时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17
* 计算某个经纬度的周围某段距离的正方形的四个点
* 地球半径,平均半径为6371km
* @param lng float 经度
* @param lat float 纬度
* @param distance float 该点所在圆的半径,该圆与此正方形内切,默认值为0.5千米
* @return array 正方形的四个点的经纬度坐标
function getAroundCoordinate($lng, $lat,$distance = 0.5){
$dlng = 2 * asin(sin($distance / (2 * 6371)) / cos(deg2rad($lat)));
$dlng = rad2deg($dlng);
$dlat = $distance/6371;
$dlat = rad2deg($dlat);
return array(
‘left-top‘=>array(‘lat‘=>$lat + $dlat,‘lng‘=>$lng-$dlng),
‘right-top‘=>array(‘lat‘=>$lat + $dlat, ‘lng‘=>$lng + $dlng),
‘left-bottom‘=>array(‘lat‘=>$lat - $dlat, ‘lng‘=>$lng - $dlng),
‘right-bottom‘=>array(‘lat‘=>$lat - $dlat, ‘lng‘=>$lng + $dlng)
public function actionGetNearShop(){
$scope = 5;//5000米
$lng = trim(I(‘lng/s‘)); //经度
$lat = trim(I(‘lat/s‘)); //纬度
$fourpoint= getAroundCoordinate($lng,$lat,$scope);
$where = "longitude>".$fourpoint[‘right-bottom‘][‘lat‘]." and longitude<".$fourpoint[‘left-top‘][‘lat‘]." and latitude<".$fourpoint[‘left-top‘][‘lng‘]." and latitude>".$fourpoint[‘right-bottom‘][‘lng‘];
$storeCoordinate = M(‘store‘)->where($where)->column(‘store_id,store_name,longitude,latitude‘,‘store_id‘);
foreach ($storeCoordinate as $k =>$v){
if(sqrt((pow((($lat - $v[‘latitude‘])* 111),2))+(pow((($lng - $v[‘longitude‘])* 111),2))) <= 5){
$storeCoordinate[$v[‘store_id‘]][‘distance‘] = sqrt((pow((($lat - $v[‘latitude‘])* 111000),2))+(pow((($lng - $v[‘longitude‘])* 111000),2)));
echo json_encode($storeCoordinate);
* 根据百度坐标,获取周边商家
* @param $lng 经度
* @param $$lat 纬度
* @param $scope 范围 千米
* @return array $fourpoint
* */
public function index(){
$lng =trim(I(‘lng/s‘,114.067345)); //经度
$lat =trim(I(‘lat/s‘,22.632611)); //纬度
$scope = trim(I(‘scope/d‘,5)); //5千米
$count= Db::query("SELECT COUNT(store_id) as num FROM tp_store WHERE SQRT((POW((($lng - longitude)* 111),2))+ (POW((($lat - latitude)* 111),2)))<=$scope");
$Page=new Page($count[0][‘num‘],10);
$store=Db::query("SELECT store_id,store_name,round(SQRT((POW((($lng - longitude)* 111),2))+(POW((($lat - latitude)* 111),2))),2) AS distance FROM `__PREFIX__store` WHERE SQRT((POW((($lng - longitude)* 111),2))+(POW((($lat - latitude)* 111),2))) <=$scope LIMIT {$Page->firstRow},{$Page->listRows}");
return $store;
标签:tsp otto vma lvm ddn ref dem aaaaa dvr