时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读
SELECT a.empid, a.ordermonth,a.qty AS thismonth, SUM(b.qty) AS total, CAST(AVG(b.qty) AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS avg FROM emporders a INNER JOIN emporders b ON a.empid=b.empid AND b.ordermonth <= a.ordermonth WHERE DATE_FORMAT(a.ordermonth,‘%Y‘)=‘2015‘ AND DATE_FORMAT(b.ordermonth,‘%Y‘)=‘2015‘ GROUP BY a.empid,a.ordermonth,a.qty HAVING total<1000 ORDER BY a.empid,a.ordermonth
这里并没有统计到达到1000时该月的情况,如果要进行统计,则情况又有点复杂。如果指定了total <= 1000,则只有该月订单数量正好为1000才进行统计,否则不会对该月进行统计。因此这个问题的过滤,可以从另外一个方面来考虑。当累积累积订单小于1000时,累积订单与上个月的订单之差是小于1000的,同时也能对第一个订单数量超过1000的月份进行统计。故该解决方案的SQL语句如下
SELECT a.empid, a.ordermonth,a.qty AS thismonth, SUM(b.qty) AS total, CAST(AVG(b.qty) AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS avg FROM emporders a INNER JOIN emporders b ON a.empid=b.empid AND b.ordermonth <= a.ordermonth WHERE DATE_FORMAT(a.ordermonth,‘%Y‘)=‘2015‘ AND DATE_FORMAT(b.ordermonth,‘%Y‘)=‘2015‘ GROUP BY a.empid,a.ordermonth,a.qty HAVING total-a.qty < 1000 ORDER BY a.empid,a.ordermonth运行结果如下
SELECT a.empid, a.ordermonth,a.qty AS thismonth, SUM(b.qty) AS total, CAST(AVG(b.qty) AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS avg FROM emporders a INNER JOIN emporders b ON a.empid=b.empid AND b.ordermonth <= a.ordermonth WHERE DATE_FORMAT(a.ordermonth,‘%Y‘)=‘2015‘ AND DATE_FORMAT(b.ordermonth,‘%Y‘)=‘2015‘ GROUP BY a.empid,a.ordermonth,a.qty HAVING total-a.qty < 1000 AND total >= 1000 ORDER BY a.empid,a.ordermonth