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Web SQL Database实例

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读

<!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title></title> 6 </head> 7 <body onload="init()"> 8 <table> 9 <tr> 10 <td>姓名:</td><td><input type="text" id="name"></td> 11 </tr> 12 <tr> 13 <td>留言:</td><td><input type="text" id="memo"></td> 14 </tr> 15 <tr> 16 <td></td> 17 <td><input type="button" value="保存" onclick="saveInfo()"></td> 18 </tr> 19 </table> 20 <hr> 21 <table id="datatable" border="1"> 22 23 </table> 24 <p id="msg"></p> 25 <script> 26 var datatable=null; 27 28 //创建数据库 29 var db=openDatabase("MyData","","My Batabase",1024*100); 30 31 32 //初始化数据 33 function init() { 34 35 datatable=document.getElementById("datatable"); 36 showAllData(); 37 } 38 39 //先移除所有数据并添加新的数据 40 function removeALLData() { 41 42 for(var i=datatable.childNodes.length-1;i>=0;i--){ 43 datatable.removeChild(datatable.childNodes[i]); 44 } 45 46 var tr=document.createElement("tr"); 47 var th1=document.createElement("th"); 48 var th2=document.createElement("th"); 49 var th3=document.createElement("th"); 50 th1.innerHTML="姓名"; 51 th2.innerHTML="留言"; 52 th3.innerHTML="时间"; 53 tr.appendChild(th1); 54 tr.appendChild(th2); 55 tr.appendChild(th3); 56 datatable.appendChild(tr); 57 58 } 59 60 61 //显示数据 62 function showData(row) { 63 64 var tr=document.createElement("tr"); 65 var td1=document.createElement("td"); 66 td1.innerHTML=row.name; 67 var td2=document.createElement("td"); 68 td2.innerHTML=row.message; 69 var td3=document.createElement("td"); 70 var t= new Date(); 71 t.setTime(row.time); 72 td3.innerHTML=t.toLocaleDateString()+" "+t.toLocaleString(); 73 tr.appendChild(td1); 74 tr.appendChild(td2); 75 tr.appendChild(td3); 76 datatable.appendChild(tr); 77 78 79 80 } 81 82 //从数据库查询并显示所有数据 83 function showAllData() { 84 db.transaction(function (tx) { 85 tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MsgData(name TEXT,message TEXT,time INTEGER )",[]); 86 tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM MsgData",[],function (tx,rs) { 87 removeALLData(); 88 for(var i=0;i<rs.rows.length;i++){ 89 showData(rs.rows.item(i)); 90 } 91 }); 92 }) 93 } 94 95 //向数据库添加数据 96 function addData(name,message,time) { 97 db.transaction(function (tx) { 98 tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO MsgData VALUES (?,?,?)",[name,message,time],function (tx) { 99 alert("成功"); 100 },function (tx,error){ 101 alert(error.source+":"+error.message); 102 }); 103 104 105 }) 106 } 107 108 109 //保存数据 110 function saveInfo() { 111 112 var name=document.getElementById("name").value; 113 var memo=document.getElementById("memo").value; 114 var time=new Date().getTime(); 115 addData(name,memo,time); 116 showAllData(); 117 118 } 119 120 </script> 121 </body> 122 </html>

为什么HTML5会放弃Web SQL Database?

Web SQL Database采用了sqlite做为后端,可以用js进等数据库操作,非常方便,可是刚刚发现,这个标准被放弃了:Web SQL Database
This document was on the W3C Recommendation track but specification work has stopped. The specification reached an impasse: all interested implementors have used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but we need multiple independent implementations to proceed along a standardisation path.



Web SQL Database实例

