当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > Mongodb的mapreduce


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:12人阅读

  • > db.person.find();
  • { "_id" : ObjectId("593011c8a92497992cdfac10"), "name" : "xhj", "age" : 30, "address" : DBRef("address", ObjectId("59314b07e693aae7a5eb72ab")) }
  • { "_id" : ObjectId("59301270a92497992cdfac11"), "name" : "zzj", "age" : 2 }
  • { "_id" : ObjectId("593015fda92497992cdfac12"), "name" : "my second child", "age" : "i do not know" }
  • { "_id" : ObjectId("592ffd872108e8e79ea902b0"), "name" : "zjf", "age" : 30, "address" : { "province" : "河南省", "city" : "南阳市", "building" : "桐柏县" } }
  • //使用聚合来做一个group by
  • > db.person.aggregate({$group : {_id: ‘$age‘, count : {$sum : 1}}})
  • { "_id" : "i do not know", "count" : 1 }
  • { "_id" : 2, "count" : 1 }
  • { "_id" : 30, "count" : 2 }
  • //下面尝试用map reduce来做同样的group by效果
  • //很简单的逻辑 定义map函数 和reduce函数
  • > var m = function(){ emit(this.age,1) };
  • > var r = function(key,values){
  • ... var sum = 0;
  • ... values.forEach(function(val){
  • ... sum += val;
  • ... });
  • ... return sum;
  • ... }
  • //然后在person上执行mapreduce 这样会报错 需要一个optionsOrOutString
  • > db.person.mapReduce( m, r ).find();
  • assert failed : need to supply an optionsOrOutString
  • Error: assert failed : need to supply an optionsOrOutString
  •     at Error (<anonymous>)
  •     at doassert (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:11:14)
  •     at assert (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:20:5)
  •     at DBCollection.mapReduce (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:1343:5)
  •     at (shell):1:11
  • 2017-06-03T12:42:06.704+0800 E QUERY Error: assert failed : need to supply an optionsOrOutString
  •     at Error (<anonymous>)
  •     at doassert (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:11:14)
  •     at assert (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:20:5)
  •     at DBCollection.mapReduce (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:1343:5)
  •     at (shell):1:11 at src/mongo/shell/assert.js:13
  • //加了一个而空的option 又说要有一个string或者object的out参数
  • > db.person.mapReduce( m, r,{} ).find();
  • 2017-06-03T12:42:24.726+0800 E QUERY Error: map reduce failed:{
  •    "errmsg" : "exception: ‘out‘ has to be a string or an object",
  •    "code" : 13606,
  •    "ok" : 0
  • }
  •     at Error (<anonymous>)
  •     at DBCollection.mapReduce (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:1353:15)
  •     at (shell):1:11 at src/mongo/shell/collection.js:1353
  • //我尝试定义一个变量 不行
  • > var outstr;
  • > db.person.mapReduce( m, r,{out:outstr} ).find();
  • 2017-06-03T12:42:45.502+0800 E QUERY Error: map reduce failed:{
  •    "errmsg" : "exception: ‘out‘ has to be a string or an object",
  •    "code" : 13606,
  •    "ok" : 0
  • }
  •     at Error (<anonymous>)
  •     at DBCollection.mapReduce (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:1353:15)
  •     at (shell):1:11 at src/mongo/shell/collection.js:1353
  • //后来我了解到out需要的一个collection 于是我加了一个字符串 ‘outt‘作为保存数据的集合名字
  • > db.person.mapReduce( m, r,{out:‘outt‘} ).find();
  • { "_id" : 2, "value" : 1 }
  • { "_id" : 30, "value" : 2 }
  • { "_id" : "i do not know", "value" : 1 }
  • //此时outt中也保存了数据 我不明白的是 不定义out参数 不是应该可以直接find就可以了吗 为什么要多此一举呢
  • > db.outt.find();
  • { "_id" : 2, "value" : 1 }
  • { "_id" : 30, "value" : 2 }
  • { "_id" : "i do not know", "value" : 1 }
  • 因为遇到了这么多问题,所以看了Mongodb的文档(https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.mapReduce/),梳理了一下,总结如下:


    1. db.runCommand(
    2.                {
    3.                  mapReduce: <collection>,
    4.                  map: <function>,
    5.                  reduce: <function>,
    6.                  finalize: <function>,
    7.                  out: <output>,
    8.                  query: <document>,
    9.                  sort: <document>,
    10.                  limit: <number>,
    11.                  scope: <document>,
    12.                  jsMode: <boolean>,
    13.                  verbose: <boolean>,
    14.                  bypassDocumentValidation: <boolean>,
    15.                  collation: <document>
    16.                }
    17.              )


    1. db.collection.mapReduce(map, reduce, {<out>, <query>, <sort>, <limit>, <finalize>, <scope>, <jsMode>, <verbose>})



    标签:检索   span   map   ...   option   fail   manual   err   定义   
