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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读

count(*) from (select distinct t1.* from (select p.c_paid_id as id, p.c_branch_name as organName, p.c_dept_name as daptName, d.project_name as itemName, p.c_Insurance_Com_Name as pryerName, nvl(p.n_Current_Premium, 0) as commission, decode(p.c_Endorsement_Code, null, 保单, 批单) as policyType, p.c_Apply_Code as allInsuranceCode, nvl(p.c_insurance_code, lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO) as insuranceCode, p.c_Endorsement_Code as endorsenentCode, decode(p.c_endorsement_code, null, nvl(to_char(lcc.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd), to_char(p.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd)), to_char(ipt.effective_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as signDate, decode(p.c_endorsement_code, null, nvl(to_char(lcc.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd), to_char(p.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)), to_char(ipt.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as starDate, decode(p.c_endorsement_code, null, nvl(to_char(lcc.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd), to_char(p.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)), to_char(ipt.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as endDate, to_char(p.d_ddate, yyyy-mm-dd) as ddate, decode(se.c_paid_id, null, , ) as selletStatus, se.C_PAYMENT_CODE as settlementCode, p.c_is_paid as isSettled, p.C_PERIOD as periodno, p.C_INSURANCE_ID as insuranceId, nvl(p.c_insurant_name, lcc.customer_name) as insuredName from paid_info_target p, lccont_target lcc, d_projects d, prem_payment_detail_target se, insurance_policy_target ipt where p.c_unite_policy = lcc.contno(+) and p.c_project_code = d.project_code(+) and p.C_PAID_ID = se.C_PAID_ID(+) and (p.c_unite_policy = ipt.contno(+) and p.c_endorsement_code = ipt.mli_insurance_endorsement_no(+)) and p.C_INSURANCE_COM_CODE = 0001300049.00158 and p.c_dept_id = JT015200107 and p.c_branch_code = JT0152001 and p.c_system_name like % || 旅游保险网 || % order by lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO desc) t1, import_pay_confirm t2 where t2.c_bath_no = 1 and t2.c_import_by = dx.xie and (t1.allInsuranceCode = t2.c_apply_no or t1.insuranceCode = t2.c_policy_no or t1.endorsenentCode = t2.C_ENDORSEMENT_CODE or t1.insuranceId = t2.C_INSURANCE_ID));




表import_pay_confirm是从前台页面导入的表,有四个字段,在SQL的最后与t1进行关联。因此我采用union all将该语句改写了,这样就能帮助优化器进行查询改写,视图合并之类的。这是第一个改写的地方

decode((select count(*)
from prem_payment_detail_target
where p.c_paid_id = C_PAID_ID),
‘是‘) as selletStatus,

改写后的该选择列的表达式为decode(se.c_paid_id, null, ‘否‘, ‘是‘) as selletStatus,因为只是作一个判断,完全可以直接对prem_payment_detail_target表的字段c_paid_id进行判断,这样可以减少对该表的重复访问


select count(*)
from (select distinct t1.*
from (select p.c_paid_id as id,
p.c_branch_name as organName,
p.c_dept_name as daptName,
d.project_name as itemName,
p.c_Insurance_Com_Name as pryerName,
nvl(p.n_Current_Premium, 0) as commission,
decode(p.c_Endorsement_Code, null, 保单, 批单) as policyType,
p.c_Apply_Code as allInsuranceCode,
nvl(p.c_insurance_code, lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO) as insuranceCode,
p.c_Endorsement_Code as endorsenentCode,
nvl(to_char(lcc.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.effective_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as signDate,
nvl(to_char(lcc.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as starDate,
nvl(to_char(lcc.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as endDate,
to_char(p.d_ddate, yyyy-mm-dd) as ddate,
decode(se.c_paid_id, null, , ) as selletStatus,
se.C_PAYMENT_CODE as settlementCode,
p.c_is_paid as isSettled,
p.C_PERIOD as periodno,
p.C_INSURANCE_ID as insuranceId,
nvl(p.c_insurant_name, lcc.customer_name) as insuredName
from paid_info_target p,
lccont_target lcc,
d_projects d,
prem_payment_detail_target se,
insurance_policy_target ipt
where p.c_unite_policy = lcc.contno(+)
and p.c_project_code = d.project_code(+)
and p.C_PAID_ID = se.C_PAID_ID(+)
and (p.c_unite_policy = ipt.contno(+) and
p.c_endorsement_code =
and p.C_INSURANCE_COM_CODE = 0001300049.00158
and p.c_dept_id = JT015200107
and p.c_branch_code = JT0152001
and p.c_system_name like % || 旅游保险网 || %
order by lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO desc) t1,
import_pay_confirm t2
where t2.c_bath_no = 1
and t1.allInsuranceCode = t2.c_apply_no
and t2.c_import_by = dx.xie
union all
select distinct t1.*
from (select p.c_paid_id as id,
p.c_branch_name as organName,
p.c_dept_name as daptName,
d.project_name as itemName,
p.c_Insurance_Com_Name as pryerName,
nvl(p.n_Current_Premium, 0) as commission,
decode(p.c_Endorsement_Code, null, 保单, 批单) as policyType,
p.c_Apply_Code as allInsuranceCode,
nvl(p.c_insurance_code, lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO) as insuranceCode,
p.c_Endorsement_Code as endorsenentCode,
nvl(to_char(lcc.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.effective_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as signDate,
nvl(to_char(lcc.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as starDate,
nvl(to_char(lcc.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as endDate,
to_char(p.d_ddate, yyyy-mm-dd) as ddate,
decode(se.c_paid_id, null, , ) as selletStatus,
se.C_PAYMENT_CODE as settlementCode,
p.c_is_paid as isSettled,
p.C_PERIOD as periodno,
p.C_INSURANCE_ID as insuranceId,
nvl(p.c_insurant_name, lcc.customer_name) as insuredName
from paid_info_target p,
lccont_target lcc,
d_projects d,
prem_payment_detail_target se,
insurance_policy_target ipt
where p.c_unite_policy = lcc.contno(+)
and p.c_project_code = d.project_code(+)
and p.C_PAID_ID = se.C_PAID_ID(+)
and (p.c_unite_policy = ipt.contno(+) and
p.c_endorsement_code =
and p.C_INSURANCE_COM_CODE = 0001300049.00158
and p.c_dept_id = JT015200107
and p.c_branch_code = JT0152001
and p.c_system_name like % || 旅游保险网 || %
order by lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO desc) t1,
import_pay_confirm t2
where t2.c_bath_no = 1
and t1.insuranceCode = t2.c_policy_no
and t2.c_import_by = dx.xie
and t2.c_apply_no is null
union all
select distinct t1.*
from (select p.c_paid_id as id,
p.c_branch_name as organName,
p.c_dept_name as daptName,
d.project_name as itemName,
p.c_Insurance_Com_Name as pryerName,
nvl(p.n_Current_Premium, 0) as commission,
decode(p.c_Endorsement_Code, null, 保单, 批单) as policyType,
p.c_Apply_Code as allInsuranceCode,
nvl(p.c_insurance_code, lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO) as insuranceCode,
p.c_Endorsement_Code as endorsenentCode,
nvl(to_char(lcc.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.effective_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as signDate,
nvl(to_char(lcc.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as starDate,
nvl(to_char(lcc.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as endDate,
to_char(p.d_ddate, yyyy-mm-dd) as ddate,
decode(se.c_paid_id, null, , ) as selletStatus,
se.C_PAYMENT_CODE as settlementCode,
p.c_is_paid as isSettled,
p.C_PERIOD as periodno,
p.C_INSURANCE_ID as insuranceId,
nvl(p.c_insurant_name, lcc.customer_name) as insuredName
from paid_info_target p,
lccont_target lcc,
d_projects d,
prem_payment_detail_target se,
insurance_policy_target ipt
where p.c_unite_policy = lcc.contno(+)
and p.c_project_code = d.project_code(+)
and p.C_PAID_ID = se.C_PAID_ID(+)
and (p.c_unite_policy = ipt.contno(+) and
p.c_endorsement_code =
and p.C_INSURANCE_COM_CODE = 0001300049.00158
and p.c_dept_id = JT015200107
and p.c_branch_code = JT0152001
and p.c_system_name like % || 旅游保险网 || %
order by lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO desc) t1,
import_pay_confirm t2
where t2.c_bath_no = 1
and t1.endorsenentCode = t2.C_ENDORSEMENT_CODE
and t2.c_import_by = dx.xie
and t2.c_policy_no is null
and t2.c_apply_no is null
union all
select distinct t1.*
from (select p.c_paid_id as id,
p.c_branch_name as organName,
p.c_dept_name as daptName,
d.project_name as itemName,
p.c_Insurance_Com_Name as pryerName,
nvl(p.n_Current_Premium, 0) as commission,
decode(p.c_Endorsement_Code, null, 保单, 批单) as policyType,
p.c_Apply_Code as allInsuranceCode,
nvl(p.c_insurance_code, lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO) as insuranceCode,
p.c_Endorsement_Code as endorsenentCode,
nvl(to_char(lcc.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.sign_time, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.effective_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as signDate,
nvl(to_char(lcc.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.start_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as starDate,
nvl(to_char(lcc.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd),
to_char(p.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)),
to_char(ipt.end_date, yyyy-mm-dd)) as endDate,
to_char(p.d_ddate, yyyy-mm-dd) as ddate,
decode(se.c_paid_id, null, , ) as selletStatus,
se.C_PAYMENT_CODE as settlementCode,
p.c_is_paid as isSettled,
p.C_PERIOD as periodno,
p.C_INSURANCE_ID as insuranceId,
nvl(p.c_insurant_name, lcc.customer_name) as insuredName
from paid_info_target p,
lccont_target lcc,
d_projects d,
prem_payment_detail_target se,
insurance_policy_target ipt
where p.c_unite_policy = lcc.contno(+)
and p.c_project_code = d.project_code(+)
and p.C_PAID_ID = se.C_PAID_ID(+)
and (p.c_unite_policy = ipt.contno(+) and
p.c_endorsement_code =
and p.C_INSURANCE_COM_CODE = 0001300049.00158
and p.c_dept_id = JT015200107
and p.c_branch_code = JT0152001
and p.c_system_name like % || 旅游保险网 || %
order by lcc.INSURANCE_POLICY_NO desc) t1,
import_pay_confirm t2
where t2.c_bath_no = 1
and t1.insuranceId = t2.C_INSURANCE_ID
and t2.c_import_by = dx.xie
and t2.c_policy_no is null
and t2.c_apply_no is null
and t2.C_ENDORSEMENT_CODE is null);

SQL_ID brut29q5yb2j5, child number 1

Plan hash value: 3456365982

| Id | Operation | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows | A-Time | Buffers | OMem | 1Mem | Used-Mem |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | | 1 |00:00:00.79 | 142K| | | |
| 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 1 | 1 |00:00:00.79 | 142K| | | |
| 2 | VIEW | | 1 | 4 | 165 |00:00:00.79 | 142K| | | |
| 3 | UNION-ALL | | 1 | | 165 |00:00:00.79 | 142K| | | |
| 4 | HASH UNIQUE | | 1 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.02 | 3274 | 698K| 698K| 636K (0)|
| 5 | NESTED LOOPS OUTER | | 1 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.02 | 2942 | | | |
| 6 | NESTED LOOPS OUTER | | 1 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.01 | 2445 | | | |
| 7 | NESTED LOOPS OUTER | | 1 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.01 | 2441 | | | |
| 8 | NESTED LOOPS OUTER | | 1 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.01 | 1954 | | | |
| 9 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.01 | 1622 | | | |
|* 10 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | IMPORT_PAY_CONFIRM | 1 | 181 | 164 |00:00:00.01 | 374 | | | |
|* 11 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | PAID_INFO_TARGET | 164 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.01 | 1248 | | | |
|* 12 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | INDEX_PAID_5 | 164 | 1 | 990 |00:00:00.01 | 496 | | | |
| 13 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | D_PROJECTS | 165 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.01 | 332 | | | |
|* 14 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | INDEX_D_PROJECTS_1 | 165 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.01 | 167 | | | |
| 15 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | LCCONT_TARGET | 165 | 1 | 153 |00:00:00.01 | 487 | | | |
|* 16 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | INDEX_LCCONT_CONTNO | 165 | 1 | 153 |00:00:00.01 | 334 | | | |
|* 17 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | INSURANCE_POLICY_TARGET | 165 | 1 | 1 |00:00:00.01 | 4 | | | |
|* 18 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | INDEX_INSUE_POLICY_1 | 165 | 1 | 1 |00:00:00.01 | 3 | | | |
| 19 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | PREM_PAYMENT_DETAIL_TARGET | 165 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.01 | 497 | | | |
|* 20 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | INDEX_PREM_DETAIL_1 | 165 | 1 | 165 |00:00:00.01                    
