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oracle sql别名

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读

<!-- 获取已发或待发送的彩信记录列表 --> 2 <resultMap id="mmsListByRecordTypeMap" class="richinfo.mms.bean.req.MmsRecordReq" > 3 <result column="groupid" property="groupId" /> 4 <result column="subject" property="title" /> 5 <result column="sendnumber" property="userNumber" /> 6 <result column="destnumbers" property="destNumber" /> 7 <result column="istime" property="isTimming" typeHandler="richinfo.mms.util.MyBatisTypeHandlerCallback"/> 8 <result column="statuss" property="status" /> 9 <result column="startsendtime" property="sendTime" /> 10 <result column="totalsize" property="totalSize" /> 11 </resultMap> 12 <select id="getMmsListByRecordType" resultMap="mmsListByRecordTypeMap" 13 resultClass="map"> 14 select * from (select b.*,rownum r from ( select 15 uin,FN_GetDecryptUserNumber(sendnumber) sendnumber,subject,to_char(startsendtime, yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) 16 startsendtime,istime,showfileid,totalsize,showtype,groupid, 17 wmsys.wm_concat(FN_GetDecryptUserNumber(destnumber)) destnumbers,wmsys.wm_concat(nvl(status, 18 0)) statuss from mms_send_his_record where 1=1 19 <isEqual prepend="and" property="recordType" compareValue="0"> 20 issave=1 21 </isEqual> 22 <isEqual prepend="and" property="recordType" compareValue="1"> 23 <![CDATA[ 24 (istime=0 or (istime=1 and startsendtime<=sysdate)) and issave=1 25 ]]> 26 </isEqual> 27 <isEqual prepend="and" property="recordType" compareValue="2"> 28 <![CDATA[ 29 istime=1 and startsendtime>sysdate 30 ]]> 31 </isEqual> 32 and uin = #uin# 33 <include refid="condition" /> 34 <![CDATA[ 35 group by groupid,uin,FN_GetDecryptUserNumber(sendnumber),subject,startsendtime,istime,showfileid,totalsize,showtype order by startsendtime desc) b 36 where rownum <= #endRecord# 37 ]]> 38 <isNotEmpty property="destNumber"> 39 <![CDATA[ 40 and instr(destnumbers,#destNumber#)>0 or instr(destnumbers,fn_encrypt_function(#destNumber#))>0 41 ]]> 42 </isNotEmpty> 43 ) where r > #startRecord# 44 </select>





2、group by 语句不需要别名


oracle sql别名

