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PostgresSQL regress test

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:31人阅读

这个--schedule=./parallel_schedule参数是什么意思呢?这是因为在PG/PGXC的regress test中,有两种测试模式,分别为:基于临时安装的数据库测试和基于已安装的数据库进行测试。两者的区别在于,临时安装的测试在测试开始之前会自行安装数据库集群,测试完成之后会将数据库集群停掉,并删除临时产物。反之则是基于已安装的集群。这就是临时安装的log:

../../../src/test/regress/pg_regress --inputdir=. --temp-install=./tmp_check --top-builddir=../../..   --dlpath=.  --schedule=./parallel_schedule   
============== creating temporary installation        ==============
============== initializing database system           ==============
============== starting postmaster                    ==============
running on port 57536 with PID 2843


[postgres@gorilla1 regress]$ gmake installcheck
gmake -C ../../../src/port all
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/postgresql-9.3.4/src/port'
gmake -C ../backend submake-errcodes
gmake[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/postgresql-9.3.4/src/backend'
gmake[2]: Nothing to be done for `submake-errcodes'.
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/postgresql-9.3.4/src/backend'
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/postgresql-9.3.4/src/port'
gmake -C ../../../src/common all
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/postgresql-9.3.4/src/common'
gmake -C ../backend submake-errcodes
gmake[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/postgresql-9.3.4/src/backend'
gmake[2]: Nothing to be done for `submake-errcodes'.
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/postgresql-9.3.4/src/backend'
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/postgresql-9.3.4/src/common'
rm -rf ./testtablespace
mkdir ./testtablespace
../../../src/test/regress/pg_regress --inputdir=. --psqldir='/opt/pgsql/bin'   --dlpath=.  --schedule=./serial_schedule 
(using postmaster on Unix socket, default port)
============== dropping database "regression"         ==============
NOTICE:  database "regression" does not exist, skipping
============== creating database "regression"         ==============
============== running regression test queries        ==============
test tablespace               ... ok
test boolean                  ... ok
test char                     ... ok
test name                     ... ok
test varchar                  ... ok
test text                     ... ok
test int2                     ... ok
test int4                     ... ok
test int8                     ... ok
test oid                      ... ok
test float4                   ... ok
test float8                   ... ok
test bit                      ... ok
test numeric                  ... ok
test txid                     ... ok
test uuid                     ... ok
test enum                     ... ok
test money                    ... ok
test rangetypes               ... ok
test strings                  ... ok
test numerology               ... ok
test point                    ... ok
test lseg                     ... ok
test box                      ... ok
test path                     ... ok
test polygon                  ... ok
test circle                   ... ok
test date                     ... ok
test time                     ... ok
test timetz                   ... ok
test timestamp                ... ok
test timestamptz              ... ok
test interval                 ... ok
test abstime                  ... ok
test reltime                  ... ok
test tinterval                ... ok
test inet                     ... ok
test macaddr                  ... ok
test tstypes                  ... ok
test comments                 ... ok
test geometry                 ... ok
test horology                 ... ok
test regex                    ... ok
test oidjoins                 ... ok
test type_sanity              ... ok
test opr_sanity               ... ok
test insert                   ... ok
test create_function_1        ... ok
test create_type              ... ok
test create_table             ... ok
test create_function_2        ... ok
test copy                     ... ok
test copyselect               ... ok
test create_misc              ... ok
test create_operator          ... ok
test create_index             ... ok
test create_view              ... ok
test create_aggregate         ... ok
test create_function_3        ... ok
test create_cast              ... ok
test constraints              ... ok
test triggers                 ... ok
test inherit                  ... ok
test create_table_like        ... ok
test typed_table              ... ok
test vacuum                   ... ok
test drop_if_exists           ... ok
test updatable_views          ... ok
test sanity_check             ... ok
test errors                   ... ok
test select                   ... ok
test select_into              ... ok
test select_distinct          ... ok
test select_distinct_on       ... ok
test select_implicit          ... ok
test select_having            ... ok
test subselect                ... ok
test union                    ... ok
test case                     ... ok
test join                     ... ok
test aggregates               ... ok
test transactions             ... ok
test random                   ... ok
test portals                  ... ok
test arrays                   ... ok
test btree_index              ... ok
test hash_index               ... ok
test update                   ... ok
test delete                   ... ok
test namespace                ... ok
test prepared_xacts           ... ok
test privileges               ... ok
test security_label           ... ok
test collate                  ... ok
test matview                  ... ok
test alter_generic            ... ok
test misc                     ... ok
test psql                     ... ok
test rules                    ... ok
test event_trigger            ... ok
test select_views             ... ok
test portals_p2               ... ok
test foreign_key              ... ok
test cluster                  ... ok
test dependency               ... ok
test guc                      ... ok
test bitmapops                ... ok
test combocid                 ... ok
test tsearch                  ... ok
test tsdicts                  ... ok
test foreign_data             ... ok
test window                   ... ok
test xmlmap                   ... ok
test functional_deps          ... ok
test advisory_lock            ... ok
test json                     ... ok
test plancache                ... ok
test limit                    ... ok
test plpgsql                  ... ok
test copy2                    ... ok
test temp                     ... ok
test domain                   ... ok
test rangefuncs               ... ok
test prepare                  ... ok
test without_oid              ... ok
test conversion               ... ok
test truncate                 ... ok
test alter_table              ... ok
test sequence                 ... ok
test polymorphism             ... ok
test rowtypes                 ... ok
test returning                ... ok
test largeobject              ... ok
test with                     ... ok
test xml                      ... ok
test stats                    ... ok

 All 136 tests passed. 

4.      结果判断

PG的regress test的流程为:逐个执行sql/目录下的sql脚本,将执行的结果重定向到results/目录下。而expected/目录下则是预期的执行结果。将results目录下的文件逐个与expected中文件进行diff。若文件不一致,则判定为对应的sql脚本执行结果为失败,反之为成功。


5.      自做成test case的方法

根据4中介绍的regress test的执行流程可知,自做成test case的方法相当简单,可分为如下3步:

  • 在sql/目录下加入自做成的test  case的sql脚本。
  • 在expected/目录下加入自做成test case的sql脚本的正确结果。需要注意的是,由于判断是使用diff命令,因此即使空格符也会导致diff的结果失败。所以,做成expected目录下的结果文件需要十分注意。
  • 在parallel_schedule/ serial_schedule文件中添加调用sql脚本。

6.      注意事项:

在使用regress test时,有如下几点需要注意:

  •  如果使用临时安装的测试方式,pg的端口都是hard code的,使用前需要却用这些端口的占用情况。
  • 如果使用已安装的测试方式,测连接数据库时,会使用coord的默认端口5432。所以必须使用默认安装的数据库集群才能使用已安装方法的回归测试。


PostgresSQL regress test

标签:postgres   regress test   
