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oracle traffic director安装

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:18人阅读

service iptables stop


vim /etc/selinux/config


init 6


vim /etc/hosts  otdadmin  node1  node2 


groupadd -g 501 oinstall

useradd -g oinstall -u 501 weblogic


mkdir -p /u01/install 

chwon -R weblogic:oinstall /u01 


mount -r /dev/sr0 /mnt 

cd /mnt/Packages

rpm -ivh createrepo-0.9.9-17.el6.noarch.rpm 

rpm -ivh vsftpd-2.2.2-11.el6.x86_64.rpm

mkdir -p /var/ftp/pub 

cp -Rv /mnt/Packages /var/ftp/pub/

createrepo  -g /mnt/repodata/0be33010a8f4a5dba47c01ff076d0496a4769183f38408ed129d8aaa5f5892e8-comps-rhel6-Server.xml /var/ftp/pub/Packages/

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ 

vi local.repo 


name=olinux Myyum






service vsftpd restart

[root@node1 Server]#yum install kernel-devel* compat-libcap* openssl-devel* compat-libstdc++* krb5-devel* libstdc++* zlib-devel* glibc* e2fsprogs-devel* libaio-devel* keyutils-libs-devel* libselinux-devel* libsepol-devel* gcc-c++* elfutils-libelf-devel* -y 


tar -xzvf *.tar.gz

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc


make install

[root@node1 ~]# vim /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

! Configuration File for keepalived

global_defs {

   notification_email {





   notification_email_from Alexandre.Cassen@firewall.loc


   smtp_connect_timeout 30

   router_id LVS_DEVEL


vrrp_instance VI_1 {

    state MASTER

    interface eth2

    virtual_router_id 51

    priority 90

    advert_int 1

    authentication {

        auth_type PASS

        auth_pass 1111


    virtual_ipaddress {



[root@node1 ~]# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived /etc/rc2.d/S99keepalived  开机自启动

[root@node1 ~]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived start  启动服务

[root@node2 keepalived-1.2.19]# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived /etc/rc2.d/S99keepalived  开机启动

[root@node2 keepalived-1.2.19]# vim /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

! Configuration File for keepalived

global_defs {

   notification_email {





   notification_email_from Alexandre.Cassen@firewall.loc


   smtp_connect_timeout 30

   router_id LVS_DEVEL


vrrp_instance VI_1 {

    state BACKUP

    interface eth2

    virtual_router_id 51

    priority 100

    advert_int 1

    authentication {

        auth_type PASS

        auth_pass 1111


    virtual_ipaddress {



[root@node2 keepalived-1.2.19]# service keepalived status

keepalived is stopped

[root@node2 keepalived-1.2.19]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived start

Starting keepalived:                                       [  OK  ]

[root@node2 keepalived-1.2.19]# ip a   查看虚地址是否生效。

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 

    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00

    inet scope host lo

    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 

       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

2: eth2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000

    link/ether 00:50:56:ae:05:54 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

    inet brd scope global eth2

    inet scope global eth2

    inet6 fe80::250:56ff:feae:554/64 scope link 

       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever





cd /u01/install

unzip otd的压缩包

cd /Disk1



[root@node2 ~]# /home/weblogic/oraInventory/createCentralInventory.sh

Setting the inventory to /home/otdnode/oraInventory

Setting the group name to oinstall

Creating the Oracle inventory pointer file (/etc/oraInst.loc)

Changing permissions of /home/otdnode/oraInventory to 770.

Changing groupname of /home/otdnode/oraInventory to oinstall.

The execution of the script is complete



/home/weblogic/oracle/product/ configure-server --port=8989 --user=admin --instance-home=/home/weblogic/adminstance

[root@otdadmin bin]# /home/weblogic/oracle/product/ configure-server --port=8989 --user=admin --instance-home=/home/weblogic/adminstanc

This command will create the administration server. The password that is provided will be required to access the administration server.

Enter admin-user-password>

Enter admin-user-password again>

OTD-70214 The administration server has been configured successfully.

The server can be started by executing: /home/weblogic/adminstanc/admin-server/bin/startserv

The Administration Console can be accessed at https://otdadmin:8989 using user name ‘admin‘.

You have mail in /var/spool/mail/root


[root@otdadmin bin]# /home/weblogic/adminstanc/admin-server/bin/startserv

Oracle Traffic Director B01/14/2013 04:13

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10333] daemon is running as super-user

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80118] Using [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Version 1.6.0_35] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80000] Loading web module in virtual server [admin-server] at [/admin]

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80000] Loading web module in virtual server [admin-server] at [/jmxconnector]

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10358] admin-ssl-port: https://otdadmin:8989 ready to accept requests

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10487] successful server startup


/home/weblogic/oracle/product/ configure-server --user=admin --port=8989 --host= --admin-node --node-port=8990 --instance-home=/home/weblogic/otdagent

[root@node1 keepalived-1.2.19]# /home/weblogic/oracle/product/ configure-server --user=admin --port=8989 --host= --admin-node --node-port=8990 --instance-home=/home/weblogic/otdagent

This command will create an administration node and register it with the remote administration server:

Enter admin-user-password>



  Version: V3

  Subject: CN=otdadmin

  Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11

  Key:  Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits

  modulus: 27970370086129820713278148979204398704024188657021587582583970629179527942629390322422765675015647635715303734018198812156090528577387168834943398019258340709908905238035168371262141775626654885278564964907192263703894897979531092209827117540683436433063127666236282727217111216111100384604378280616425273841922007807079003229080198150819204704517915422390637846687330664627112755271697500495271063463897969560737312877462308761396766479974486404294082913069488602965784939030070873706316467364581865753847348539692990673704006850905917377433827307078237371280074915575283302384394304362842188191638091672222288546217

  public exponent: 65537

  Validity: [From: Mon Jul 27 20:59:50 CST 2015,

               To: Wed Jul 27 20:59:50 CST 2016]

  Issuer: CN=admin-ca-cert, OU=Oracle Traffic Director, O=Oracle Corporation

  SerialNumber: [    5889153e 58d91fff]

Certificate Extensions: 2

[1]: ObjectId: Criticality=true

ExtendedKeyUsages [



[2]: ObjectId: Criticality=true

KeyUsage [





  Algorithm: [SHA256withRSA]


0000: 0A E6 A1 70 72 92 DD C2   A0 B8 CB 36 C8 8E 4F 5A  ...pr......6..OZ

0010: AE CC 1B C5 F4 13 E0 8E   BD 86 F5 04 0C 97 5D 3B  ..............];

0020: 7E D1 1B A2 5B D8 31 7F   C9 14 0A F3 08 AC DF 24  ....[.1........$

0030: 2C 16 18 48 3C E3 06 7E   76 28 B8 6D 3A BB 1C C8  ,..H<...v(.m:...

0040: 1D F8 0D A9 ED 1A C2 9C   87 5A 10 A4 B1 F6 08 40  .........Z.....@

0050: C8 63 AB 39 A8 0B 5C 3F   01 BC 97 81 21 0C 3C D9  .c.9..\?....!.<.

0060: 16 2D 53 0E 18 C7 BB D4   85 DB E4 87 5A 3E EB 9B  .-S.........Z>..

0070: 27 0E 9E A0 2A EA D1 A5   4F 86 DF 2E D8 EC 19 5C  ‘...*...O......\

0080: 99 2B 4E 53 EB 14 8B 7E   68 C2 41 E7 51 8D BC 1E  .+NS....h.A.Q...

0090: F6 83 4A 3E 03 D4 C9 42   5B 90 34 7C F7 02 CE 05  ..J>...B[.4.....

00A0: 46 18 80 82 87 43 1C 9F   1C 64 66 C9 CC FF 7E 71  F....C...df....q

00B0: 43 B2 FD F3 8F 60 41 DB   D0 E5 5C E6 68 56 D0 05  C....`A...\.hV..

00C0: A4 8F F2 21 97 21 BD C6   39 9E 26 BC 34 EC 61 EA  ...!.!..9.&.4.a.

00D0: 3A 82 D9 5E B5 CA 04 B8   95 0F 7D F0 AB 91 42 4F  :..^..........BO

00E0: BC 4C 6D 1B D1 ED F9 42   17 00 FD B8 C5 12 27 A2  .Lm....B......‘.

00F0: 69 4F E8 C7 83 07 D7 1D   59 2C 8F 7D 5C A4 06 1B  iO......Y,..\...


Do you trust the above certificate [y|n] -->y

OTD-70215 The administration node has been configured successfully.

The node can be started by executing: /home/weblogic/otdagent/admin-server/bin/startserv


[root@node1 home]# /home/weblogic/otdagent/admin-server/bin/startserv

Oracle Traffic Director B01/14/2013 04:13

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10333] daemon is running as super-user

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80118] Using [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Version 1.6.0_35] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80000] Loading web module in virtual server [admin-server] at [/jmxconnector]

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10358] admin-ssl-port: https://node1:8990 ready to accept requests

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10487] successful server startup


[root@node2 ~]# /home/weblogic/oracle/product/ configure-server --user=admin --port=8989 --host= --admin-node --node-port=8990 --instance-home=/home/weblogic/otdagent

This command will create an administration node and register it with the remote administration server:

Enter admin-user-password>



  Version: V3

  Subject: CN=otdadmin

  Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11

  Key:  Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits

  modulus: 25406323884744256625524468900360012418920526925855761864507164904985361880517931758311250086429545751387752608246436981771964736760211252278737360505239413909757341486818817872897530429500451524151791482863602954237159557899486541958859172924571855779453826847240323056767453702763122798876478137355326788309113855003285395366170433345768234480708921675024724460228229995636369890835037306821221633053350197520886063651391471803411122634595846193831642710455373109613226762945409607477428274010668359830833375255231508796141497914269352523968074001425514424328955653386431759823573902680891333926711452464979088857433

  public exponent: 65537

  Validity: [From: Mon Jul 27 16:38:13 CST 2015,

               To: Wed Jul 27 16:38:13 CST 2016]

  Issuer: CN=admin-ca-cert, OU=Oracle Traffic Director, O=Oracle Corporation

  SerialNumber: [   -4b868cdb d13980aa]

Certificate Extensions: 2

[1]: ObjectId: Criticality=true

ExtendedKeyUsages [



[2]: ObjectId: Criticality=true

KeyUsage [





  Algorithm: [SHA256withRSA]


0000: 1F B4 35 0E 8D 81 DB B4   2F 94 14 66 CF 9D 3F D5  ..5...../..f..?.

0010: 3E 9E 6D 10 DE 37 18 8C   0C B3 9F 56 E1 FE 27 FD  >.m..7.....V..‘.

0020: 01 6C 67 3D 21 0E 43 0F   BF 1A B2 2F 05 00 64 74  .lg=!.C..../..dt

0030: F7 1A 11 31 30 63 1A 72   E4 69 80 24 A2 2B 77 F9  ...10c.r.i.$.+w.

0040: AC 09 BE F2 91 A6 21 2B   C9 19 75 4A 27 E9 02 40  ......!+..uJ‘..@

0050: EA E6 71 E7 6B 09 FD 76   C6 6A 95 0C 6A 58 87 14  ..q.k..v.j..jX..

0060: 0A B9 83 BB 9E BE D7 8A   28 01 52 97 F7 AD F1 10  ........(.R.....

0070: 63 A7 DA 43 76 DA E3 3A   C3 A8 0D 8D BF FC D0 F3  c..Cv..:........

0080: E9 6B C8 FA 4A 1F 97 46   0B A2 84 07 40 7C 4D 69  .k..J..F....@.Mi

0090: C5 FF 4D CE F2 AD 17 A3   C3 02 03 77 3E CC 1E 9E  ..M........w>...

00A0: 51 66 3C BD 67 32 45 50   3A D9 B9 C4 80 B9 F5 02  Qf<.g2EP:.......

00B0: F3 B1 84 BC 9E 91 02 5F   17 0D 33 96 36 F2 70 6E  ......._..3.6.pn

00C0: B5 CA 99 5D CA D7 0B 3D   A5 8D A4 C2 4E D3 9D 47  ...]...=....N..G

00D0: E4 7C DC 31 FD 9F 00 A5   10 A0 9E 43 5A 13 68 67  ...1.......CZ.hg

00E0: 6B 86 20 11 E9 29 0E 60   AB 00 CC E4 9F 6F 44 63  k. ..).`.....oDc

00F0: 42 D6 D8 6C 96 5F 2F 42   05 41 D2 5E F5 3D 01 7C  B..l._/B.A.^.=..


Do you trust the above certificate [y|n] -->y

OTD-70215 The administration node has been configured successfully.

The node can be started by executing: /home/otdnode/otdagent/admin-server/bin/startserv


[root@node2 ~]# /home/otdnode/otdagent/admin-server/bin/startserv

Oracle Traffic Director B01/14/2013 04:13

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10333] daemon is running as super-user

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80118] Using [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Version 1.6.0_35] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80000] Loading web module in virtual server [admin-server] at [/jmxconnector]

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10358] admin-ssl-port: https://node2:8990 ready to accept requests

[NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10487] successful server startup



oracle traffic director安装

标签:oracle traffic director   adc   
