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sql 语句之 case

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:26人阅读

CASE sex
WHEN ‘1‘ THEN ‘男‘
WHEN ‘2‘ THEN ‘女‘
--Case搜索函数 CASE WHEN sex = ‘1‘ THEN ‘男‘ WHEN sex = ‘2‘ THEN ‘女‘ ELSE ‘其他‘ END

首先创建一张users表,其中包含id,name,sex三个字段,表内容如下: 复制代码 SQL
> drop table users purge; drop table users purge ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在 SQL> create table users(id int,name varchar2(20),sex number); Table created SQL> insert into users(id,name) values(1,‘张一‘); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into users(id,name,sex) values(2,‘张二‘,1); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into users(id,name) values(3,‘张三‘); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into users(id,name) values(4,‘张四‘); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into users(id,name,sex) values(5,‘张五‘,2); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into users(id,name,sex) values(6,‘张六‘,1); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into users(id,name,sex) values(7,‘张七‘,2); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into users(id,name,sex) values(8,‘张八‘,1); 1 row inserted SQL> commit; Commit complete SQL> select * from users; ID NAME SEX --------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- 1 张一 2 张二 1 3 张三 4 张四 5 张五 2 6 张六 1 7 张七 2 8 张八 1 8 rows selected 复制代码 1、上表结果中的"sex"是用代码表示的,希望将代码用中文表示。可在语句中使用case语句: 复制代码 SQL> select u.id,u.name,u.sex, 2 (case u.sex 3 when 1 then ‘男‘ 4 when 2 then ‘女‘ 5 else ‘空的‘ 6 end 7 )性别 8 from users u; ID NAME SEX 性别 --------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ------ 1 张一 空的 2 张二 13 张三 空的 4 张四 空的 5 张五 26 张六 17 张七 28 张八 18 rows selected 复制代码 2、如果不希望列表中出现"sex"列,语句如下: 复制代码 SQL> select u.id,u.name, 2 (case u.sex 3 when 1 then ‘男‘ 4 when 2 then ‘女‘ 5 else ‘空的‘ 6 end 7 )性别 8 from users u; ID NAME 性别 --------------------------------------- -------------------- ------ 1 张一 空的 2 张二 男 3 张三 空的 4 张四 空的 5 张五 女 6 张六 男 7 张七 女 8 张八 男 8 rows selected 复制代码 3、将sum与case结合使用,可以实现分段统计。 如果现在希望将上表中各种性别的人数进行统计,sql语句如下: 复制代码 SQL> select 2 sum(case u.sex when 1 then 1 else 0 end)男性, 3 sum(case u.sex when 2 then 1 else 0 end)女性, 4 sum(case when u.sex <>1 and u.sex<>2 then 1 else 0 end)性别为空 5 from users u; 男性 女性 性别为空 ---------- ---------- ---------- 3 2 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL> select 2 count(case when u.sex=1 then 1 end)男性, 3 count(case when u.sex=2 then 1 end)女, 4 count(case when u.sex <>1 and u.sex<>2 then 1 end)性别为空 5 from users u; 男性 女 性别为空 ---------- ---------- ---------- 3 2 0



     * 方法名称: findAucAgencyDealCount<br>
     * 描述: List 中的每一个对象都是一条记录<br>
     *       Object[]中下标值依次是对应的字段列<br>
     *       执行原生的sql连接查询<br>
     * @param startDate
     * @param endDate
     * @return 数组集合 即 List<Object[]>
    @Query(value = "SELECT s.name as aucagencyName,sum(a.qty_auction) as aucLotCount,"
    +"sum(case when b.is_deal=1 and a.is_published=2 then b.qty_deal else 0 end) as aucLotDealCount,"
    +"sum(case when b.is_deal=1 and b.is_settled=1 and a.is_published=2 then b.qty_deal else 0 end) as factCount,"
    +"sum(case when b.is_deal=4 and a.is_published=2 then b.qty_deal else 0 end) as regretCount,"
    +"sum(case when a.is_published=2 and a.type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as shootnumber,"
    +"sum(case when a.is_published=2 and a.type=2 then 1 else 0 end) as sellnumber,"
    +"sum(case when a.is_published=2 and b.is_deal=1 and a.type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as aucLotDealnumber,"
    +"sum(case when a.is_published=2 and b.is_deal=1 and a.type=1 and b.is_priority=1 then 1 else 0 end) as firstnumber,"
    +"sum(case when a.is_published=2 and a.type=2 and b.is_deal=1 then 1 else 0 end) as sellDealnumber  "
    +"from auc_lot a left join auc_brand b on a.id=b.auc_id left join sys_agency s on a.agency_id=s.id "
    +"where (DATE_FORMAT(a.published_time,‘%Y-%m-%d‘) BETWEEN :startDate and :endDate) "
    + "and a.agency_id in (:agencyIds)"
    +"GROUP BY s.name",nativeQuery=true)
    List<Object> findAucAgencyDealCount(@Param("startDate") String startDate, @Param("endDate") String endDate,@Param("agencyIds") List<Long> agencyIds);


sql 语句之 case

标签:type   cas   mat   _id   date   中文   priority   created   insert   
