当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > mysql具体语句示例


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读

建表:(not null ,auto_increment, unique , primary key) create database balfish;
use balfish;
create table mytable1(
    id int not null,
    name varchar(20),
    grade int

insert into mytable1 values(‘1‘,‘yang‘,97);
insert into mytable1 values(‘2‘,‘li‘,94);
insert into mytable1 values(‘3‘,‘chen‘,88);
insert into mytable1 values(‘4‘,‘zhang‘,57);
insert into mytable1 values(‘5‘,‘dai‘,90);   create table mytable2(
    id int not null,
    name varchar(20),
    job varchar(20)

insert into mytable2 values(‘1‘,‘yang‘,‘worker‘);
insert into mytable2 values(‘2‘,‘li‘,‘farmer‘);
insert into mytable2 values(‘3‘,‘shi‘,‘doctor‘);   select: select * from mytable1 order by grade desc limit 0,2;     inner join (1) select * from tb1,tb2 where tb1.name=tb2.name; (2) select * from tb1 inner join tb2 on tb1.name=tb2.name;   outer select * from mytable1 tb1 left join mytable2 tb2 on tb1.name=tb2.name;       insert 一次插入多个.      insert into city(id,city_name) values(1,’beijing’),(2,’shanghai’);   当insert时表中存在唯一性约束时, 方法1:insert into tbl_name(a, b, c) values(?,?,?) on duplicate key update c=values(c); 方法2:Insert ignore into tbl_name (a,b,c) values(1,2,3);       update update product set amount=150 where id=1; update product_details set weight=38,exist=1 where name=‘Jim‘; update tbl_name set b=b+1 where name=‘aaa’;       delete DELETE FROM orderlog where user = ‘Sean‘ and id between 20000 and 40000;   truncate – 特点
等同于delete from tb,删除全表数据,保留空表
语法:truncate table product;     create table
通过表来建表 (1)create table t1 select * from product;    创建一个和原表字段结构一致的新表,去掉所有的约束,同时将原表select的结果数据插入新表     (2)create table t2 like product;   创建一个和原表结构完全一致的新空表,包含全部约束        alter table 字段操作: alter table add/modify/drop column ... alter table t2 add column contact varchar(50);
alter table t2 modify column contact varchar(500);
alter table t2 drop column contact;   索引操作: alter table t2 add index idx_orderno(orderno);
alter table t2 drop index idx_orderno;
alter table t2 add primary key(id);
alter table t2 add unique index uniq_version(version);   drop table – 特点
• 删除表操作,清除全部数据,删除表定义文件
• 不可回滚
• 语法:drop table t2;     存储引擎: – MyISAM
– InnoDB (目前线上使用的引擎)
buffer pool中缓存数据和索引
不会损坏     Index 索引是存储引擎用于快速定位数据的一种数据结构   • 索引扫描
主键----直接在Clustered B+Tree上查询
 辅助索引----在Secondary B+Tree上查询到主键 ,然后 用主键在Clustered B+Tree  


