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数据库 基础学习8— 横标与纵表转换

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:1人阅读

create table Student--学生表 2 ( 3 Sno char(3) primary key not null,--学号(主键) 4 Sname char(8) not null,--学生姓名 5 Ssex char(2) not null,--学生性别 6 Sbirthday datetime,--学生出生年月 7 Class char(5)--学生所在班级 8 ) 9 go 10 create table Teacher--教师表 11 ( 12 Tno char(3) not null primary key,--教工编号(主码) 13 Tname Char(4) not null,--教工姓名 14 Tsex Char(2) not null,--教工性别 15 Tbirthday datetime check(Tbirthday>1900-1-1),--教工出生年月 16 Prof Char(6),--职称 17 Depart Varchar(10) not null--教工所在部门 18 ) 19 go 20 create table Course--课程表 21 ( 22 Cno char(5) primary key not null,--课程号(主键) 23 Cname varchar(10) not null,--课程名称 24 Tno char(3) not null references Teacher(Tno)--教工编号(外键) 25 ) 26 go 27 create table Score--成绩表 28 ( 29 primary key (Sno,Cno), 30 Sno char(3) not null references Student(Sno),--学号(外键) 31 Cno char(5) not null references Course(Cno),--课程号(外键) 32 Degree decimal(4,1)--成绩 33 ) 34 insert into Student values(108,曾华,,1977-09-01,95033) 35 insert into Student values(105,匡明,,1975-10-02,95031) 36 insert into Student values(107,王丽,,1976-01-23,95033) 37 insert into Student values(101,李军,,1976-02-20,95033) 38 insert into Student values(109,王芳,,1975-02-10,95031) 39 insert into Student values(103,陆君,,1974-06-03,95031) 40 41 update Student set Class=95031 where Sno=103 42 update Student set Class=95033 where Sno=108 43 update Student set Class=95031 where Sno=109 44 update Student set Class=95031 where Sno=105 45 46 47 select *from Student 48 49 insert into Teacher values(804, 李诚, , 1958-12-02, 副教授, 计算机系) 50 insert into Teacher values(856, 张旭, , 1969-03-12, 讲师, 电子工程系) 51 insert into Teacher values(825, 王萍, , 1972-05-05, 助教, 计算机系) 52 insert into Teacher values(831, 刘冰, , 1977-08-14, 助教, 电子工程系) 53 54 select *from Teacher 55 56 insert into Course values(3-105,计算机导论,825) 57 insert into Course values(3-245,操作系统,804) 58 insert into Course values(6-166,数字电路,856) 59 insert into Course values(9-888,高等数学,831) 60 61 select *from Course 62 63 insert into Score values(103, 3-245, 86) 64 insert into Score values(105, 3-245, 75) 65 insert into Score values(109, 3-245, 68) 66 insert into Score values(103, 3-105, 92) 67 insert into Score values(105, 3-105, 88) 68 insert into Score values(109, 3-105, 76) 69 insert into Score values(101, 3-105, 64) 70 insert into Score values(107, 3-105, 91) 71 insert into Score values(108, 3-105, 78) 72 insert into Score values(101, 6-166, 85) 73 insert into Score values(107, 6-166, 79) 74 insert into Score values(108, 6-166, 81) 75 76 insert into Score values(103, 6-166, 81) 77 insert into Score values(105, 6-166, 81) 78 insert into Score values(109, 6-166, 81) 79 80 delete from Score where Sno=109 and cno=6-166 81 82 83 select COUNT(*) from Score 84 85 select *from Score 86 update Score set degree=64 where Sno=101 and cno=3-105 87 update Score set degree=85 where Sno=101 and cno=6-166 88 delete from Score where Sno=107 and cno=6-166

select * from Score 


sno    cno   degree

101  3-105   64.0
101  6-166   85.0
103  3-105   92.0
103  3-245   86.0
105  3-105   88.0
105  3-245   75.0
107  3-105   91.0
107  6-166   79.0
108  3-105   78.0
108  6-166   81.0
109  3-105   76.0
109  3-245   68.0

转换为 横表


select sno 学号 ,

sum(case cno when ‘3-105‘  then degree else 0 end) as 计算机导论,

sum(case cno when ‘6-166‘  then degree else 0 end) as 数字电路,

sum(case cno when ‘3-245‘  then degree else 0 end) as 操作系统

from score group by sno


学号    计算机导论  数字电路  操作系统

101       64.0         85.0       0.0
103       92.0         0.0         86.0
105       88.0         0.0         75.0
107       91.0         79.0       0.0
108       78.0         81.0       0.0
109       76.0         0.0         68.0


横表转纵表 方法


SELECT sno,‘3-105‘ AS cno,计算机导论 AS degree FROM Score UNION ALL
SELECT sno,‘6-166‘ AS cno,数字电路   AS degree FROM Score UNION ALL
SELECT sno,‘3-245‘ AS cno,操作系统   AS degree FROM Score


数据库 基础学习8— 横标与纵表转换

