时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:10人阅读
select COUNT(distinct(case when COL_USERID3 is null then COL_USERID6 end)) as ‘aa‘, COUNT(distinct(case when COL_USERID3 is null and COL_USERID7 is not null then COL_USERID6 end)) as ‘bb‘, COUNT(distinct(case when COL_USERID3 is not null then COL_USERID6 end)) as ‘cc‘, COUNT(distinct(case when COL_USERID3 is not null and COL_USERID7 is not null then COL_USERID6 end)) as ‘dd‘, SUM(case when COL_USERID3 IS not null then ee end) as ‘ee‘ from ( select c.COL_USERID3,c.ee,g.COL_USERID6 from ( select b.COL_USERID2 as COL_USERID3,COUNT(b.COL_USERID2) as ee from ( select COL_USERID as COL_USERID1,min(EventTime) as time1 from ODS_TABLE_A where EtlDate = ‘2016-08-12‘ and colid LIKE ‘heihei%‘ group by COL_USERID )as a join ( select COL_USERID as COL_USERID2,eventtime as time2 from ODS_TABLE_A where EtlDate = ‘2016-08-12‘ and ItemId = ‘1111111111101‘ and colid like ‘haha-%‘ and colid not like ‘haha-skill%‘ and colid not like ‘haha-fine%‘ )as b on a.COL_USERID1 = b.COL_USERID2 and a.time1 > b.time2 group by b.COL_USERID2 )as c right join ( select DISTINCT d.COL_USERID4 as COL_USERID6 from ( select distinct COL_USERID as COL_USERID4 from MID_TABLE_B where etldate = ‘2016-08-12‘ )as d join ( select COL_USERID AS COL_USERID5 from ODS_TABLE_A where EtlDate = ‘2016-08-12‘ and colid LIKE ‘heihei%‘ )as f on d.COL_USERID4 = f.COL_USERID5 )as g on c.COL_USERID3 = g.COL_USERID6 )as i left join ( select COL_USERID as COL_USERID7 from MID_TABLE_B where EtlDate = ‘2016-08-12‘ and IsTodayPay = ‘1‘ )as h on i.COL_USERID6 = h.COL_USERID7
可能你注意到系统提示的缺少索引信息,加上去一样效果,不能解决‘2016-08-16’ 查询慢的问题。
2.在修改下日期 ,就是把 【所有】 etldate=‘2016-08-12’ 的改成 etldate=‘2016-08-16’ 看下执行计划: 对不起跑了半个小时没出来,查看估计的执行执行和上面的图类似。 减少设计数据的量 加top 1 我再看执行计划: 不贴图了 就算比上面的少了个 并行度
对于大表新插入的数据没统计信息,导致 出现上面的现象,一个日期为快慢分水岭(查12号前5秒出数据,查12号后死活不出来。)