时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:15人阅读
第一步:在Sql 2005/2008 Exec the Sql 创建View ‘sysproperties‘
if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where name = ‘sysproperties‘and xtype = ‘V‘) begin DROP VIEW sysproperties end GO CREATE VIEW sysproperties AS SELECT A.name As TableName, A.id As TableID,B.Name As ColName,B.colid As ColID, B.xtype As ColType,C.name As PropName,C.Value As PropValue FROM sysobjects As A INNER JOIN syscolumns As B ON A.id = B.id INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties As C ON C.major_id = A.id AND ( minor_id = B.colid)
第二 步: 修改Table TableComment模板 路径是 Database -> Edit Current DBMS 窗体 General 选项卡 下 Script -> Objects -> Table -> TableComment
[if exists (select 1 from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(‘[%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%‘) and minor_id = 0 and name = ‘MS_Description‘) begin [%OWNER%?[.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_dropextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]‘MS_Description‘, [%R%?[N]]‘user‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:OWNER%, [%R%?[N]]‘table‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE% :declare @CurrentUser sysname select @CurrentUser = user_name() [.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_dropextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]‘MS_Description‘, [%R%?[N]]‘user‘, [%R%?[N]]@CurrentUser, [%R%?[N]]‘table‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE% ] end ][%OWNER%?[.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_addextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]‘MS_Description‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:COMMENT%, [%R%?[N]]‘user‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:OWNER%, [%R%?[N]]‘table‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE% :select @CurrentUser = user_name() [.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_addextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]‘MS_Description‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:COMMENT%, [%R%?[N]]‘user‘, [%R%?[N]]@CurrentUser, [%R%?[N]]‘table‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE% ]
第三步:修改Column ColumnComment模板 路径是 Database -> Edit Current DBMS 窗体 General 选项卡 下 Script -> Objects -> Column -> ColumnComment
[if exists (select 1 from sysproperties where TableID = object_id(‘[%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%‘) and ColName = %.q:COLUMN% AND PropName=‘MS_Description‘) begin [%OWNER%?[.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_dropextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]‘MS_Description‘, [%R%?[N]]‘user‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:OWNER%, [%R%?[N]]‘table‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE%, [%R%?[N]]‘column‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:COLUMN% :declare @CurrentUser sysname select @CurrentUser = user_name() [.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_dropextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]‘MS_Description‘, [%R%?[N]]‘user‘, [%R%?[N]]@CurrentUser, [%R%?[N]]‘table‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE%, [%R%?[N]]‘column‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:COLUMN% ] end ][%OWNER%?[.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_addextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]‘MS_Description‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:COMMENT%, [%R%?[N]]‘user‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:OWNER%, [%R%?[N]]‘table‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE%, [%R%?[N]]‘column‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:COLUMN% :select @CurrentUser = user_name() [.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_addextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]‘MS_Description‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:COMMENT%, [%R%?[N]]‘user‘, [%R%?[N]]@CurrentUser, [%R%?[N]]‘table‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE%, [%R%?[N]]‘column‘, [%R%?[N]]%.q:COLUMN% ]
修改之后 使用Generate Database 生成的SQL便可在SQL 2005/2008下执行 不在报找不到sysproperties 的错误。
解决PowerDesigner 16 Generate Datebase For Sql2005/2008 对象名sysproperties无效的问题
标签:Owner table ase com weight 对象 des 选项卡 pex