Oracle 11g RAC oc4j/gsd Offline
时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17
- 1、环境
- [root@linux2 ~]
- Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Carthage)
- Kernel \r on an \m
- [root@linux2 bin]
- Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []
- 2、oc4j与所有的gsd处于offline
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ crs_stat -t | grep OFFLINE
- ora.gsd ora.gsd.type OFFLINE OFFLINE
- ora.linux1.gsd application OFFLINE OFFLINE
- ora.linux2.gsd application OFFLINE OFFLINE
- ora.oc4j ora.oc4j.type OFFLINE OFFLINE
- 3、启动oc4j服务
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ srvctl start oc4j
- OC4J could not be started
- PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.oc4j
- CRS-2501: Resource ‘ora.oc4j‘ is disabled
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ crsctl start res ora.oc4j -init
- CRS-2613: Could not find resource ‘ora.oc4j‘.
- CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ srvctl enable oc4j
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ srvctl start oc4j
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ crs_stat -t | grep oc4j
- ora.oc4j ora.oc4j.type ONLINE ONLINE linux2
- 4、启动gsd服务
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ srvctl status nodeapps -n linux1
- -n <node_name> option has been deprecated.
- VIP linux1-vip is enabled
- VIP linux1-vip is running on node: linux1
- Network is enabled
- Network is running on node: linux1
- GSD is disabled
- GSD is not running on node: linux1
- ONS is enabled
- ONS daemon is running on node: linux1
- eONS is enabled
- eONS daemon is running on node: linux1
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ srvctl status nodeapps -n linux2
- -n <node_name> option has been deprecated.
- VIP linux2-vip is enabled
- VIP linux2-vip is running on node: linux2
- Network is enabled
- Network is running on node: linux2
- GSD is disabled
- GSD is not running on node: linux2
- ONS is enabled
- ONS daemon is running on node: linux2
- eONS is enabled
- eONS daemon is running on node: linux2
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ srvctl enable nodeapps
- PRKO-2415 : VIP is already enabled on node(s): linux1,linux2
- PRKO-2416 : Network resource is already enabled.
- PRKO-2417 : ONS is already enabled on node(s): linux1,linux2
- PRKO-2418 : eONS is already enabled on node(s): linux1,linux2
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ srvctl status nodeapps
- VIP linux1-vip is enabled
- VIP linux1-vip is running on node: linux1
- VIP linux2-vip is enabled
- VIP linux2-vip is running on node: linux2
- Network is enabled
- Network is running on node: linux1
- Network is running on node: linux2
- GSD is enabled
- GSD is not running on node: linux1
- GSD is not running on node: linux2
- ONS is enabled
- ONS daemon is running on node: linux1
- ONS daemon is running on node: linux2
- eONS is enabled
- eONS daemon is running on node: linux1
- eONS daemon is running on node: linux2
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ crs_stat -t | grep OFFLINE
- ora.gsd ora.gsd.type OFFLINE OFFLINE
- ora.linux1.gsd application OFFLINE OFFLINE
- ora.linux2.gsd application OFFLINE OFFLINE
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ srvctl start nodeapps
- PRKO-2421 : Network resource is already started on node(s): linux1,linux2
- PRKO-2420 : VIP is already started on node(s): linux1,linux2
- PRKO-2420 : VIP is already started on node(s): linux1,linux2
- PRKO-2422 : ONS is already started on node(s): linux1,linux2
- PRKO-2423 : eONS is already started on node(s): linux1,linux2
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ crs_stat -t | grep OFFLINE
- [grid@linux2 ~]$ crs_stat -t | grep gsd
- ora.gsd ora.gsd.type ONLINE ONLINE linux1
- ora.linux1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE linux1
- ora.linux2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE linux2
- 5、关于GSD
- The Global Services Daemon (GSD) runs on each node with one GSD process per node.
- The GSD coordinates with the cluster manager to receive requests from clients such as the DBCA, EM,
- and the SRVCTL utility to execute administrative job tasks such as instance startup or shutdown.
- The GSD is not an Oracle instance background process and is therefore not started with the Oracle instance.
- GSD与rac的管理工具dbca srvctl oem进行交互,用来完成实例的启动关闭等管理任务。
- 为了保证这些管理工具运行正常必须在所有的节点上先启动 gsd。
- 一个GSD进程支持在一个节点的多个rac.gsd进程,位于$ORACLE_HOME/bin目录下。
- 其log文件为$oracle_home /srvm/log/gsdaemon.log。
- 例如:
- 假设使用oem工具来启动一个实例,oem把该任务传递给相应的智能引擎,该智能引擎生成一个包含SRVCTL命令的脚本文件,
- GSD进程读取该脚本文件并且执行该脚本,最后GSD把执行结果返回给智能引擎,近而智能引擎返回给OEM。
- 又例如假设使用srvctl工具关闭所有的实例,GSD进程接受来自SRVCTL工具发出的请求,并
- 在本地节点上执行该请求,然后把执行结果返回给SRVCTL会话。
- 转:
Oracle 11g RAC oc4j/gsd Offline