时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读
<select id="productId" parameterType="Product" resultMap="getProduct"> SELECT * FROM PRODUCT t WHERE (1=1) <if test="Product.productId!=null"> AND t.PRODUCT_ID = #{Product.productId} </if> <if test="Product.productName!=null"> AND t.PRODUCT_NAME like ‘%#{Product.productName}%‘ </if> <if test="Product.inStock!=null"> AND t.PRODUCT.INSTOCK = 0 </if> ORDER BY SEQUENCE_NO </select>
<insert id="addCategory" parameterType="Category"> INSERT INTO CATEGORY( <if test="categoryName!=null and categoryName!=‘‘ "> CATEGORY_NAME </if> <if test="categoryId!=null and categoryId!=‘‘ "> CATEGORY_ID </if> ADD_TIME) VALUES( <if test="categoryName!=null and categoryName!=‘‘ "> #{categoryName, jdbcType=VARCHAR} </if> <if test="categoryId!=null and categoryId!=‘‘ "> #{categoryId, jdbcType=NUMERIC} </if> currentTimeStamp ) </insert>
<update id="updateCategory" parameterType="Category"> update CATEGORY t SET <if test="categoryName!=null"> t.CATEGORY_NAME = #{categoryName, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="updateUser!=null"> t.UPDATE_USER = #{updateUser, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> t.UPDATE_TIME = currentTimeStamp WHERE t.CATEGORY_ID = #{categoryId, jdbcType=NUMERIC} </update>
<select id="findInStockLike" resultType="Product"> SELECT * FROM PRODUCT WHERE STATE = ‘INSTOCK‘ <choose> <when> AND TITLE LIKE #{title} </when> <when> AND BRAND_NAME LIKE #{brand.name} </when> <otherwise> AND INMARKETING = 0 </otherwise> </choose> </select>
<select id="findInStockProductLike" resultType="Product"> SELECT * FROM PRODUCT <when> <if test="state!=null"> STATE = #{state} </if> <if test="title!=null"> AND TITLE LIKE #{title} </if> <if test="brand!=null and brand.name!=null"> AND BRAND_NAME LIKE #{brand.name} </if> </when> </select>在实际应用中,我通常是不写where标签,而在where关键字之后加上1=1的条件。即不管有无动态条件,总可以得到完整的sql:select * from A where 1=1。。。
<update id="updateUserInfo"> UPDATE USER <set> <if test="userName!=null">USER_NAME = #{userName}</if> <if test="userPsw!=null">USER_PSW = #{userPsw}</if> <if test="userEmail!=null">USER_EMAIL = #{userEmail}</if> </set> WHERE USER_ID = #{userId} </update>
<select id="selectProdcutNoInOrder" resultType="String"> SELECT COUNT(0) FROM PRODUCT a LEFT JOIN ORDER_INFO b ON a.PRODUCT_ID = b.PRODUCT_ID WHERE a.STATUS in(‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘, ‘6‘) <if test="list.size()>0"> AND b.PHONE_NUM IN <foreach item="phoneNumList" collection="list" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{phoneNumList.num} </foreach> </if> </select>foreach 元素的功能是非常强大的,它允许你指定一个集合,声明可以用在元素体内的集合项和索引变量。
<select id="selectProductIn" resultType="com.dowik.dowikmall.Product"> SELECT * FROM PRODUCT p WHERE PRODUCT_ID IN <foreach item="productIdList" index="index" collection="list" open="(" separetor="," close=")"> #{productIdList} </foreach> </select>