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Convert Geometry data into a Geography data in MS SQL Server

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读

@geog GEOGRAPHY; DECLARE @geom GEOMETRY; SET @geom = GEOMETRY::STGeomFromText(POLYGON ((-99.213546752929688 19.448402404785156, -99.2157974243164 19.449802398681641, -99.2127456665039 19.450002670288086, -99.213546752929688 19.448402404785156)), 4326); SET @geom = @geom.MakeValid() --Force to valid geometry SET @geom = @geom.STUnion(@geom.STStartPoint()); --Forces the correct the geometry ring orientation SET @geog = GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromText(@geom.STAsText(),4326) SELECT @geog.STArea();


参考: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/edkatibah/archive/2008/08/19/working-with-invalid-data-and-the-sql-server-2008-geography-data-type-part-1b.aspx

Convert Geometry data into a Geography data in MS SQL Server

