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68>>SQL 语句

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:5人阅读

create schema <schema_name> authorization <username> 没有指定schema_name时默认是用户名 删除模式 drop schema <schema_name> <cascade | restrict> 创建表 create table student.sc ;定义表中的两个主码以及外码 (sno char(7), cno char(4), grade smallint, primary key(sno, cno), foreign key sno references student(sno), foreign key sno references course(cno) ); /*最后一行没有逗号,外码引用的必须是主码*/ 修改表 alter table <table_name> [ add <新列名> <数据类型> [完整性约束] ] [ drop [完整性约束名] [列名] ] [ modify <列名> <数据类型> ]; 创建索引 create [unique] [cluster] index <索引名> on <表名>( <列名> [ <次序> ] [, <列名> [ <次序> ] ] ....); 删除索引 drop index <索引名> 插入元组 insert into <表名> [ ( <属性列1> [, <属性列2>...] ) ] values ( <常量1> [, <常量2>] ... ) insert into sc(sno,cno) values(200215128,1) 修改元组 update <表名> set <列名> = <表达式> [, <列名> = <表达式> ]... [where <条件>]; update student set sage = 22 where sno = 200215121 删除元组 delete from <表名> [where <条件> ]; delete from student where sno = 200215121 使用视图创建语句建视图,通过视图查询数据: create view <视图名> [(<列名>[,<列名>]...)] ;列名要么全部指定,要么全部不指定 as <子查询> [with check option]; drop view <视图名>; 创建用户 create user <username> [with] [DBA | RESOURCE | CONNECT]; create user zx_root IDENTIFIED by xxxxx@localhost; 删除用户 drop user <username>; 授权 grant <权限> [,<权限> ]... ;all privileges, select, update, insert, delete on <对象类型> <对象名> [,<对象类型> <对象名>]... to <用户> [,<用户>]... ;public [with grant option]; grant all privileges on table student, course to u2, u3; grant update(sno) on table student to u4; grant insert on table sc to u5 with grant option 回收授权 revoke <权限>[,<权限>]... on <对象类型> <对象名> [,<对象类型> <对象名>]... from <用户> [,<用户>]... revoke select on table sc from public 创建角色 create role <rolename> 给角色授权 grant <权限> [,<权限>]... on <对象类型> <对象名> to <角色> [,<角色>]... grant <角色1> [,<角色2>]... to <角色3> [,<角色4>]... [with admin option] 收回角色权限 revoke <权限> [,<权限>]... on <对象类型> <对象名> from <角色> [,<角色>]... create role r1; grant select, update, insert on table student to r1; grant r1 to 王平,张明 revoke select on table student from r1; 审计 audit alert,update on sc; noaudit all on sc; 实体完整性 primary key(sno,cno); 参照完整性 foreign key sno reference student(sno); 用户定义完整性 create table sc (sno char(7) not null, cno char(4) not null, grade smallint not null,); create table dept (deptno number, dname varchar(9) unique, ); create table student (sno char(7) primary key, ssex char(2) check (ssex in (,)),); 表级用户定义完整性 check (ssex = or sname not like ms.% ); /*男性名字不能以ms.开头*/ 完整性约束命名子句 constraint <完整性约束条件名> [primary key短语 | foreign key 短语 | check 短语] create stable student (sno number(5) constraint c1 check (sno between 90000 and 99999), sname varchar(20) constraint c2 not null, sage number(3) constraint c3 check (sage <30), ssex varchar(2) constraint c4 check (ssex in (,), constraint studentKey primary key(sno), ); alter table student drop constraint c4; alter table student add constraint c4 check (ssex in (,)); 域中完整性限制 create domain genderdomain char(2) constraint gd check (value in (,)); alter domain genderdomain add constraint gd check (value in (1,0)); alter domain genderdomain drop constraint gd; 查询 seletct [ all | distinct ] <目标列表达式> [, <目标列表达式> ]... from <表名或视图名> [, <表名或视图名> ]... [ where <条件表达式> ] [ group by <列名1> [ having <条件表达式> ] ] [ order by <列名2> [ asc | desc ] ] 表单查询 select sname name,2015-sage year from student where sno = 200215121 select sname, sdept, sage from student where sage between 20 and 23 /*not between and*/ select sname, ssex from student where sdept in (cs,ma,is) /*not in*/ select * from student where sno like 2002%21 /*%任意多个字符,_单个字符, [ escape ‘\‘ ] 表示‘\‘为换码字符,not like */ select sno,cno from sc where grade is null /*is not*/ select sno,grade from sc where cno = 3 order by grade desc,sno select cno, count( distinct sno ) from sc group by cno 连接查询,嵌套查询 select sname from student where sdept = cs and sage < 20 /*or, not*/ select first.cno, second.cpno from course first, course second where first.cpno = second.cno /*<>是不等于*/ select sname from student where sno in (select sno from sc where cno = 2 ); select sno,cno from sc x where grade >= (select avg(grade) from sc y where y.sno = x.sno); select sname,sage from student where sage < any (select sage from student where sdept = cs); /*all*/ select sname from student where not exists (select * from course where not exists (select * from sc where sno = student.sno and cno = course.cno )); /*not exists 没有*/ 集合查询: select * from student where sdept=cs union select * from student where sage<=19; select * from student where sdept=cs intersect select * from student where sage<=19; select * from student where sdept=cs except select * from student where sage<=19; 数据类型 char(n) 长度为n的定长字符串 varchar(n) 最大长度为n的可变字符串 int 长整形,可写作integer smallint 短整形 numberic(p,d) 定点数,有p位数字(不包括符号,小数点)组成,小数点后有d位小数 real 取决于机器精度的浮点数 double precision 取决于机器精度的双精度浮点数 float(n) 浮点数,精度至少为n为数字 date 日期,YYYY-MM-DD time 时间,HH:MM:SS 小问题 "=" 两边可以没有空格 实例: create DataBase SpjDB on (name=spj_dat, filename=D:\Sql_Server\spj_data.mdf, size=10mb) log on (name=spj_log, filename=D:\Sql_Server\spj_log.ldf, size=3mb) Create table S (SNO char(4) primary key, SNAME char(10), STATUS smallint, CITY char(12)) insert into s values(S1,精益,20,天津); insert into s values(S2,盛锡,10,北京); Create table p (PNO char(4) primary key, PNAME char(10), COLOR char(4), WEIGHT smallint) insert into P values(p1,螺母,,12); insert into P values(p2,螺栓,绿,17); insert into P Create table J (JNO char(4) primary key, PNAME char(10), CITY char(10)) insert into J values(J1,三建,北京); insert into J values(J2,一汽,长春); insert into J Create table SPJ (SNO char(2), PNO char(2), JNO char(2), QTY smallint) insert into SPJ values(S1,P1,J1,200); insert into SPJ values(S1,P1,J3,100);


68>>SQL 语句

