时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">create tablespace tan_2013_7 datafile size 5m autoextend on;</span>
create tablespace tan_2013_8 datafile size 5m autoextend on; create table tan (t_id number(10), t_name varchar2(100), t_date date ) partition by range(t_date) (partition tan_2013_7 values less than(to_date('2013-08-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace tan_2013_7, partition tan_2013_8 values less than(to_date('2013-09-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace tan_2013_8 ); create index ind_tan on tan(t_date) local ( partition ind_tan_2013_7 tablespace tan_2013_7, partition ind_tan_2013_8 tablespace tan_2013_8 ); begin for i in 1.. 10000 loop insert into tan values(i,'tan'||i,to_date('2013-'||(mod(i,2)+7)||'-01','yyyy-mm-dd')); end loop; commit; end; / SQL> select count(*) from tan partition(tan_2013_8); COUNT(*) ---------- 5000 SQL> select count(*) from tan partition(tan_2013_7); COUNT(*) ---------- 5000
SQL> create table tmp_tan_2013_9 as select * from tan where 1=2;
SQL> create index ind_tmp_tan_2013_9 on tmp_tan_2013_9(t_date);
SQL> alter table tan exchange partition tan_2013_9
with table tmp_tan_2013_9 including indexes with validation;
SQL> select count(*) from tan partition(tan_2013_9) ;
COUNT(*) ---------- 0 SQL> select count(*) from tmp_tan_2013_9; COUNT(*) ---------- 833 SQL> select partition_name,tablespace_name from dba_segments where segment_name in ('TAN','IND_TAN'); PARTITION_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TAN_2014_8 TAN_2014_8 TAN_2014_7 TAN_2014_7 TAN_2014_6 TAN_2014_6 TAN_2014_5 TAN_2014_5 TAN_2014_4 TAN_2014_4 TAN_2014_3 TAN_2014_3 TAN_2014_2 TAN_2014_2 TAN_2014_1 TAN_2014_1 TAN_2013_12 TAN_2013_12 TAN_2013_11 TAN_2013_11 TAN_2013_10 TAN_2013_10 IND_TAN_2014_8 TAN_2014_8 IND_TAN_2014_7 TAN_2014_7 IND_TAN_2014_6 TAN_2014_6 IND_TAN_2014_5 TAN_2014_5 IND_TAN_2014_4 TAN_2014_4 IND_TAN_2014_3 TAN_2014_3 IND_TAN_2014_2 TAN_2014_2 IND_TAN_2014_1 TAN_2014_1 IND_TAN_2013_12 TAN_2013_12 IND_TAN_2013_11 TAN_2013_11 IND_TAN_2013_10 TAN_2013_10 22 rows selected.
no rows selected
SQL> alter tablespace tan_2013_9 read only;
SQL> select count(*) from tan partition(tan_2013_9); COUNT(*) ---------- 833 SQL> select table_name,partition_name,tablespace_name from user_tab_partitions; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TAN TAN_2013_8 TAN_2013_8 TAN TAN_2013_7 TAN_2013_7 TAN TAN_2013_9 TAN_2013_9 SQL> select index_name,partition_name,tablespace_name from user_ind_partitions; INDEX_NAME PARTITION_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ IND_TAN IND_TAN_2013_8 TAN_2013_8 IND_TAN IND_TAN_2013_7 TAN_2013_7 IND_TAN TAN_2013_9 TAN_2013_9
SQL> select table_name,partition_name,tablespace_name from user_tab_partitions; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TAN TAN_2014_3 TAN_2014_3 TAN TAN_2014_2 TAN_2014_2 TAN TAN_2014_4 TAN_2014_4 TAN TAN_2014_5 TAN_2014_5 TAN TAN_2014_6 TAN_2014_6 TAN TAN_2014_7 TAN_2014_7 TAN TAN_2014_8 TAN_2014_8 TAN TAN_2013_10 TAN_2013_10 TAN TAN_2013_11 TAN_2013_11 TAN TAN_2013_12 TAN_2013_12 TAN TAN_2014_1 TAN_2014_1 TAN TAN_2013_9 USERS 12 rows selected. SQL> <strong>alter table tan drop partition tan_2013_9;</strong> Table altered. SQL> select table_name,partition_name,tablespace_name from user_tab_partitions; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TAN TAN_2014_3 TAN_2014_3 TAN TAN_2014_2 TAN_2014_2 TAN TAN_2014_4 TAN_2014_4 TAN TAN_2014_5 TAN_2014_5 TAN TAN_2014_6 TAN_2014_6 TAN TAN_2014_7 TAN_2014_7 TAN TAN_2014_8 TAN_2014_8 TAN TAN_2013_10 TAN_2013_10 TAN TAN_2013_11 TAN_2013_11 TAN TAN_2013_12 TAN_2013_12 TAN TAN_2014_1 TAN_2014_1