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sql 存储过程参数为空则不作为条件

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:7人阅读

***** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetCommonGroupByRegion] Script Date: 03/23/2017 17:31:18 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER proc [dbo].[GetCommonGroupByRegion] @CarCategory varchar(50)=null,---车型 @CreateTimeStart datetime=null, --入会开始时间 @CreateTimeEnd datetime=null, --入会结束时间 @AuthenticationTimeStart datetime=null, --认证开始时间 @AuthenticationTimeEnd datetime=null, --认证结束时间 @BuyTimeStart datetime=null, --购车开始时间 @BuyTimeEnd datetime=null --购车结束时间 as begin DECLARE @strPC VARCHAR(2000), @strAPP VARCHAR(2000), @strWX VARCHAR(2000), @strWAP VARCHAR(2000) ---------------------pc start SET @strPC = ( SELECT DISTINCT STUFF( ( SELECT ,‘‘‘+ qudao+‘‘‘‘ FROM CreatedType WITH ( NOLOCK ) WHERE qtype = pc ORDER BY qudao FOR XML PATH(‘‘)), 1,4, ‘‘) AS jzhw FROM CreatedType t) set @strPC= left(@strPC,len(@strPC)-1) -------------------------pc end*********** ------------------------app start SET @strAPP = ( SELECT DISTINCT STUFF( ( SELECT ,‘‘‘+ qudao+‘‘‘‘ FROM CreatedType WITH ( NOLOCK ) WHERE qtype = app ORDER BY qudao FOR XML PATH(‘‘)), 1,4, ‘‘) AS jzhw FROM CreatedType t) set @strAPP= left(@strAPP,len(@strAPP)-1) ------------------------- app end ******* ------------------------wx start SET @strWX = ( SELECT DISTINCT STUFF( ( SELECT ,‘‘‘+ qudao+‘‘‘‘ FROM CreatedType WITH ( NOLOCK ) WHERE qtype = wx ORDER BY qudao FOR XML PATH(‘‘)), 1,4, ‘‘) AS jzhw FROM CreatedType t) set @strWX= left(@strWX,len(@strWX)-1) ------------------------- wx end ******* ------------------------wap start SET @strWAP = ( SELECT DISTINCT STUFF( ( SELECT ,‘‘‘+ qudao+‘‘‘‘ FROM CreatedType WITH ( NOLOCK ) WHERE qtype = wap ORDER BY qudao FOR XML PATH(‘‘)), 1,4, ‘‘) AS jzhw FROM CreatedType t) set @strWAP= left(@strWAP,len(@strWAP)-1) ------------------------- wap end ******* select c.CarCategory as 车型, d.Region as 区域, COUNT(case when a.CreatedPerson like %D% and len(a.CreatedPerson)=5 then a.Id else null end ) as 经销商, COUNT(case when a.CreatedPerson in( @strPC) then a.Id else null end ) as 网站, COUNT(case when a.CreatedPerson in(@strAPP) then a.Id else null end ) as APP, COUNT(case when a.CreatedPerson in(@strWX) then a.Id else null end ) as 微信, COUNT(case when a.CreatedPerson in( @strWAP) then a.Id else null end ) as wap from Membership a left join IF_Customer b on a.IdentityNumber=b.IdentityNumber left join IF_Car c on b.CustId=c.CustId left join CS_CarDealerShip d on c.DealerId=d.DealerId where a.IsDel=0 --case when @CreateTimeStart is not null then and a.CreateTime>@CreateTimeStart else null end --and ( (@CreateTimeStart is not null and @CreateTimeStart!=‘‘) and (a.CreateTime>@CreateTimeStart) ) --and ( (@CreateTimeEnd is not null and @CreateTimeEnd!=‘‘) and (a.CreateTime<=@CreateTimeEnd) ) and (a.CreateTime>=@CreateTimeStart or @CreateTimeStart is null) and (a.CreateTime<=@CreateTimeEnd or @CreateTimeEnd is null) --and ( (@AuthenticationTimeStart is not null and @AuthenticationTimeStart!=‘‘) and (a.AuthenticationTime>@AuthenticationTimeStart) ) --and ( (@AuthenticationTimeEnd is not null and @AuthenticationTimeEnd!=‘‘) and (a.AuthenticationTime<=@AuthenticationTimeEnd) ) and (a.AuthenticationTime>=@AuthenticationTimeStart or @AuthenticationTimeStart is null) and (a.AuthenticationTime<=@AuthenticationTimeEnd or @AuthenticationTimeEnd is null) --and ( (@CarCategory is not null and @CarCategory!=‘‘) and (c.CarCategory=@CarCategory) ) and (c.CarCategory=@CarCategory or @CarCategory is null ) --and ( (@BuyTimeStart is not null and @BuyTimeStart!=‘‘) and ( c.BuyTime>@BuyTimeStart) ) --and ( (@BuyTimeEnd is not null and @BuyTimeEnd!=‘‘) and ( c.BuyTime<=@BuyTimeEnd) ) and (c.BuyTime>=@BuyTimeStart or @BuyTimeStart is null) and (c.BuyTime<=@BuyTimeEnd or @BuyTimeEnd is null) and d.Region<>‘‘ and d.Region<>- group by c.CarCategory, d.Region ; end


解析:   and (c.BuyTime<=@BuyTimeEnd or @BuyTimeEnd is null) 

首先 and 条件后面是括号,那就说明括号 是一个整体,  括号里面 用的 or 语法,也就说明只要任意一个条件满足就ok, 当参数为空的时候,假如作为条件的字段是时间格式的,如果做大小比较肯定会失败,这个时候后面的 or的条件满足了,就把前面的给忽略了,其实这个时候就相当于  and 1=1 了,


sql 存储过程参数为空则不作为条件

标签:tco   存储过程   arc   distinct   参数   roc   arch   har   比较   
