时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读
public void GetData(string username, string userip, string userkey, string userareaid, string ypid, string in_provinces, string yearid, out DataTable data, out string out_success, out string out_message) { try { string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["constr"].ToString(); using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr)) { con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("proc_pricefind", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; OracleParameter[] paras = new OracleParameter[] { new OracleParameter("username", username), new OracleParameter("userip", userip), new OracleParameter("userkey", userkey), new OracleParameter("userareaid", userareaid), new OracleParameter("ypids", ypid), new OracleParameter("in_provinces", in_provinces), new OracleParameter("yearid", yearid), new OracleParameter("data",OracleType.Cursor), new OracleParameter("out_success",OracleType.VarChar,4000), new OracleParameter("out_message",OracleType.VarChar,4000) }; paras[paras.Length - 1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; paras[paras.Length - 2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; paras[paras.Length - 3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.AddRange(paras.ToArray()); OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); out_success = paras[paras.Length - 2].Value.ToString(); out_message = paras[paras.Length - 1].Value.ToString(); data = ds.Tables[0]; //如果没有返回数据集的话,可以直接使用ExecuteNonQuery()。然后取out的值,这样就不需要把OracleDataReader装换为datatable //cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // out_message = paras[paras.Length - 3].Value; //OracleDataReader odr = paras[paras.Length - 3].Value as OracleDataReader; // data=ConvertDataReaderToDataTable(odr); } } catch (Exception ex) { out_success = "0"; out_message = ex.Message; data = null; } }
create or replace procedure proc_pricefind(username varchar, userip varchar, userkey varchar, userareaid varchar, ypids varchar, in_provinces varchar, yearid varchar, data out sys_refcursor, out_success out varchar, out_message out varchar) is findcount number; configcount number; findareaidcount number; configareacount number; guid varchar(36); begin out_success := ‘0‘; out_message := ‘‘; select sys_guid() into guid from dual; insert into findprice_userrecord (recordid, usernmae, userip, userkey, userareaid, ypid, findareaid, yearid, addtime) values (guid, username, userip, userkey, userareaid, ypids, in_provinces, yearid, sysdate); commit; insert into findprice_log_userrecord select guid, sys_guid(), b.产品名称, b.剂型分类名称, b.规格, b.转换系数, b.材质, b.企业名, t.purprice from mid_monthspurprice t inner join view_drug a on a.sdid = t.sdid inner join base_stddrug b on a.sdcode = b.原流水码 where substr(t.dr, 0, 4) = yearid and b.ypid = ypids and t.provinceareaid = in_provinces; commit; --判断计算条数 select count(distinct t.ypid ||‘,‘|| t.findareaid||‘,‘|| t.yearid) kk into findcount from findprice_userrecord t where t.userareaid = userareaid; select t.findnumber into configcount from findprice_config t where t.areaid = userareaid; if findcount > configcount then delete from findprice_userrecord t where t.recordid = guid; delete from findprice_log_userrecord t where t.recordid = guid; commit; --删除插入进去的数据 raise_application_error(-20000, ‘查询的总条数超过了限制‘); end if; --判断计算的省份 select count(1) tol into out_success from mon_joinpoint where instr((select min(t.findareaid) from findprice_config t where t.areaid = userareaid), provinceidnew) > 0 and provinceareaid in (in_provinces); select count(distinct t.findareaid) tol into findareaidcount from findprice_userrecord t where t.userareaid = userareaid; if out_success = 0 and findareaidcount > 10 then delete from findprice_userrecord t where t.recordid = guid; delete from findprice_log_userrecord t where t.recordid = guid; commit; raise_application_error(-20000, ‘查询省份超过了限制‘ || configcount); end if; open data for select ypids, b.产品名称, b.剂型分类名称, b.规格, b.转换系数, b.材质, b.企业名, t.purprice from mid_monthspurprice t inner join view_drug a on a.sdid = t.sdid inner join base_stddrug b on a.sdcode = b.原流水码 where substr(t.dr, 0, 4) = yearid and b.ypid = ypids and t.provinceareaid = in_provinces; out_success:=‘1‘; end proc_pricefind;
.net 使用oracle 的存储过程有返回值也有数据集