时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读
1、查询<学生信息表>,查询学生"张三"的全部基本信息 Select *
from A_studentinfo
where sname=张三
2、查询<学生信息表>,查询学生"张三"和”李四”的基本信息 Select *
from A_studentinfo
where sname=张三 or sname=李四
3、查询<学生信息表>,查询姓"张"学生的基本信息 Select *
from A_studentinfo
where sname like 张%
4、查询<学生信息表>,查询姓名中含有"四"字的学生的基本信息 Select *
from A_studentinfo where sname like %四%
5、查询<学生信息表>,查询姓名长度为三个字,姓“李”,且最后一个字是“强”的全部学生信息。 select *
from A_studentinfo where sname like 李_强
6、查询<学生信息表>,查询姓"张"或者姓”李”的学生的基本信息。 Select *
from A_studentinfo where sname like 张% or sname like 李%
7、查询<学生信息表>,查询姓"张"并且"所属省份"是"北京"的学生信息 Select *
from A_studentinfo
where sname like 张% and province=北京
8、查询<学生信息表>,查询"所属省份"是"北京"、”新疆”、”山东”或者"上海"的学生的信息 Select *
from A_studentinfo
where province in (北京,上海,新疆,山东)
不是"北京"的学生信息 Select *
from A_studentinfo
where sname like 张% and province !=北京
10、查询<学生信息表>,查询全部学生信息,并按照“性别”排序,性别相同的情况下按照“所属省份”排序,所属省份相同的情况下再按照“班级”排序 select *
from A_studentinfo
order by sex,province,class
select distinct province as 省份 from A_studentinfo
12、查询<学生选修信息表>,查询没有填写成绩的学生的学号、课程号和成绩 Select *
from A_studentcourse where score is null
13、查询<学生选修信息表>,查询全部填写了成绩的学生的选修信息,并按照“成绩”从高到低进行排序 Select *
from A_studentcourse where score is not null order by score desc
1、统计<学生信息表>,统计共有多少个学生 Select count (*) as 学生数量 from A_studentinfo
Select count(*) as 学生数量 from A_studentinfo
where (2008-yearofbirth)>20
select count(*) as 学生数量 from A_studentinfo
where enrollment between 1998-01-01 and 2003-12-30
对比以下查询方式,看看有何不同,为什么? select count(*) as 学生数量
from A_studentinfo
where enrollment between 1998 and 2003
Select avg(score) as 平均成绩 from A_studentcourse where sno=S001
select sum(score) as 总成绩 from A_studentcourse where sno =S001
select max(score) as 最高成绩 from A_studentcourse where cno=C001
select 2008-min(yearofbirth) as 最大年龄 from A_studentinfo
1、统计<学生选修信息表>,统计每个课程的选修人数 select cno,count(*) as 学生数量 from A_studentcourse group by cno
2、统计<学生选修信息表>,统计每个同学的总成绩 select sno,sum(score) as 总成绩 from A_studentcourse group by sno
select class as 班级,sex as 性别, count(*) as 人数 from A_studentinfo group by class,sex order by class
Select cno,avg(score) as 平均成绩 from A_studentcourse
group by cno
order by avg(score) desc
Select sno as 不及格学生学号 from A_studentcourse where score<60 group by sno
having count(*)>1
select class as 班级, 2008-min(yearofbirth) as 最大年龄 from A_studentinfo group by class
select sum(score) as 高等数学总成绩 from A_studentcourse where cno= (select cno
from A_courseinfo
where subject=高等数学 )
2、用子查询实现,统计<学生选修信息表>,显示学号为"S001"的学生在其各科成绩中,最高分成绩所对应的课程号和成绩 select score,cno
from A_studentcourse where sno=S001 and score =
(select max(score)
from A_studentcourse where sno =S001)
思考:如果该学号学生有两个课程分数都为最高的100分,查询会有什么结果 3、用子查询实现,查询2班选修"数据库技术"课的所有学生的成绩之和
select sum(score) as 数据库技术总成绩 from A_studentcourse where cno = (select cno
from A_courseinfo
where subject=数据库技术) and sno in (select sno
from A_studentinfo where class="2")
select score
from A_studentcourse where cno= (select cno
from A_courseinfo
where subject=测试管理 ) and sno in ( select sno
from A_studentinfo where class="3" and sname=张三)
select sname as 姓名,cno as 课程号,score as 成绩 from A_studentinfo,A_studentcourse
where A_studentinfo.sno=A_studentcourse.sno
and sname=张三 2、查询"张三"的各科考试成绩中,哪科没有记录考试成绩,要求显示姓名、课程号和成绩
select sname as 姓名,cno as 课程号,score as 成绩 from A_studentinfo,A_studentcourse
where A_studentinfo.sno=A_studentcourse.sno and sname=张三 and score is null
select sname as 姓名,subject as 课程名称,score as 成绩 from A_studentinfo,A_courseinfo,A_studentcourse where A_studentcourse.sno=A_studentinfo.sno and A_studentcourse.cno=A_courseinfo.cno
and A_studentinfo.sname=张三
select sname as 姓名,score as 成绩
from A_studentcourse,A_courseinfo,A_studentinfo where A_studentcourse.cno=A_courseinfo.cno and A_studentcourse.sno=A_studentinfo.sno and subject=测试管理 and class="3"
and sname=张三
select class as 班级,avg(score) as 男生平均成绩 from A_studentcourse,A_courseinfo,A_studentinfo where A_studentcourse.cno=A_courseinfo.cno and A_studentcourse.sno=A_studentinfo.sno
and sex=男
and enrollment<2000-01-01 group by class 六、外联接查询
查询李坚强所有课程的成绩,并显示学号、姓名、课程号和成绩,没有成绩记录的学号包括:(S009,S010,S011) 1、使用左联接
select A_studentinfo.sno as 学生表学号,sname as 姓名,A_studentcourse.sno as 成绩表学号, cno as 课程号,score as 成绩 from A_studentinfo
left join A_studentcourse
on A_studentinfo.sno=A_studentcourse.sno
where sname=李坚强 2、使用右联接
select A_studentinfo.sno as 学生表学号,sname as 姓名,A_studentcourse.sno as 成绩表学号, cno as 课程号,score as 成绩
from A_studentcourse
right join A_studentinfo
on A_studentinfo.sno=A_studentcourse.sno where sname=李坚强 3、对比等值连接 select sname,score
from A_studentinfo,A_studentcourse
where A_studentinfo.sno=A_studentcourse.sno and sname=李坚强
select A.sname as 姓名,year(A.enrollment) as 入学时间 ,
B.sname as 姓名,year(B.enrollment) as 入学时间,
datediff(year,A.enrollment,B.enrollment) as 年差 from A_studentinfo A,A_studentinfo B
where A.sname=张三 and B.sname=王三
2、查询所在班级和该班内学生的年龄之和,其中每个人的年龄都大于20岁,每个班的年龄之和大于60岁 select class as 班级,sum(2008-yearofbirth) as 年龄和 from A_studentinfo
where (2008-yearofbirth) >20 group by class
having sum(2008-yearofbirth)>60 order by class