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sqlserver function

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读

-- Batch submitted through debugger: SQLQuery9.sql|15|0|C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\~vs3AA0.sql 2 -- ============================================= 3 -- Author: <Author,,Name> 4 -- Create date: <Create Date, ,> 5 -- Description: <Description, ,> 6 -- ============================================= 7 ALTER FUNCTION to_char 8 ( 9 -- Add the parameters for the function here 10 --<@Param1, sysname, @p1> <Data_Type_For_Param1, , int> 11 @rule nvarchar(50)=‘‘,@datetime datetime 12 ) 13 RETURNS nvarchar(50) 14 AS 15 BEGIN 16 declare @v_rule nvarchar(50) 17 declare @v_year nvarchar(4) 18 declare @v_month nvarchar(2) 19 declare @v_day nvarchar(2) 20 declare @v_hour nvarchar(2) 21 declare @v_min nvarchar(2) 22 declare @v_sec nvarchar(2) 23 24 if @datetime is null 25 begin 26 select @datetime=sysdatetime() 27 end 28 29 select @v_rule=Lower(@rule) 30 select @v_year=DATEPART(YEAR,@datetime) 31 select @v_month=DATEPART(month,@datetime) 32 select @v_day=DATEPART(DAY,@datetime) 33 select @v_hour=DATEPART(HOUR,@datetime) 34 select @v_min=DATEPART(MINUTE,@datetime) 35 select @v_sec=DATEPART(SECOND,@datetime) 36 --‘yyyy-mm-dd‘ 37 declare @v_index int 38 39 --解析年份规则 40 select @v_index=CHARINDEX(yy,@v_rule,1) 41 if @v_index <> 0 42 begin 43 select @v_index=CHARINDEX(yyyy,@v_rule,1) 44 if @v_index = 0 45 begin 46 select @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,yy,year); 47 select @v_year=SUBSTRING(@v_year,3,2);--两位数表示‘-yy-‘ 48 end 49 else 50 begin 51 select @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,yyyy,year);--‘yyyy-‘ 52 end 53 end 54 55 --解析月份规则 56 select @v_index=CHARINDEX(m,@v_rule,1) 57 if @v_index <> 0 and SUBSTRING(@v_rule,@v_index,2)<>mi--判断非‘-mi-‘ 58 begin 59 if CHARINDEX(mm,@v_rule,1)=0--一位数表示‘-m-‘ 60 begin 61 select @v_index=CHARINDEX(m,@v_rule,1) 62 --select @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,‘m‘,‘month‘);--这里不能替换所有的m,因为m可能会替换掉后面的mi中的m 63 set @v_rule=substring(@v_rule,1,@v_index-1)+month+substring(@v_rule,@v_index+1,len(@v_rule)-@v_index) 64 end 65 else 66 begin 67 select @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,mm,month);--‘-mm-‘ 68 select @v_month=(case LEN(@v_month) when 1 then 0+@v_month else @v_month end) 69 end 70 end 71 72 --解析日份规则 73 if CHARINDEX(d,@v_rule)<>0 74 begin 75 if CHARINDEX(dd,@v_rule)=0 76 begin 77 set @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,d,day) 78 select @v_day=case LEN(@v_day) when 1 then 0+@v_day else @v_day end 79 end 80 else 81 begin 82 select @v_rule=replace(@v_rule,dd,day) 83 end 84 end 85 86 --解析时分秒 87 set @v_index = charindex(h,@v_rule,1) 88 if @v_index>4 and substring(@v_rule,@v_index-4,5)=month 89 begin 90 set @v_index = charindex(h,@v_rule,@v_index+1) 91 if @v_index<>0 92 if charindex(hh,@v_rule,1)<>0 93 begin 94 set @v_rule=replace(@v_rule,hh,hour) 95 set @v_hour= (case len(@v_hour) when 1 then 0+@v_hour else @v_hour end) 96 end 97 else 98 set @v_rule=substring(@v_rule,1,@v_index-1)+hour+substring(@v_rule,@v_index+1,len(@v_rule)-@v_index) 99 end 100 101 if charindex(mi,@v_rule,1)<>0 102 set @v_rule=replace(@v_rule,mi,minute) 103 104 if charindex(s,@v_rule,1)<>0 105 if charindex(ss,@v_rule,1)<>0 106 begin 107 set @v_rule=replace(@v_rule,ss,second) 108 set @v_sec=(case len(@v_sec) when 1 then 0+@v_sec else @v_sec end) 109 end 110 else 111 set @v_rule=replace(@v_rule,s,second) 112 113 set @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,year,@v_year) 114 set @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,month,@v_month) 115 set @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,day,@v_day) 116 set @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,hour,@v_hour) 117 set @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,minute,@v_min) 118 set @v_rule=REPLACE(@v_rule,second,@v_sec) 119 120 -- Declare the return variable here 121 --DECLARE <@ResultVar, sysname, @Result> <Function_Data_Type, ,int> 122 123 -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here 124 --SELECT <@ResultVar, sysname, @Result> = <@Param1, sysname, @p1> 125 126 -- Return the result of the function 127 RETURN @v_rule 128 END


sqlserver function

