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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:14人阅读

.关系模型的三类完整性规则:实体完整性,参照完整性,用户定义的完整性规则。 2.SQL server 默认带有四个系统数据库: master:存储系统级信息,登录账户信息,配置参数等,model:创建所有数据库模板,msdb:用于计划警报和作业,tempdb:保存临时表和临时存储过程. 3.主要数据文件 mdf,次要数据文件 ldf,事务日志文件 ldf。 4.子查询:使用in关键字 select * from student where claid in(select claid from student where stuname=tangxiaoyang) 使用exists关键字: select * from subject where exists (select * from cla_sub where cla_sub.subid=subject.subid and claid in (select claid from class where claname =java班)) 5.标量值函数: create function getname (@stunumber char(6)) returns varchar(20) with encryption as begin declare @stuname varchar(20) select @stuname = stuname from student where stunumber=@stunumber return @stuname end 执行该函数:select dbo.getname(200401)as 学生姓名; 6.内联表值函数: create function getstudent(@claid int) returns table with encryption as return select * from student where claid=@claid 执行函数:select * from getstudent(1) 7.事物的特性:原子性,一致性,隔离性,持久性。 8.创建存储过程: create procedure pro_test1 as select stuid,stuname,stusex from student where stuid = 1 执行存储过程:exec pro_test1 9.带输入参数的存储过程: create procedure pro_test2 @stuid_in int as select stuid,stuname,stusex from student where stuid = @stuid_in 执行:exec pro_test2 3 多个参数:exec pro_test2 @stuname =wangxiojing,@stuid=3 10.带输出参数的存储过程: create procedure pro_test3 @stuid_in int , @stuid_out int output, @stuname_out varchar(10) output, @stusex_out char(2) output as select @stuid_out = stuid, @stuname_out = stuname, @stusex_out = stusex from student where stuid = @stuid_in 执行: declare @stuid_out int ,@stuname_out varchar(10),@stusex_out char(2) exec pro_test3 1,@stuid_out output, @stuname_out output, @stusex_out output 11.创建触发器: insert触发器: create trigger add_student on student with encryption after insert as if(select stusex from inserted)not in(,) begin print 性别不规范,请核对! rollback transaction end instead of 触发器: create trigger remove_student on student with encryption instead of delete as begin delete from achievement where stuid in(select stuid from deleted) delete from student where stuid in(select stuid from deleted) end DDL触发器: create trigger protect_table on database with encryption for alter_table,drop_table as begin print 不能对数据库中的表进行删除或修改操作! rollback end 禁用和启用嵌套: exec sp_configure nested trigger,0 禁用 exec sp_configure nested trigger,1 启用 递归触发器: 直接递归 间接递归 12.sql server 安全机制:客户机安全机制,网络传输的安全机制(两种加密方式:数据加密和备份加密), 实例级别安全机制(标准sqlserver登录,集成Windows登录),数据库级别安全机制,对象级别安全机制 用户访问客户机,通过网络传输登录服务器,然后访问数据库,访问数据库对象许可权。 13.使用命令创建登录名和数据库用户: create login newlogin with password=password123456 create user newuser for login newlogin 14.权限的三种语句: 对象权限: 授予对象权限: grant delete on teacher to xiaoqi 撤销对象权限: revoke delete on teacher from xiaoqi 拒绝对象权限: deny delete on teacher from xiaoqi 语句权限: 授予语句权限: grant create table to xiaoqi 撤销语句权限: revoke create table from xiaoqi 拒绝语句权限: deny create table from xiaoqi 15.数据备份类型:完整备份,差异备份,事务日志备份,文件或文件组备份 16.创建备份设备:exec sp_addumpdevice disk,backup,E:\蔡莎莎\sqlserver\backup.bak 17.执行完整备份: backup database stusystem to 学生信息管理系统 with init name=stusystem完整备份 执行差异备份: backup database stusystem to 学生信息管理系统 with noinit, differental, name=stusystem差异备份 执行日志备份: backup log stusystem to 学生信息管理系统 with noinit name = stusystem日志备份 description=this is transaction backup of stusystem on disk 18.恢复模式:完整恢复模式,大容量日志恢复模式,简单恢复模式。 19.还原数据库备份: 还原完整数据库备份: restore database stusystem from 学生信息管理系统 with file = 1,norecovery 还原第一个事务日志: restore log stusystem from 学生信息管理系统 with file=3,norecovery 还原第二个事务日志,并且恢复数据库。 restore log stusystem from 学生信息管理系统 with file = 3,recovery



