时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:11人阅读
HAWQ Segment
HAWQ Standby Master、HAWQ Segment
HAWQ Primary Master、HAWQ Segment
HAWQ Segment、MySQL
-- 设置参数 hawq config -c max_connections -v 100 hawq config -c seg_max_connections -v 1000 hawq config -c max_prepared_transactions -v 200 -- 重启HAWQ hawq restart cluster -- 查看配置 hawq config -s max_connections hawq config -s seg_max_connections hawq config -s max_prepared_transactions查看参数值如图4所示。
-- 创建用户 create role dwtest with password ‘123456‘ login createdb; -- 查看用户 \dg查看用户如图5所示。
psql -U dwtest -d gpadmin -h hdp3 -- 查看数据库 \l连接成功后,查看数据库如图6所示。
alter resource queue pg_default with (memory_limit_cluster=20%,core_limit_cluster=20%,resource_overcommit_factor=5);
create resource queue dwtest_queue with (parent=‘pg_root‘, memory_limit_cluster=80%, core_limit_cluster=80%,resource_overcommit_factor=2);
select rsqname, parentoid, activestats, memorylimit, corelimit, resovercommit, allocpolicy, vsegresourcequota, nvsegupperlimit, nvseglowerlimit, nvsegupperlimitperseg, nvseglowerlimitperseg from pg_resqueue;
-- 修改用户资源队列 alter role dwtest resource queue dwtest_queue; -- 查看用户资源队列 select rolname, rsqname from pg_roles, pg_resqueue where pg_roles.rolresqueue=pg_resqueue.oid;
select * from gp_segment_configuration;
hawq config -s hawq_global_rm_type
hawq config -s hawq_rm_memory_limit_perseg hawq config -s hawq_rm_nvcore_limit_perseg
su - hdfs -c ‘hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /data/ext‘ su - hdfs -c ‘hdfs dfs -chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data/ext‘ su - hdfs -c ‘hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /data/ext‘ su - hdfs -c ‘hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /user‘ su - hdfs -c ‘hdfs dfs -ls /data‘
-- 建立源数据库 drop database if exists source; create database source; use source; -- 建立客户表 create table customer ( customer_number int not null auto_increment primary key comment ‘客户编号,主键‘, customer_name varchar(50) comment ‘客户名称‘, customer_street_address varchar(50) comment ‘客户住址‘, customer_zip_code int comment ‘邮编‘, customer_city varchar(30) comment ‘所在城市‘, customer_state varchar(2) comment ‘所在省份‘ ); -- 建立产品表 create table product ( product_code int not null auto_increment primary key comment ‘产品编码,主键‘, product_name varchar(30) comment ‘产品名称‘, product_category varchar(30) comment ‘产品类型‘ ); -- 建立销售订单表 create table sales_order ( order_number int not null auto_increment primary key comment ‘订单号,主键‘, customer_number int comment ‘客户编号‘, product_code int comment ‘产品编码‘, order_date datetime comment ‘订单日期‘, entry_date datetime comment ‘登记日期‘, order_amount decimal(10 , 2 ) comment ‘销售金额‘, foreign key (customer_number) references customer (customer_number) on delete cascade on update cascade, foreign key (product_code) references product (product_code) on delete cascade on update cascade );
use source; -- 生成客户表测试数据 insert into customer (customer_name,customer_street_address,customer_zip_code, customer_city,customer_state) values (‘really large customers‘, ‘7500 louise dr.‘,17050, ‘mechanicsburg‘,‘pa‘), (‘small stores‘, ‘2500 woodland st.‘,17055, ‘pittsburgh‘,‘pa‘), (‘medium retailers‘,‘1111 ritter rd.‘,17055,‘pittsburgh‘,‘pa‘), (‘good companies‘,‘9500 scott st.‘,17050,‘mechanicsburg‘,‘pa‘), (‘wonderful shops‘,‘3333 rossmoyne rd.‘,17050,‘mechanicsburg‘,‘pa‘), (‘loyal clients‘,‘7070 ritter rd.‘,17055,‘pittsburgh‘,‘pa‘), (‘distinguished partners‘,‘9999 scott st.‘,17050,‘mechanicsburg‘,‘pa‘); -- 生成产品表测试数据 insert into product (product_name,product_category) values (‘hard disk drive‘, ‘storage‘), (‘floppy drive‘, ‘storage‘), (‘lcd panel‘, ‘monitor‘); -- 生成100条销售订单表测试数据 drop procedure if exists generate_sales_order_data; delimiter // create procedure generate_sales_order_data() begin drop table if exists temp_sales_order_data; create table temp_sales_order_data as select * from sales_order where 1=0; set @start_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-03-01‘); set @end_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-07-01‘); set @i := 1; while @i<=100 do set @customer_number := floor(1 + rand() * 6); set @product_code := floor(1 + rand() * 2); set @order_date := from_unixtime(@start_date + rand() * (@end_date - @start_date)); set @amount := floor(1000 + rand() * 9000); insert into temp_sales_order_data values (@i,@customer_number,@product_code,@order_date,@order_date,@amount); set @i:=@i+1; end while; truncate table sales_order; insert into sales_order select null,customer_number,product_code,order_date,entry_date,order_amount from temp_sales_order_data order by order_date; commit; end // delimiter ; call generate_sales_order_data();说明:创建了一个MySQL存储过程生成100条销售订单测试数据。为了模拟实际订单的情况,订单表中的客户编号、产品编号、订单时间和订单金额都取一个范围内的随机值,订单时间与登记时间相同。因为订单表的主键是自增的,为了保持主键值和订单时间字段的值顺序保持一致,引入了一个名为temp_sales_order_data的表,存储中间临时数据。在后面章节中都是使用此方案生成订单测试数据。
create user ‘dwtest‘@‘%‘ identified by ‘123456‘; grant select on source.* to ‘dwtest‘@‘%‘;
psql -U dwtest -d gpadmin -h hdp3
create database dw;
-- 连接dw数据库 \c dw -- 创建ext模式 create schema ext; -- 创建rds模式 create schema rds; -- 创建tds模式 create schema tds; -- 查看模式 \dn
-- 修改数据库的模式查找路径 alter database dw set search_path to ext, rds, tds; -- 重新连接dw数据库 \c dw -- 显示模式查找路径 show search_path;
psql -d dw -h hdp3 -c "grant all on protocol pxf to dwtest"如果不授予相应权限,创建外部表时会报以下错误:
ERROR: permission denied for external protocol pxf
-- 设置模式查找路径 set search_path to ext; -- 建立客户外部表 create external table customer ( customer_number int, customer_name varchar(30), customer_street_address varchar(30), customer_zip_code int, customer_city varchar(30), customer_state varchar(2) ) location (‘pxf://mycluster/data/ext/customer?profile=hdfstextsimple‘) format ‘text‘ (delimiter=e‘,‘); comment on table customer is ‘客户外部表‘; comment on column customer.customer_number is ‘客户编号‘; comment on column customer.customer_name is ‘客户姓名‘; comment on column customer.customer_street_address is ‘客户地址‘; comment on column customer.customer_zip_code is ‘客户邮编‘; comment on column customer.customer_city is ‘客户所在城市‘; comment on column customer.customer_state is ‘客户所在省份‘; -- 建立产品外部表 create external table product ( product_code int, product_name varchar(30), product_category varchar(30) ) location (‘pxf://mycluster/data/ext/product?profile=hdfstextsimple‘) format ‘text‘ (delimiter=e‘,‘); comment on table product is ‘产品外部表‘; comment on column product.product_code is ‘产品编码‘; comment on column product.product_name is ‘产品名称‘; comment on column product.product_category is ‘产品类型‘; -- 建立销售订单外部表 create external table sales_order ( order_number int, customer_number int, product_code int, order_date timestamp, entry_date timestamp, order_amount decimal(10 , 2 ) ) location (‘pxf://mycluster/data/ext/sales_order?profile=hdfstextsimple‘) format ‘text‘ (delimiter=e‘,‘, null=‘null‘); comment on table sales_order is ‘销售订单外部表‘; comment on column sales_order.order_number is ‘订单号‘; comment on column sales_order.customer_number is ‘客户编号‘; comment on column sales_order.product_code is ‘产品编码‘; comment on column sales_order.order_date is ‘订单日期‘; comment on column sales_order.entry_date is ‘登记日期‘; comment on column sales_order.order_amount is ‘销售金额‘;说明:
-- 设置模式查找路径 set search_path to rds; -- 建立客户原始数据表 create table customer ( customer_number int, customer_name varchar(30), customer_street_address varchar(30), customer_zip_code int, customer_city varchar(30), customer_state varchar(2) ); comment on table customer is ‘客户原始数据表‘; comment on column customer.customer_number is ‘客户编号‘; comment on column customer.customer_name is ‘客户姓名‘; comment on column customer.customer_street_address is ‘客户地址‘; comment on column customer.customer_zip_code is ‘客户邮编‘; comment on column customer.customer_city is ‘客户所在城市‘; comment on column customer.customer_state is ‘客户所在省份‘; -- 建立产品原始数据表 create table product ( product_code int, product_name varchar(30), product_category varchar(30) ); comment on table product is ‘产品原始数据表‘; comment on column product.product_code is ‘产品编码‘; comment on column product.product_name is ‘产品名称‘; comment on column product.product_category is ‘产品类型‘; -- 建立销售订单原始数据表 create table sales_order ( order_number int, customer_number int, product_code int, order_date timestamp, entry_date timestamp, order_amount decimal(10 , 2 ) ) partition by range (entry_date) ( start (date ‘2016-01-01‘) inclusive end (date ‘2018-01-01‘) exclusive every (interval ‘1 month‘) ); ; comment on table sales_order is ‘销售订单原始数据表‘; comment on column sales_order.order_number is ‘订单号‘; comment on column sales_order.customer_number is ‘客户编号‘; comment on column sales_order.product_code is ‘产品编码‘; comment on column sales_order.order_date is ‘订单日期‘; comment on column sales_order.entry_date is ‘登记日期‘; comment on column sales_order.order_amount is ‘销售金额‘;说明:
-- 设置模式查找路径 set search_path to tds; -- 建立客户维度表 create table customer_dim ( customer_sk bigserial, customer_number int, customer_name varchar(50), customer_street_address varchar(50), customer_zip_code int, customer_city varchar(30), customer_state varchar(2), isdelete boolean default false, version int, effective_date date ); comment on table customer_dim is ‘客户维度表‘; comment on column customer_dim.customer_sk is ‘客户维度代理键‘; comment on column customer_dim.customer_number is ‘客户编号‘; comment on column customer_dim.customer_name is ‘客户姓名‘; comment on column customer_dim.customer_street_address is ‘客户地址‘; comment on column customer_dim.customer_zip_code is ‘客户邮编‘; comment on column customer_dim.customer_city is ‘客户所在城市‘; comment on column customer_dim.customer_state is ‘客户所在省份‘; comment on column customer_dim.isdelete is ‘是否删除‘; comment on column customer_dim.version is ‘版本‘; comment on column customer_dim.effective_date is ‘生效日期‘; -- 建立产品维度表 create table product_dim ( product_sk bigserial, product_code int, product_name varchar(30), product_category varchar(30), isdelete boolean default false, version int, effective_date date ); comment on table product_dim is ‘产品维度表‘; comment on column product_dim.product_sk is ‘产品维度代理键‘; comment on column product_dim.product_code is ‘产品编码‘; comment on column product_dim.product_name is ‘产品名称‘; comment on column product_dim.product_category is ‘产品类型‘; comment on column product_dim.isdelete is ‘是否删除‘; comment on column product_dim.version is ‘版本‘; comment on column product_dim.effective_date is ‘生效日期‘; -- 建立订单维度表 create table order_dim ( order_sk bigserial, order_number int, isdelete boolean default false, version int, effective_date date ); comment on table order_dim is ‘订单维度表‘; comment on column order_dim.order_sk is ‘订单维度代理键‘; comment on column order_dim.order_number is ‘订单号‘; comment on column order_dim.isdelete is ‘是否删除‘; comment on column order_dim.version is ‘版本‘; comment on column order_dim.effective_date is ‘生效日期‘; -- 建立日期维度表 create table date_dim ( date_sk bigserial, date date, month smallint, month_name varchar(9), quarter smallint, year smallint ); comment on table date_dim is ‘日期维度表‘; comment on column date_dim.date_sk is ‘日期维度代理键‘; comment on column date_dim.date is ‘日期‘; comment on column date_dim.month is ‘月份‘; comment on column date_dim.month_name is ‘月份名称‘; comment on column date_dim.quarter is ‘季度‘; comment on column date_dim.year is ‘年份‘; -- 建立销售订单事实表 create table sales_order_fact ( order_sk bigint, customer_sk bigint, product_sk bigint, order_date_sk bigint, year_month int, order_amount decimal(10 , 2 ) ) partition by range (year_month) ( partition p201601 start (201601) inclusive , partition p201602 start (201602) inclusive , partition p201603 start (201603) inclusive , partition p201604 start (201604) inclusive , partition p201605 start (201605) inclusive , partition p201606 start (201606) inclusive , partition p201607 start (201607) inclusive , partition p201608 start (201608) inclusive , partition p201609 start (201609) inclusive , partition p201610 start (201610) inclusive , partition p201611 start (201611) inclusive , partition p201612 start (201612) inclusive , partition p201701 start (201701) inclusive , partition p201702 start (201702) inclusive , partition p201703 start (201703) inclusive , partition p201704 start (201704) inclusive , partition p201705 start (201705) inclusive , partition p201706 start (201706) inclusive , partition p201707 start (201707) inclusive , partition p201708 start (201708) inclusive , partition p201709 start (201709) inclusive , partition p201710 start (201710) inclusive , partition p201711 start (201711) inclusive , partition p201712 start (201712) inclusive end (201801) exclusive ); comment on table sales_order_fact is ‘销售订单事实表‘; comment on column sales_order_fact.order_sk is ‘订单维度代理键‘; comment on column sales_order_fact.customer_sk is ‘客户维度代理键‘; comment on column sales_order_fact.product_sk is ‘产品维度代理键‘; comment on column sales_order_fact.order_date_sk is ‘日期维度代理键‘; comment on column sales_order_fact.year_month is ‘年月分区键‘; comment on column sales_order_fact.order_amount is ‘销售金额‘;说明:
-- 生成日期维度表数据的函数 create or replace function fn_populate_date (start_dt date, end_dt date) returns void as $$ declare v_date date:= start_dt; v_datediff int:= end_dt - start_dt; begin for i in 0 .. v_datediff loop insert into date_dim(date, month, month_name, quarter, year) values(v_date, extract(month from v_date), to_char(v_date,‘mon‘), extract(quarter from v_date), extract(year from v_date)); v_date := v_date + 1; end loop; analyze date_dim; end; $$ language plpgsql; -- 执行函数生成日期维度数据 select fn_populate_date(date ‘2000-01-01‘, date ‘2020-12-31‘); -- 查询生成的日期 select min(date_sk) min_sk, min(date) min_date, max(date_sk) max_sk, max(date) max_date, count(*) c from date_dim;结果如图15所示。
标签:sim 版本号 问题 div proc product memory select 支持