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天津大学 2015 软件学院 保研复试 上机——数据库

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:5人阅读

第一题(20分)数据库, 本题直接将答案写在试卷上


表一:SC(sid,cid,score) 成绩表

   sid:学号;cid,课程编号;score:成绩 (成绩缺省值为0)

表二:Teacher(tid,Tname) 教师表

   tid:教师编号; Tname:教师名字

表三:Course(cid,cname) 课程表


  测试数据: score 表





mysql> select temp.sid,temp.avg,@rank := @rank + 1 as rank from (select sid,avg(score) as avg from score group by sid order by avg desc) as temp,(select @rank:=0) as r;




课程ID,课程名称,[100-85]人数,[85-70]人数,[70-60]人数,[ <60]人

select temp1.cid as ‘课程ID‘,c.cname as ‘课程名称‘,IFNULL(temp2.num,0) as ‘[100-85]‘,IFNULL(temp3.num,0) as ‘[85-70]‘, IFNULL(temp4.num,0) as ‘[70-60]‘,IFNULL(temp5.num,0) as ‘[<60]‘ from (select distinct cid from score) as temp1 left join course c on c.cid = temp1.cid left join (select cid, count(*) as num from score where score between 85 and 100 group by cid) as temp2 on temp1.cid = temp2.cid left join (select cid,count(*) as num from score where score between 70 and 84 group by cid) as temp3 on temp3.cid = temp1.cid left join (select cid,count(*) as num from score where score between 60 and 69 group by cid) as temp4 on temp4.cid = temp1.cid left join (select cid,count(*) as num from score where score < 60) as temp5 on temp5.cid = temp1.cid order by temp1.cid asc;


sql 执行过程:




mysql> select s.sid,avg(s.score) from score s where s.sid in (select temp.sid from (select s2.sid ,count(*) as num from score s2 where s2.score < 60 group by s2.sid hav
ing num >= 2) as temp) group by s.sid;


