当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > 玩转mysql授权


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:38人阅读

0. 删除系统多余账号
 use mysql;
 select user,host from mysql.user;
 delete from user where user=‘‘;
 flush privileges;

 mysqladmin -u root password ‘123456‘

  create database demo;

  create table demo_1(id int);
  insert into demo_1(id) values(1),(2),(3);

  create database test;
  create table test_1(id int);
  insert into test_1(id) values(1),(2),(3);

   create table test_2(id int);
   insert into test_2(id) values(1),(2),(3);

1. 授权所有库
   创建新用户并授权,且密码为空: grant all on *.* to test@‘localhost‘

   创建新用户并授权,且设密码: grant all on *.* to test@‘localhost‘ identified by ‘123456‘;
                   或  grant select, insert, update, delete on *.* to test@‘localhost‘

   刷新权限: flush privileges;

   查看权限: show grants for test@‘localhost‘;
               GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘test‘@‘localhost‘ IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD ‘*6BB4837EB74329105EE4568DDA7DC67ED2CA2AD9‘ 

   测试权限(可以): mysql -utest -p123456 -e ‘select * from demo.demo_1‘;  

 1.1 收回权限
     收回权限: revoke all on *.* from test@‘localhost‘;

     刷新权限: flush privileges;

     查看权限: show grants for test@‘localhost‘;
                GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO ‘test‘@‘localhost‘ IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD ‘*6BB4837EB74329105EE4568DDA7DC67ED2CA2AD9‘

     测试权限(不可以): mysql -utest -p123456 -e ‘select * from demo.demo_1‘;
            ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 1: SELECT command denied to user ‘test‘@‘localhost‘ for table ‘demo_1‘
2. 授权指定库(1个或多个库)
     grant all on test.* to test@‘localhost‘;
     grant all on demo.* to test@‘localhost‘;    
    注意:不能一次对指定的多个库进行授权,只能一个一个授权:grant all on test.*,demo.* to test@‘localhost‘;

    查看权限: show grants for test@‘localhost‘;
            GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO ‘test‘@‘localhost‘ IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD ‘*6BB4837EB74329105EE4568DDA7DC67ED2CA2AD9‘

            GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `test`.* TO ‘test‘@‘localhost‘
            GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `demo`.* TO ‘test‘@‘localhost‘

     测试权限(可以): mysql -utest -p123456 -e ‘select * from demo.demo_1‘; 

 2.1 收回权限
        revoke all on test.* from test@‘localhost‘;
        revoke all on demo.* from test@‘localhost‘;
        flush privileges;

      测试权限:mysql -utest -p123456 -e ‘select * from demo.demo_1‘;
                ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 1: SELECT command denied to user ‘test‘@‘localhost‘ for table ‘demo_1‘
3. 授权指定库(1张或多张表)
      授权: grant all on test.test_2 to test@‘localhost‘;
      刷新权限: flush privileges;
      查看权限: show grants for test@‘localhost‘;
               GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO ‘test‘@‘localhost‘ IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD ‘*6BB4837EB74329105EE4568DDA7DC67ED2CA2AD9‘
               GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `test`.`test_2` TO ‘test‘@‘localhost‘
      测试权限: mysql -utest -p123456 -e ‘select * from test.test_1‘;
                   ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 1: SELECT command denied to user ‘test‘@‘localhost‘ for table ‘test_1‘
              mysql -utest -p123456 -e ‘select * from test.test_2‘; 查询有东西

 3.1 收回权限
         revoke all on test.test_2 from test@‘localhost‘;
         flush privileges;
4. 隐藏库不让授权
   information_schema  该库存储了mysql一些元数据,如数据库名或表名,列的数据类型,或访问权限等

5. 将ip整成域名访问数据库 www.db.com
   navcat中就可以直接填写域名,指定端口,需要注意host是控制访问的权限 %/192.168.11.%/等等

本文出自 “开发与运维” 博客,谢绝转载!


