时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:18人阅读
JDBC(Java Database Connection)也是Java EE中的一个规范,所谓规范是一组接口。如JDBC接口包括在java.sql及javax.sql包中,当中java.sql属于JavaSE,javax.sql属于JavaEE,部分例如以下图:
DriverManager.setLogWriter(new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out));就可以在控制台中看到输出。
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
package com.mysql.jdbc; import java.sql.SQLException; public class Driver extends NonRegisteringDriver implements java.sql.Driver { // // Register ourselves with the DriverManager // static { try { java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver()); } catch (SQLException E) { throw new RuntimeException("Can‘t register driver!"); } } /** * Construct a new driver and register it with DriverManager * @throws SQLException * if a database error occurs. */ public Driver() throws SQLException { // Required for Class.forName().newInstance() } }核心代码就是那段静态代码块(static{}的意思是在类载入时运行一次,而且仅此一次),能够看到静态代码断的意思是将此Driver类实例化后注冊到JDBC的java.sql.DriverManager类中。所以再来看一下JDBC的DriverManager.registerDriver:
/** * Registers the given driver with the <code>DriverManager</code>. * A newly-loaded driver class should call * the method <code>registerDriver</code> to make itself * known to the <code>DriverManager</code>. * * @param driver the new JDBC Driver that is to be registered with the * <code>DriverManager</code> * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs */ public static synchronized void registerDriver(java.sql.Driver driver) throws SQLException { if (!initialized) { initialize(); } DriverInfo di = new DriverInfo(); di.driver = driver; di.driverClass = driver.getClass(); di.driverClassName = di.driverClass.getName(); // Not Required -- drivers.addElement(di); writeDrivers.addElement(di); println("registerDriver: " + di); /* update the read copy of drivers vector */ readDrivers = (java.util.Vector) writeDrivers.clone(); }就可以将com.mysql.jdbc.Driver加入到DriverManager的成员变量readDrivers中,以后获取数据库连接须要这个变量的帮助。
JdbcOdbcDriver class loaded registerDriver: driver[className=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver,sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver@134e4fb] DriverManager.initialize: jdbc.drivers = null JDBC DriverManager initialized registerDriver: driver[className=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver,com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@157c2bd]能够看到先载入JdbcOdbcDriver,再载入我们增加的MySQL的driver。
// Worker method called by the public getConnection() methods. private static Connection getConnection( String url, java.util.Properties info, ClassLoader callerCL) throws SQLException { java.util.Vector drivers = null; /* * When callerCl is null, we should check the application‘s * (which is invoking this class indirectly) * classloader, so that the JDBC driver class outside rt.jar * can be loaded from here. */ synchronized(DriverManager.class) { // synchronize loading of the correct classloader. if(callerCL == null) { callerCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } } if(url == null) { throw new SQLException("The url cannot be null", "08001"); } println("DriverManager.getConnection(\"" + url + "\")"); if (!initialized) { initialize(); } synchronized (DriverManager.class){ // use the readcopy of drivers drivers = readDrivers; } // Walk through the loaded drivers attempting to make a connection. // Remember the first exception that gets raised so we can reraise it. SQLException reason = null; for (int i = 0; i < drivers.size(); i++) { DriverInfo di = (DriverInfo)drivers.elementAt(i); // If the caller does not have permission to load the driver then // skip it. if ( getCallerClass(callerCL, di.driverClassName ) != di.driverClass ) { println(" skipping: " + di); continue; } try { println(" trying " + di); Connection result = di.driver.connect(url, info); if (result != null) { // Success! println("getConnection returning " + di); return (result); } } catch (SQLException ex) { if (reason == null) { reason = ex; } } } // if we got here nobody could connect. if (reason != null) { println("getConnection failed: " + reason); throw reason; } println("getConnection: no suitable driver found for "+ url); throw new SQLException("No suitable driver found for "+ url, "08001"); }这个函数代码比較多,可是我们关注的核心代码就一句:
Connection result = di.driver.connect(url, info);
package com.mysql.jdbc; /***省略引用和凝视***/ public class NonRegisteringDriver implements java.sql.Driver { /***省略其它函数和凝视***/ public java.sql.Connection connect(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException { Properties props = null; if ((props = parseURL(url, info)) == null) { return null; } try { Connection newConn = new com.mysql.jdbc.Connection(host(props), port(props), props, database(props), url, this); return newConn; } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // Don‘t wrap SQLExceptions, throw // them un-changed. throw sqlEx; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SQLException(Messages .getString("NonRegisteringDriver.17") //$NON-NLS-1$ + ex.toString() + Messages.getString("NonRegisteringDriver.18"), //$NON-NLS-1$ SQLError.SQL_STATE_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_DATASOURCE); } } }
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