Oracle Database Sample Schemas
时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17
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最近在钻研Oracle 11gR2,写SQL缺乏Demo表,研究他家的官方资料时发现一块甲骨文已经给我们准备Sample Schemas。比如说SCOTT Schema下有两张最广为人知的Demo表(EMP and DEPT),其实除了SCOTT这个Sample Schema,Oracle还OEM了几个比较复杂的Sample Schema用于学习。 小伙伴们可以直接拿来学习写SQL练手。吼吼…..
- HR Schema:The Human Resources division tracks information about the employees and the facilities.
- OE Schema:The Order Entry division tracks product inventories and sales of company‘s products through various channels.
- PM Schema:The Product Media division maintains descriptions and detailed information about each product sold by the company.
- IX Schema:The Information Exchange division manages shipping through B2B applications.
- SH Schema:The Sales division tracks business statistics to facilitate business decisions
- OC Schema:The Online Catalog (OC) subschema is a collection of object-relational database objects built inside the OE schema.
更详细说明可以查阅官方在线文档:Oracle Database Sample Schemas 11gR2
Oracle Database Sample Schemas
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