;psql&quot;

As you can see 2 files were created. .log, which is empty, and .csv.

.log is usually empty. There are some cases when there is something logged there, but these are usually hard-core critical errors related (as far as I recall) with starting PostgreSQL.

The csv file on the other hand is interesting. It contains a lot of information that wasn‘t previously visible/logged.

This file format, has been designed to contain all necessary information, and be easily loadable to PostgreSQL itself. The whole procedure and table schema (where to load the log to) is described nicely in the fine manual.

But, since we‘re humans, and not servers ourselves, we prefer formats a bit easier on our eyes. That‘s why, I generally use normal STDERR log_destination, but logging_collector set to true, to I can use some more of PostgreSQL magic. What magic?

For starters, I can change log_directory, to make it log someplace else.

log_directory, unless it starts with / – is assumed to be inside datadir. Which is helpful in some cases, and problematic in other. If it‘s problematic in yours, just do:

log_directory = /var/log/postgresql

and be happy :).

Next possibility is to use automatic log rotation – without logrotate, or PostgreSQL restarts/reloads.

PostgreSQL supports 2 modes for rotation:

  • time based
  • size based

Time based log rotation works like this. There is option log_rotation_age, which takes integer representing number of minutes, but can also handle some common units: ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), min (minutes), h (hours), and d (days). Honestly – Never tried any other aside from “h" and “d".

This means that whenever given time passes, new log file is created, and entries are written there (but check the details on log_filename below).

Size based rotation is also simple – you specify value (for log_rotation_size guc) that, after the log is that big, PostgreSQL will switch to next log file name.

Default values are ‘1 day‘ for time based, and ‘10 MB‘ for size, which means that PostgreSQL will change (well, technically try to change) log file whenever date changes or when current logfile is over 10MB.

Now, I wrote about “trying to change". Why? It‘s simple, and related to another log_ guc, that is log_filename.

log_filename, is not really file name – it‘s more of a template. By default it is: postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log.

What these %* things mean? These are actually standard escapes related to strftime function.

So, assuming that today is 30th of April, and it‘s 3:40pm and 25 seconds, logfile created now would be named postgresql-2011-04-30_154025.log.

And there is a potential problem.

For example, if you‘ll make your PostgreSQL, not contain anything date/time related – then no log rotation will ever happen – because when PostgreSQL will try to rotate the file, it will get the same file name.

The same thing happens in less obvious case – let‘s say that you got tired of those 6 digits (time) at the end, and you changed your log_filename to postgresql-%Y-%m-%d.log, while keeping log_rotation_age at 1 day, and log_rotation_size 10MB. What that means? That means that you effectively turned off size based log rotation. Because when log will be 10MB, and PostgreSQL will try to rotate it, it will get the same filename.

Of course there is also log_truncate_on_rotation option. When set, PostgreSQL will truncate existing logfile before switching to it. With this you can still have logfile rotation, even when your log_filename seems to prevent it – at the cost of losing older data.

This option (i.e. log_truncate_on_rotation) is pretty commonly used to keep only fixed set of log files. For example, if we‘ll set PostgreSQL like this:

log_truncate_on_rotation = on
log_filename = postgresql-%a.log
log_rotation_age = 1d

(%a is abbreviated week day name), we will have situation, where PostgreSQL will keep 7 log files:

  • postgresql-Mon.log
  • postgresql-Tue.log
  • postgresql-Wed.log
  • postgresql-Thu.log
  • postgresql-Fri.log
  • postgresql-Sat.log
  • postgresql-Sun.log

And when day changes, it will clear week-old log file, and write to it.

Similar situation can be done to keep last month worth of logs, or even last day, in 24 files, per hour.

Having written about it all, before I will move to describe what get‘s logged, and how, let me mention one more option.

There is option called “silent_mode".

This is used to prevent PostgreSQL from printing to STDERR information about errors that prevent it from starting.

Normal errors – even fatal, are normally logged to log files, but if I‘ll do something that makes Pg unable to start, I will get information about it on the screen regardless of log_destination:

15:27:39 depesz@blob ~
=$ pg_ctl -D data/ start
server starting
15:27:49 depesz@blob ~
=$ LOG:  could not bind IPv6 socket: Permission denied
HINT:  Is another postmaster already running on port 80? If not, wait a few seconds and retry.
LOG:  could not bind IPv4 socket: Permission denied
HINT:  Is another postmaster already running on port 80? If not, wait a few seconds and retry.
WARNING:  could not create listen socket for &quot;localhost&quot;
FATAL:  could not create any TCP/IP sockets

In this example I tried to make PostgreSQL listen on port 80, which wouldn‘t work, but caused pg to abort startup.

If I‘ll enable silent_mode, those messages will not be sent to terminal.

You might ask – but why it sends to terminal, when I have perfectly good logging setup?

Reason is very simple – increased visibility. Since Pg didn‘t start – we should know about it immediately, and not only after some time, when something else will break.

If you are sure that your setup is OK, you might turn on silent_mode, but on the other hand – it doesn‘t break anything, so why touch it?

Before I will move to next segment, let me show my favorite settings:

log_destination = stderr
logging_collector = on
log_directory = pg_log
log_filename = postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log
log_truncate_on_rotation = off
log_rotation_age = 1d
log_rotation_size = 100MB

Thanks to this, I get all logs (i.e. no previous log get truncated), I have full history of logs (which I then, with cronjob) compress, and archive, and logs are partitioned in files 100MB at most, so it‘s easy to view them with virtually any pager or even editor.

Now. On to logs content.

First option that we have is log_min_messages. It‘s named similarly to client_min_messages, so it‘s easy to confuse, but they are slightly different.

This option is basically “debug level". You choose which messages should be logged. All levels:

  • debug5
  • debug4
  • debug3
  • debug2
  • debug1
  • info
  • notice
  • warning
  • error
  • log
  • fatal
  • panic

(client_min_messages has less levels to choose from, and has different priority of “log" level).

When you set log_min_messages to some level, it means that all messages of this level, and all levels more important will get logged.

This means that setting it to “panic" will get you only panic, but setting it to debug5 will get you everything.

So, let‘s see it. log_min_messages debug5, and simple query: “select * from pg_class order by relname limit 3″. Logs got:

DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: 
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children:

Nothing really cool, but just then the autovacuum kicked in, and I got:

DEBUG:  InitPostgres
DEBUG:  my backend id is 3
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: 
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: 
DEBUG:  autovacuum: processing database &quot;postgres&quot;
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: 
DEBUG:  pg_statistic: vac: 0 (threshold 118), anl: 0 (threshold 84)
DEBUG:  pg_type: vac: 0 (threshold 107), anl: 0 (threshold 79)
DEBUG:  pg_attribute: vac: 0 (threshold 437), anl: 0 (threshold 244)
DEBUG:  pg_authid: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50)
DEBUG:  pg_proc: vac: 0 (threshold 501), anl: 0 (threshold 276)
DEBUG:  pg_class: vac: 0 (threshold 101), anl: 0 (threshold 75)
DEBUG:  pg_index: vac: 0 (threshold 70), anl: 0 (threshold 60)
DEBUG:  pg_operator: vac: 0 (threshold 191), anl: 0 (threshold 120)
DEBUG:  pg_database: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50)
DEBUG:  pg_opclass: vac: 0 (threshold 72), anl: 0 (threshold 61)
DEBUG:  pg_am: vac: 0 (threshold 51), anl: 0 (threshold 50)
DEBUG:  pg_amop: vac: 0 (threshold 121), anl: 0 (threshold 86)
DEBUG:  pg_amproc: vac: 0 (threshold 100), anl: 0 (threshold 75)
DEBUG:  pg_aggregate: vac: 0 (threshold 74), anl: 0 (threshold 62)
DEBUG:  pg_rewrite: vac: 0 (threshold 67), anl: 0 (threshold 59)
DEBUG:  pg_namespace: vac: 0 (threshold 51), anl: 0 (threshold 51)
DEBUG:  pg_tablespace: vac: 0 (threshold 50), anl: 0 (threshold 50)
DEBUG:  pg_cast: vac: 0 (threshold 88), anl: 0 (threshold 69)
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: 
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0): 8 callbacks to make
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0): 2 callbacks to make
DEBUG:  exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(-1): 0 callbacks to make
DEBUG:  proc_exit(-1): 0 callbacks to make
DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
DEBUG:  server process (PID 3041) exited with exit code 0


Generally – unless you are PostgreSQL developer (i.e. working on making it even better database) – in which case you don‘t need to read this blogpost – you don‘t need those DEBUG lines.

As for other levels:

  • INFO – as far as I can tell PostgreSQL itself uses it only in some cases with notify/listen
  • NOTICE – well, this are used for example when you create a table, with PRIMARY KEY, and it notifies you about index creation for the table
  • WARNING – all kinds of warnings, the most common one is about using escapes (\ character) in strings
  • ERROR – all cases which cause Pg to break transaction. Deadlocks, bad values, constraint violations and so on
  • LOG – used to log information about special event (checkpoint, connections)
  • FATAL – errors which cause Pg session that caused it to abort. For example – bad password given when authenticating
  • PANIC – errors which cause all Pg sessions to be aborted. You don‘t want this.

Please remember that any level can be also generated from PL functions, with RAISE (or it‘s equivalent) command, like with:

RAISE LOG Calculated income for user % is %, user.id, user.income;

Default setting of “warning" is pretty good idea. Unless you really, truly need more information. I wouldn‘t suggest to change to higher log level (like error) because you will be missing information on some things that might be wrong.

Next setting, similar when it comes to accepted values is log_min_error_statement with default of “error".

This setting means that whenever there is line logged with given log level (or more severe) the statement that caused it should be logged too.

Let‘s see how it works. Since I have it set to error – it will not log statements for NOTICES, even if i‘ll log them. So:

log_min_messages = notice
log_min_error_statement = error

First, I ran:

$ create table x (id serial primary key );
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "x_id_seq" for serial column "x.id"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "x_pkey" for table "x"

In logs I got only:

NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "x_id_seq" for serial column "x.id"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "x_pkey" for table "x"

But when I‘ll do something that will generate error:

$ select 1/0;
ERROR:  division by zero

Logs get:

ERROR:  division by zero
STATEMENT:  select 1/0;

Generally I would say that it makes sense to log statement for all logged messages, so log_min_messages should be the same as log_min_error_statement. Of course – you might have different opinion, I‘m just stating my preference.

Without it, based on details, I will get all warnings logged, but without query that caused them which makes finding the warning and fixing it much harder.

Now, how about actually logging normal queries?

To set it all we have 3 settings:

  • log_statement
  • log_duration
  • log_min_duration_statement

First of them, log_statement, is a yes/no setting for logging all queries (or some subset of queries, based on the type).

Possible options as: none (default), no queries are logged because of log_statement, as log_min_duration_statement can override it.

On the other end of scale we can set log_statement to ‘all‘, so that it will log every single query.

In between on none and all we have two more settings: “ddl" – which means that it will log all queries that change database schema (create, drop, alter), and “mod" – which logs also queries that change data (updates, inserts, deletes).

One thing that you have to know/understand – decision whether it should be logged is based on analysis of the query user sent. So, if I‘ll set log_statement to “mod", and then issue:

$ insert into x (id) values (DEFAULT);
$ create function q () returns void as $$
>> insert into x (id) values (DEFAULT);
>> $$ language sql;
$ select q();
(1 row)

In logs I will see only:

LOG:  statement: insert into x (id) values (DEFAULT);
LOG:  statement: create function q () returns void as $$
        insert into x (id) values (DEFAULT);
        $$ language sql;

That is – I didn‘t get information about insert that happened inside q() function, or even that the function got called.

Next option is log_duration. It‘s a simple on/off switch which lets you log time that it took PostgreSQL to process every query. Every. Single. Query.

What‘s even worse – since it just logs time, you don‘t really get much of an info. With log_duration turned on, after running:

$ select 1;
(1 row)
(depesz@[local]:5900) 12:27:39 [postgres] 
$ select pg_sleep(1);
(1 row)
(depesz@[local]:5900) 12:27:43 [postgres] 
$ select 2;
(1 row)

I got in logs:

LOG:  duration: 0.398 ms
LOG:  duration: 1001.620 ms
LOG:  duration: 0.088 ms

Which (given lack of statements) doesn‘t really tell me much. Of course I could log all statements, and then pair statement with time (using something which I‘ll describe later). Or just log some statements, pair those with times, and ignore other times.

Generally, in real life I‘ve not seen a sensible use-case for log_duration (which doesn‘t mean that there aren‘t any, it‘s just that I haven‘t stumbled upon them yet).

The last, and (in my opinion) the best option to control printing queries and their time is log_min_duration_statement.

This options takes integer argument, which is interpreted as time in milliseconds. Every query that runs for this number of milliseconds (or longer) finishes – it get‘s logged.

Let‘s see it in action: setting to 50 (50 ms), and running:

$ select pg_sleep(0.5);
(1 row)
$ select 1;
(1 row)
$ select pg_sleep(0.25);
(1 row)

I got in logs:

LOG:  duration: 501.378 ms  statement: select pg_sleep(0.5);
LOG:  duration: 250.391 ms  statement: select pg_sleep(0.25);

Please note that select 1 was not logged – it was simply too fast.

One important note though, quite obvious, but perhaps not at the first sight.

log_statement logs query when it starts – i.e. as soon as it hits the db server, it will get logged.

log_min_duration_statement logs the query only after it ended (because it needs the time it took to run).

So, if you have long running query now, don‘t look for it in logs, unless you have log_statement configured so that it should get logged by it.

There is also one more note. Please see that the format of logged messages for log_min_duration_statement is:

duration: "time-in-ms" ms  statement: "query"

It‘s not always like this. If the query happened to be logged by log_statement before, it will not be included in the line emitted by log_min_duration_statement:

>$ select name, setting from pg_settings where name in (log_min_duration_statement, log_duration, log_statement);
            name            | setting 
 log_duration               | off
 log_min_duration_statement | 50
 log_statement              | mod
(3 rows)
$ insert into x (id) select generate_series(10,500000);
INSERT 0 499991


LOG:  statement: insert into x (id) select generate_series(10,500000);
LOG:  duration: 5134.431 ms

That is – PostgreSQL remembered that query was already logged, so it didn‘t pollute the logs with redundant info.

Same thing happens with log_duration – if log_duration notices that log_min_duration_statement already logged time, it doesn‘t add another line with repeated time.

So, with all this settings, one can easily setup Pg that it will log all modifications (for audit purposes), plus, for performance-analysis reason, all queries longer than some time. This some time will vary from situation to situation, but generally in case of web apps, you shouldn‘t have queries running for over 100ms. On the other hand in case of data warehouses queries running couple of hours can be seen as normal.

Now, you could notice one important thing in all previous examples. The logs are without any time marks or any other meta information – I mean in the stderr mode (either with or without logging_collector). It‘s because PostgreSQL is very flexible about what you can log with all your lines.

There is option: log_line_prefix, which contains format string for prefix that will be used for every logged message.

Possible options:

  • %a – application name
  • %u – user name
  • %d – database name
  • %r – remote host and port
  • %h – remote host
  • %p – process ID
  • %t – timestamp without milliseconds
  • %m – timestamp with milliseconds
  • %i – command tag
  • %e – SQL state
  • %c – session ID
  • %l – session line number
  • %s – session start timestamp
  • %v – virtual transaction ID
  • %x – transaction ID (0 if none)
  • %q – stop here in non-session processes
  • %% – ‘%‘

That‘s a lot of possibilities.

A bit more detailed description: application_name is new option in 9.0, described with a bit more details in my previous blogpost.

user name – it will be either name of logged in user, or empty string if there is no logged user for this line (for example messages generated by connections, before authentication, or autovacuum, or checkpoints).

database name – name of database that given session is connected to. Again – can be empty if there is no database selected yet.

remote host and port – it either contains string [local] if the connection is over unix socket, or it contains ip address of client, together with port number it used to connect to postgresql (not the port PostgreSQL is listening on, but the port that got opened for the connection on the other end).

process ID – basically PID of backend process.

command tag – name of the command that is being run – ALTER, SELECT, UPDATE and so on. Just the command itself. In case of not-query lines (like connection information) it contains some other defined strings (for example: “authentication" when authenticating user).

SQL state – error code (from this list). 0000 means everything is OK.

Session ID – strange string, like: “4dc132c9.5a49″ which contains (encoded) session start time, and backend pid.

Session line number – sequential number, for given session, which line it is. Every line get‘s it incremented by 1, which can easily show if some log lines were removed.

Session start timestamp – timestamp, with 1-second precision, with information when current session started.

Virtual transaction ID – value like “2/4″ – not really useful unless you need some debugging of PostgreSQL code itself.

Transaction ID – since PostgreSQL 8.3 (I think), Not every command/query gets automatically assigned transaction ID. If the query doesn‘t change anything, and it‘s not in a long transaction – the transaction ID is “0", which just means that there is no transaction ID given. But when transaction ID is finally given (for example because you‘re changing stuff in DB), it is just integer.

%q is used to make the line prefix different for session backends (i.e. normal ones), and non-sessions – like autovacuum, or background writer.

%% is used if you‘d like to have “%" character somewhere in your line prefix.

Final note on log_line_prefix: usually people add timestamp at the beginning, with %t. While it look ok, it makes certain analysis impossible, so please, use %m instead – it will show the same timestamp, but with better precision.

My favorite log_line_prefix is ‘%m %u@%d %p %r ‘. Please note the trailing space. If I‘ll not add it, log line will look like this:

2011-05-01 13:18:38.227 CEST depesz@postgres 28202 [local]LOG:  duration: 100.956 ms  statement: select pg_sleep(0.1);

With this space however it will be:

2011-05-01 13:19:20.467 CEST depesz@postgres 28454 [local] LOG:  duration: 100.991 ms  statement: select pg_sleep(0.1);

(note the space separating [local] from “LOG:").

Now, that we have logging configured we can add some more information to it.

First – log_connections – for every connection it logs 2 lines:

2011-05-01 13:27:11.168 CEST [unknown]@[unknown] 31367  LOG:  connect                    



