时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读
一、 安装
# git clone -b REL9_4_STABLE https://github.com/ossc-db/pg_rman.git Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/pg_rman/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 1939, done. remote: Total 1939 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1939 Receiving objects: 100% (1939/1939), 702.67 KiB | 311 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1393/1393), done. # yum install -y pam-devel readline-devel zlib-devel # make # make install /bin/mkdir -p ‘/opt/pg94/bin‘ /usr/bin/install -c pg_rman ‘/opt/pg94/bin‘ # pg_rman --version pg_rman 1.3.1
# mkdir -p /data/pg_backup # mkdir -p /data/test_xlog_94/fulltime # pg_rman init --backup-path=/data/pg_backup/ WARNING: ARCLOG_PATH is not set yet DETAIL: The archive_command is not set in postgresql.conf. HINT: Please set ARCLOG_PATH in pg_rman.ini or environmental variable. # vim /data/pg_backup/pg_rman.ini ARCLOG_PATH=‘/data/test_xlog_94/fulltime‘
在master节点上制作一个全备,在从库上需要指定--host, --standby-host= --standby-port=5432
# pg_rman backup --backup-mode=full --backup-path=/data/pg_backup/ --pgdata=/data/test_pgdata_94/ -U postgres -d postgres INFO: copying database files NOTICE: pg_stop_backup complete, all required WAL segments have been archived INFO: copying archived WAL files INFO: backup complete HINT: Please execute ‘pg_rman validate‘ to verify the files are correctly copied. # pg_rman show detail --backup-path=/data/pg_backup/ ============================================================================================================ StartTime Mode Duration Data ArcLog SrvLog Total Compressed CurTLI ParentTLI Status ============================================================================================================ 2015-09-07 02:52:22 FULL 0m 422MB 106kB ---- 394MB false 1 0 OK
# mkdir restore_test # pg_rman restore --backup-path=/data/pg_backup/ --pgdata=/data/restore_test/ WARNING: could not open pg_controldata file "/data/restore_test//global/pg_control": No such file or directory WARNING: could not open pg_controldata file "/data/restore_test//global/pg_control": No such file or directory INFO: backup "2015-09-07 02:52:22" is valid INFO: the recovery target timeline ID is not given INFO: use timeline ID of latest full backup as recovery target: 1 INFO: calculating timeline branches to be used to recovery target point INFO: searching latest full backup which can be used as restore start point INFO: found the full backup can be used as base in recovery: "2015-09-07 02:52:22" INFO: copying online WAL files and server log files INFO: clearing restore destination INFO: validate: "2015-09-07 02:52:22" backup and archive log files by SIZE INFO: backup "2015-09-07 02:52:22" is valid INFO: restoring database files from the full mode backup "2015-09-07 02:52:22" INFO: searching incremental backup to be restored INFO: searching backup which contained archived WAL files to be restored INFO: backup "2015-09-07 02:52:22" is valid INFO: restoring WAL files from backup "2015-09-07 02:52:22" INFO: restoring online WAL files and server log files INFO: generating recovery.conf INFO: restore complete HINT: Recovery will start automatically when the PostgreSQL server is started.
# ls -ld /data/restore_test/ drwxr-xr-x. 18 root root 4096 Sep 7 03:00 restore_test/ # cat /data/restore_test/recovery.conf # recovery.conf generated by pg_rman 1.3.1 restore_command = ‘cp /data/test_pgdata_94/pg_xlog/%f %p‘ recovery_target_timeline = ‘1‘ # chown -R postgres:postgres /data/restore_test/ # chmod 0700 /data/restore_test/ # ls -ld /data/restore_test/ drwx------. 18 postgres postgres 4096 Sep 7 03:05 /data/restore_test/
$ pg_ctl -D /data/restore_test/ start server starting [postgres@QA-5-45 data]$ [ 2015-09-07 07:05:40.291 UTC 31889 55ed3744.7c91 1 0]LOG: redirecting log output to logging collector process [ 2015-09-07 07:05:40.291 UTC 31889 55ed3744.7c91 2 0]HINT: Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log". $ psql -p 5433 psql (9.4.4) Type "help" for help.
--recovery-target-time time stamp up to which recovery will proceed --recovery-target-xid transaction ID up to which recovery will proceed --recovery-target-inclusive whether we stop just after the recovery target --recovery-target-timeline recovering into a particular timeline