时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:8人阅读
if(OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb..#a‘) IS NOT NULL) drop table #a;
if(OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb..#b‘) IS NOT NULL) drop table #b;
SELECT name into #a from syscolumns a with(nolock) where id=OBJECT_ID(‘NewsLetterSystem_Subscriber‘);
SELECT name into #b from syscolumns b where id=OBJECT_ID(‘tmpContact_130828005535769_5243_f0b7‘);
select * from #a,#b
where #a.name=#b.name;
1.2) 实例2
if(OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb..#a‘) IS NOT NULL) drop table #a;
select * into #a from Categories;
select * from #a;
cr as
select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like ‘C%‘
select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from cr)
2.2) CTE后面必须直接跟使用CTE的SQL语句(如select、insert、update等),否则,CTE将失效。如下面的SQL语句将无法正常使用CTE:
cr as
select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like ‘C%‘
select * from person.CountryRegion -- 应将这条SQL语句去掉
-- 使用CTE的SQL语句应紧跟在相关的CTE后面 --
select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from cr)
cte1 as
select * from table1 where name like ‘abc%‘
cte2 as
select * from table2 where id > 20
cte3 as
select * from table3 where price < 100
select a.* from cte1 a, cte2 b, cte3 c where a.id = b.id and a.id = c.id
with ta as (
SELECT name from syscolumns a with(nolock) where id=OBJECT_ID(‘NewsLetterSystem_Subscriber‘)
tb as
SELECT name from syscolumns b where id=OBJECT_ID(‘tmpContact_130828005535769_5243_f0b7‘)
select * from ta,tb where ta.name=tb.name
MSSQL 临时表和公用表使用案例
标签:state where size into style reg object system date