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oracle触发器--if else demo

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读

CREATE OR REPLACE Trigger trig_solr_index_el_lesson 2 After Update of lessonid, lessonname, lessongoal, note, teachername, teacherid, classidname, classid, crtime, status Or Delete or insert On el_lesson 3 For Each Row 4 declare 5 -- local variables here 6 new_status number; 7 begin 8 new_status := :NEW.status; 9 if inserting then 10 begin 11 INSERT INTO solr_index 12 (id, docid, type) 13 VALUES 14 (solr_index_seq.NEXTVAL, :NEW.lessonid, add); 15 end; 16 end if; 17 18 if updating then 19 --对比老的状态和新的状态 20 if new_status = -1 and :OLD.status != -1 then 21 22 INSERT INTO solr_index 23 (id, docid, type) 24 VALUES 25 (solr_index_seq.NEXTVAL, :OLD.lessonid, delete); 26 27 else 28 INSERT INTO solr_index 29 (id, docid, type) 30 VALUES 31 (solr_index_seq.NEXTVAL, :OLD.lessonid, update); 32 33 end if; 34 end if; 35 36 if deleting then 37 begin 38 INSERT INTO solr_index 39 (id, docid, type) 40 VALUES 41 (solr_index_seq.NEXTVAL, :OLD.lessonid, delete); 42 end; 43 end if; 44 end;


oracle触发器--if else demo

