时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:4人阅读
1 --拿到当前记录的下一个记录进行连接 2 select ID,new_ID 3 into [t_IDNotContinuous_temp] 4 from ( 5 select ID,new_ID = ( 6 select top 1 ID from [t_IDNotContinuous] 7 where ID=(select min(ID) from [t_IDNotContinuous] where ID>a.ID) 8 ) 9 from [t_IDNotContinuous] as a 10 ) as b 11 12 select * from [t_IDNotContinuous_temp]
1 --不连续的前前后后记录 2 select * 3 from [t_IDNotContinuous_temp] 4 where ID <> new_ID - 1 5 6 7 --查询原始记录 8 select a.* from [t_IDNotContinuous] as a 9 inner join (select * 10 from [t_IDNotContinuous_temp] 11 where ID <> new_ID - 1) as b 12 on a.ID >= b.ID and a.ID <=b.new_ID 13 order by a.ID
补充1:如果这个ID字段不是主键,那么就会有ID值重复的情况(有可能是一些误操作,之前就有遇到过)那么就需要top 1来处理。但是当前这种情况下可以使用下面的简化语句
1 select a.id as oid, nid = 2 (select min(id) from t_IDNotContinuous b where b.id > a.id) 3 from t_IDNotContinuous a
1--方法一:找出上一条记录+1,再比较大小 2 select (select max(id)+1 3 from [t_IDNotContinuous] 4 where id<a.id) as beginId, 5 (id-1) as endId 6 from [t_IDNotContinuous] a 7 where 8 a.id>(select max(id)+1 from [t_IDNotContinuous] where id<a.id)
1 --方法二:全部+1,再判断在原来记录中找不到 2 select beginId, 3 (select min(id)-1 from [t_IDNotContinuous] where id > beginId) as endId 4 from ( 5 select id+1 as beginId from [t_IDNotContinuous] 6 where id+1 not in 7 (select id from [t_IDNotContinuous]) 8 and id < (select max(id) from [t_IDNotContinuous]) 9 ) as t
查找SQL Server 自增ID值不连续记录