时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N‘[dbo].[TableName]‘) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N‘IsUserTable‘) = 1) select ‘true‘ else select ‘false‘
SELECT 外键表ID = b.fkeyid , 外键表名称 = object_name (b.fkeyid) , 外键列ID = b.fkey , 外键列名 = ( SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE colid = b.fkey AND id = b.fkeyid) , 主键表ID = b.rkeyid , 主键表名= object_name (b.rkeyid) , 主键列ID = b.rkey , 主键列名 = ( SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE colid = b.rkey AND id = b.rkeyid) , 级联更新 = ObjectProperty (a.id, ‘ CnstIsUpdateCascade ‘ ) , 级联删除 = ObjectProperty (a.id, ‘ CnstIsDeleteCascade ‘ ) FROM sysobjects a join sysforeignkeys b on a.id = b.constid join sysobjects c on a.parent_obj = c.id where a.xtype = ‘f‘ AND c.xtype = ‘U‘ and a.name = ‘News‘ select object_name (b.fkeyid), 外键列名 = ( SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE colid = b.fkey AND id = b.fkeyid) from sysobjects as a join sysforeignkeys as b on a.id=b.constid where a.xtype=‘F‘
if exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id(‘table‘) and name=‘cloumn‘) select ‘true‘ else select ‘false‘
select 1 from all_Tab_Columns where table_name = upper(‘studentinfo‘) and column_name = upper(‘class‘);
/* 删除指定表的所有索引,包括主键索引,唯一索引和普通索引 调用: declare @tbName varchar(20) set @tbName=‘CP_PATHINFO‘ exec sp_dropindex @tbName vivianfdlpw 2005.9 引用情保留此信息 */ if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where id=object_id(‘sp_dropindex‘) and xtype=‘P‘) drop procedure sp_dropindex go create procedure sp_dropindex @tbName varchar(20)=null --索引名 as if @tbName is null begin raiserror(‘必须提供@tbName参数‘,12,1) return end create table # ( id int identity, index_name varchar(50), index_description varchar(1000), index_keys varchar(100) ) insert #(index_name,index_description,index_keys) exec sp_helpindex @tbName declare @i int,@sql varchar(100) set @i=1 while @i<=(select max(id) from #) begin if exists(select 1 from sysobjects A join # B on A.name=B.index_name where B.id=@i and A.xtype in (‘PK‘,‘UQ‘)) begin select @sql=‘alter table ‘+@tbName+‘ drop constraint ‘ +(select index_name from # where id=@i) exec(@sql) end else begin select @sql=‘drop index ‘+@tbName+‘.‘ +(select index_name from # where id=@i) exec(@sql) end set @i=@i+1 end drop table # go create index IX_SACAG on CP_PATHINFO ( REMIND_TODAY ) declare @tbName varchar(20) set @tbName=‘CP_PATHINFO‘ exec sp_dropindex @tbName