时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:38人阅读
port default vlan 10
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/3]undo port default vlan
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/3]port link-type hybrid
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/1]dis th
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4094
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/1]clear conf inter eth0/0/1
Warning: All configurations of the interface will be cleared, and its state will
be shutdown. Continue? [Y/N] :y
Info: Total execute 2 command(s), 2 successful, 0 failed.
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/1]undo shutdown
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/1]port link-type hybrid
access改hybrid trunk改hybrid
标签:access trunk hybrid